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Graham Awards


Opposition building to controversial rent control proposals

Scotland’s new Housing Bill - introducing a laborious eviction process and rent caps across the country - will ‘compound the mistakes’ already made.

That’s the warning from Scottish Land & Estates, which represents landowners north of the border.

The new Bill has been laid before the Scottish Parliament and includes provisions to introduce rent control areas, restrictions on rent increases, delays on evictions and new rules around the ending of joint tenancies.


Scottish Land & Estates says the significant recent decrease in homes available to rent in rural areas was likely to be worsened by the new legislation.

Policy advisor Anna Gardiner comments: “The Scottish Government had an opportunity to work with both landlords and tenants to attempt to return confidence to the private rented sector - and thereby improve how things work for both groups.

“Instead, the new legislation appears to compound the mistakes that have led to a crash in the number of properties available to rent in rural areas, and tenants being unable to find accommodation to suit their needs. The lack of available housing, particularly in the rented sector, is a key driver of rural depopulation.

“This Bill provided an opportunity to tackle this, but instead, the Scottish Government has chosen, once again, to force failed solutions to urban problems on rural communities, with no thought for the consequences. We are pleased, however, to see our ask for decisions to be evidence-driven and based on data appears to have been taken on board.

“The new Bill also appears to further complicate the eviction process. Good tenants are valued by landlords and tenants are seldom asked to leave a property without good reason. However, by the government skewing the balance of rights even further in favour of tenants, it will bring anxiety to landlords about their ability to regain vacant possession if required.

“Most importantly, the Bill does nothing to encourage the building of new homes at a time when the government’s own data underlines how few homes are being built.

“This is the first draft of the legislation and we hope that Ministers will work with us and others in the sector to address some of the potential negative outcomes. There is a real opportunity for government to ensure a well-functioning private residential tenancy for rural areas and we would be pleased to meet and enter into dialogue towards achieving this.

“At a time when there is a housing crisis, and a shortage of homes to rent, we need a Bill that will deliver substantial progress in alleviating the problems that exist and we hope government will work constructively towards that.”

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  • John  Adams

    Just curious as to how this impacts the Royal Estates such as Balmoral?


    They are probably agricultural tenancies so not affected.

  • icon

    It just goes to prove that the SNP have no idea what they are doing re this issue/ topic. And what are doing is making matters Much worse. But the Scot’s keep voting them in - so deserve the results- I suppose they like it.


    If you have more Pauls voting to rob fewer Peters you get the SNP - coming to a Labour controlled England near you soon!

    PS. Landlords are almost certainly all Peters!

    Richard LeFrak

    Feeling a little robbed too Robert.

  • icon

    A well argued article and good to know that there is an anti communism lobby calling the SNP out. Let’s hope others join the chorus.
    Scotland needs to stop these SNP commies, while they still can.

  • Nic Gone

    How can it be that policies are being made on rhetoric alone?
    The most basic mathematical modelling, crunching numbers against economic outcomes and the experience of other countries, would show definitive proof that rent control in the PRS will be a disaster for tenants in the long term….


    Tenants are too thick to understand this.

    Thinking long term is not one of their strong points, a feature shared by all politicians, especially left wing rabble rousers.

  • icon

    I am perplexed as to WHY there are ANY Scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Landlords still around 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ The writing is not only on the wall, it’s been sent via email and printed and distributed via PDF 😂😂 Get out whilst you still can !! Or accept what IS to come 🆘


    Renting only to 4 students who are now willing to pay £2800 per month with a further 10 to 12% rise due soon, up 75% from mid 2017, is a powerful incentive to stay in the rental business in Scotland.

    Last September over 900 groups of students were chasing the last available student flat in Glasgow.

    The most savvy groups are already thinking about the next academic year and factoring in 10 to 12% rent rises, all within the rules laid down recently by our Holyrood masters.

    Meantime these same masters pretend to be on the side of tenants, whereas they actually treat tenants as the willing accomplices of evil landlords!

    Landlords do not deserve the treatment meted out by the SNP and their little Green helpers but SNP-voting tenants certainly do!


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