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Scoop for NRLA - Housing Minister to give members Reform Bill update

Housing Minister Jacob Young will address members of the National Residential Landlords Association in an exclusive webinar on Thursday.

This is the day after the controversial Renters Reform Bill returns to the House of Commons, with a series of government-sponsored amendments to address accusations of it being biased in favour of tenants.

In a statement on the NRLA website, chief executive Ben Beadle says: “This is a real coup for us as an association and proof the Housing Minister is taking landlords’ needs seriously, while meeting the Government’s commitment to renters. 


"I am sure members will welcome the opportunity to quiz Jacob Young on the new amendments, as well as how and when they are likely to be implemented. Attendance is on a first come first served basis and is limited to 1,000, so book your place today.”  

Responding to the publication of the amendments, Beadle adds: “Our focus has been on ensuring that when section 21 repossessions end, the replacement system works and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords.   Tenants should rightly be empowered to hold rogue and criminal landlords to account to root out the minority who bring the sector into disrepute.    

“However, it is vital that the majority of responsible landlords have confidence in the Bill to provide the homes for rent the country needs.    The amendments proposed by the Government strike that balance.   It is now important to provide certainty to the market, so it can transition smoothly to the new system.   

“We therefore call on MPs to ensure swift passage of the Bill through Parliament with the Government’s planned changes. This should be underpinned by action to improve the justice system for renters and landlords alike.”    

Association members can register to attend the webinar here. Questions can be submitted to the minister during the event via the live chat or submitted in advance by emailing: campaigns@nrla.org.uk.

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  • icon

    Bungling Boy Beadle trying to salvage his reputation among landlords. Sorry, Ben, but you sold us down the river when you waved the white flag over Section 21. 😠

    These are amendments and have yet to get through Parliament. Shelter, Generation Rant etc will already be marshalling their troops against anything in the “responsible” landlords favour. Notice how Beadle uses that phrase often to imply that if you dare to disagree with him, you are not a “responsible” landlord.😡


    He wouldn't know the meaning of the word "responsible". How did such a low calibre person make it to his position?

  • icon

    It is more important to talk to Matthew Pennycook than it is to Jacob Young. The Conservatives will be out of power in a very short time now.

  • John  Adams

    What ever they pass is going to be totally irrelevant in just a few months. Labour are a certainty and looking at the lunacy in Wales and their blood brothers in the SNP have passed chaos is the best we can expect.

  • icon

    A pointless waste of time, he will be out of power soon, it’s akin to talking to Captain 👨🏻‍✈️ Smith 🚢 about passenger safety on the high seas 🌊😂

  • icon

    All landlords need to cancel their membership as NRLA are a waste of time.

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    I did just that a while ago; also because l know way more about the Law than their "legal/advisor team", who often gave outdated or plain incorrect advice.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Have you noticed that our Pal Mr Beadle always gives an adjective to Landlords "Responsible" "Rogue" or "Criminal", but never, not ONCE, refers to Tenants with a descriptive? I think it is abundantly obvious whose team he bats for.


    I've noticed. He's so PC. He will never suggest tenants can be bad in anyway. He's a tenants' and tenants' advocates dream.

  • icon

    Now wants to convince us, damage is good for us. Some scoop pull the other one its got bells on, aren’t we privileged does he really think that we are going to listen and join Housing Minister on Thursday, after what he done to us.

  • jeremy clarke

    On the webinar, should be easy to spot Beadle, he's the one with the very brown nose!


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