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Renters Reform Bill back in the Commons next week

A government-supporting newspaper says the Renters Reform Bill will be back in the House of Commons next week.

Observers have been expecting the Bill to return to Parliament for some time; it was before Easter that the government wrote to Conservative MPs listing a series of amendments which met the objections of some who felt the original measure was biased in favour of tenants.

Now The Sun’s political correspondent Noa Hoffman has tweeted: “Exclusive: The Bill will be back in the Commons next Wednesday 24th. Should be announced in business statement [Thursday] all being well. Cabinet was informed yesterday.”


At the start of the Easter weekend the government told Conservative MPs that the amendments it would table to the Bill when it returns to the Commons would include:

- Accepting a proposal by the cross-party housing select committee that when fixed term tenancy agreements end, “tenants be unable to give two months’ notice to leave until they have been in a property for at least four months";

- Reviewing the operation of the courts before ending section 21 for existing tenancies to ensure the justice system can cope with the increased workload;

- Ensuring all types of student housing, including one and two bed properties, are covered by the planned ground for possession to protect the annual cycle of the student housing market. This will ensure landlords can guarantee to prospective students that properties will be available to rent from the start of each academic year;

- Reviewing the need for local authority licensing schemes in light of the proposed property portal, an idea contained in the original Renters Reform Bill.

When it returns to Parliament next week it will have its Third Reading; it will then go through a similar process in the House of Lords to that already undertaken in the Commons, involving multiple readings and the potential for further amendments.

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  • Richard LeFrak

    It will not see the light of day…. Complete nonsense and caused so much unrest in the PRS it is unbelievable!

    Gove needs to subjected a public inquiry and banned from ever holding office ever again.


    This is Ben Beadle's response to the return of the bill to Parliament next week:

    Ben Beadle, Chief Executive ofthe National Residential Landlords Association says: “Our focus has been on ensuring that when section 21 repossessions end, the replacement system works and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords.

    “Tenants should rightly be empowered to hold rogue and criminal landlords to account to root out the minority who bring the sector into disrepute.

    “However, it is vital thatthe majority of responsible landlords have confidence in the Bill to provide the homes for rent the country needs. The amendments proposed by the Government strike that balance.

    “It is now important to provide certainty to the market, so it can transition smoothly to the new system. We therefore call on MPs to ensure swift passage of the Bill through Parliament with the Government’s planned changes. This should be underpinned by action to improve the justice system for renters and landlords alike.”


    Then Bungling Boy Beadle will be wondering why the NRLA membership is falling.


    Exactly AL!

  • icon

    How much more damage are they gonna do?


    Sadly, as much as they can as they scrabble to get votes back from Labour and Reform.


    Labour will be worse... Unless we landlords start speaking up.. The consequences of ending fixed term need to be pointed out and every Labour MP written to.. We should point out that even "socialist" France has fixed term albeit for three years and that most abuse (by a minority of slum landlords) of fixed term tenancies could be fixed by making all expired tenancies a minimum of one year periodic tenancies... Please, fellow landlords get writing now to your MP, the newspapers, local councillors. Contact radio talk shows. Speak with work colleagues, neighbours and associates..

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    I have often stated the French three year tenancies a better alternative than just abolishing Section 21.

  • icon

    Just spent £6.5k renewing some licences, so will there be a rebate? Currently re furbing one of mine, in two minds but it looks like another one that won’t be re let and i’ll sell it.

  • icon

    Just looking at another Block of 279
    Flats adjacent to Tesco’s well on the way while the wife does her Shopping .
    The Development is financed by a Pension Fund and all are for letting, do you still not think that we are not being driven out to make way for the big boys.

    Alan Bonde

    Agreed, we are definitely being driven out to allow corporate landlords to take over. This government is so corrupt, its all about seats on the Board or well paid “advisor” jobs for ex Ministers.


    Can't see the corporates taking over an ex council house in a little village though. They will pick and choose the more lucrative areas and leave the dregs to the PRS.

  • icon

    Peter. I have done all that not just now but over the years.
    Several posts read out on LBC Radio.
    About 30 responses from House of Commons from MP’s & Ministers I have the cream envelopes.
    I gave 10 years fighting for Section 21 to be introduced from 1978 to 1988 before which there was no private lettings, now we have people still wet behind the ears braying like donkeys to get rid of it.

    David Saunders

    Spot on Michael, those of us that were around in the 1970/80s will recall properties to let back then especially in London being virtually non existent for property owners fears of being straddled with a lifetime sitting tenant on controlled rent with zero chance of ever regaining vacant possession .

  • icon

    Labour will introduce something more radical as soon as they are in power!

  • icon

    Instructed an agent to serve notice on a tenant today, she has been in for 9 years, most of that time at below market rent. it's a shame and I hate to do it, never kicked a tenant out before.


    You were right to serve notice Christopher as Labour almost definitely will give tenants who have lived in a property more than ten years Right to Buy with a large discount.

  • icon

    Seen another New Development today lots of flats Shared Ownership scam.
    A friend brought a flat on shared ownership paid the loan & the Rent for 15 years then struggled to get out had to pay all the costs and get less than £100k other similar Flats were being sold, were selling that privately owned were selling for £300k +.
    The other thing as I continued to read,’the Majority of the rest of the Flats are for Private letting, there you go another big Developer muscling in, in guise of lame duck Shares Owner. I doubt anyone else wouldn’t have got Planning Permission there

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    There are a number of office blocks turned into student let's at hefty rents by corporates and developers, inclusive of all bills with concierge. Less PRS properties and rooms available, as LLs selling them. This is in West London, Kingston upon Thames. Rents have gone, pretty dramatically in PRS due to these large towers, student let rents. They do not want working people for a reason.


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