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Landlord Tax Alert - new guidance from HMRC

HMRC is appealing to landlords to file Self Assessment tax returns early - and claims there are benefits to doing so.

In a statement sent to Landlord Today by HMRC, these guidelines and encouragement are put forward as reasons to get returns in as soon as possible.



The trend of sending Self Assessment tax returns at the last minute every January is gradually changing in the UK with thousands more people choosing to file early.  

HMRC is reporting a new trend with figures from the last tax year showing 194,000 people decided to send their returns between April and September 2023. 

This is a seven per cent increase in tax returns submitted compared to the same period in 2022.  

Taxpayers could submit Self Assessment tax return forms for the 2023/24 tax year from as early as 6 April 2024, the first day of the new tax year.   

HMRC has revealed that the number of customers who choose to file their tax return on the first day of the tax year alone has more than doubled since 2018. 

Last year more than 77,500 people submitted their tax returns on 6 April 2023, and that number is expected to have been even higher this year. 

Thousands of people have been taking advantage of the financial benefits of submitting their returns at the first opportunity. 

Here are the benefits to filing tax returns early: 

Peace of mind 

Some people file early for their peace of mind and to avoid the stress of last-minute filing. 

Know what you owe 

Filing early means you will know what you owe. This means you can plan your budgeting for the year and pay your tax bill in instalments if you need to – you can also get help if you find you can’t pay.  

Get refunded quicker 

You can find out sooner if you’ve paid too much tax during 2023-2024 and are owed a refund. HMRC will let you know as soon as your tax return has been processed and arrange for any overpayment to be refunded sooner too.  

Receive the support you need 

You can use our digital services to do what you need to do quickly and easily online, a service rated highly for customer satisfaction. Our helpline and webchat advisers provide support for customers who need specific extra help.  

Proof of income 

Filing early provides proof of income which you’ll need for a mortgage, loan or to claim benefits.  

Plan ahead 

Choosing to file your tax return early does not mean you have to pay HMRC any money early. The 31 January deadline for payment remains unchanged. If you choose to pay your tax bill earlier for your own convenience, that’s fine, but it’s entirely up to you. When you file early, you get to know what your tax bill is going to be, which can help you plan.    

Budget plan   

HMRC offers a Budget Payment Plan facility. Customers can choose how much and how often they want to pay by Direct Debit – putting you in full control of managing your bill.  

Your payment options 

Filing early will mean you have more time to investigate your payment options if you’re unable to pay in full by the deadline. HMRC is keen to help customers explore these options, which may include paying your tax bill in instalments through a Time to Pay arrangement, many customers can set this up online. Find out more: If you cannot pay your tax bill on time: Pay what you owe in instalments (Time to Pay) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).  

Pay via your tax code 

The deadline to file your completed 2023 to 2024 tax return online and pay any tax you owe is 31 January 2025. Filing before the end of December means you may have the option, if eligible, of paying anything owed through your PAYE tax code. 


The easiest way to complete your tax return is online, via HMRC online services. More than 97 per cent of people do this. Doing it online is quick and secure: File your Self Assessment tax return online 

Find out more about setting up your HMRC online services. Do not share your HMRC online username and password with anyone else.   

You can manage your tax affairs easily using HMRC online services. Here are activities you can complete online: 

1. Submit or amend your tax return 

2. Pay your tax bill 

3. See your account balance, upcoming balance, payments, credits and print your tax calculation 

4. Claim a tax refund 

5. Check your details – including your Unique Taxpayer Reference, employment and income history 

6. Report a change of address or name 

7. Set up a time to pay arrangement  

8. Set up Budget Payment plan 

9. View previous tax returns 

10. Appeal a Self-Assessment penalty 

11. Tell us why you think you no longer need to complete a tax return 

You can appoint a relative, friend or an accredited accountant to complete and send your tax return to HMRC on your behalf.  If you decide this is the best option for you, you will need to notify HMRC. Find out:  how to get help with Self Assessment tax returns 

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  • George Dawes

    So they can waste it on yet another pointless vanity project

    Taxes are there to keep you in your place, nothing more

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    I would love it if my accountant would pull his finger out and submit my tax return at the earliest opportunity so I have as long as possible to budget for the horrific amount of money they expect me to pay.
    However, he can only do so if he has all the necessary information. Mortgage lenders tend to send mortgage statements randomly through the year instead of in conjunction with the end of the tax year. Banks and pension companies take their own sweet time with annual statements (yesterday for the bank I get most interest from and last week for a SIPP). The workplace pension scheme may or may not get round to issuing a statement at all.
    So while the accounts for the houses income and expenses were with the accountant early April he can't finalise anything until all the other stuff has been provided.


    Banks are no longer issuing Certificates of Interest, unless requested, in view of the Personal Savings Allowance and that no tax deductions are made. In any event, interest information is available on statements which can be downloaded.

    Pension providers are required to send P60s no later than 31 May: it is a legal requirement.

    Mortgage providers are a different kettle of fish since year ends vary. However, it is not impossible to estimate the likely interest and any decent accountant, such as myself (sound of drum banging), can provide a rough idea of any potential tax liability. Once the exact figures are known, the estimate can be updated and the tax return filed. Simples!

    Respectfully, you started off by saying your accountant was not working hard enough & needed "to pull his finger out" and then saying that you have not provided him with all the information he needs to do the job. Jo, I think you owe him a big apology.


    Simon - it's usually November or December before he gets round to doing it. As you rightly say he should be able to work out the mortgage interest especially as I use landlord specific software. Except on the one repayment mortgage.
    Interest statements on savings are necessary now the tax free allowance is only £500. Even adding up the amounts on monthly statements didn't quite agree with the annual statement I received yesterday.
    Why does it take until the end of May for P60s? My payroll software can produce them immediately the final wage run of the year is processed in March.

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    Another benefit of filing early might be that if you have any queries it should be possible to speak to someone at HMRC more quickly (optimistic maybe), rather than trying to speak to them when everyone else is doing the same in the mayhem of January. Last time I tried to speak to HMRC, towards the end of last year, I was in a queue for nearly 50 minutes.
    I like to file as early as possible to get it out of the way. Perhaps people think if they file early they will have to pay what they owe at the same time - not the case.

  • icon

    Why would you do anything to help HMRC, they part of the system that persecutes Landlords. Even if I know my Tax liability, I won’t pay it until the last minute,

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    It’s the accountants or folk like that that delay tax returns going in- ( for me). They have all the info but shuffle it around first- charge for storage too I reckon then send you a fat bill.

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    My tax return is done and will be submitted soon, it's one less thing on the to do list, however I won't be paying anything until the end of Jan next year, maybe if HMRC were to give us an early settlement discount I might be tempted to pay early

  • icon

    The only reason is to help HMRC so that they can spread their workload around the year, no added value for landlords whatsoever.
    Unless they will provide me with a reasonable discount for paying early, I am not doing them any favour!

  • John  Adams

    They'll get it when I have done it. I'm not doing anything to make their life easier, they don't make mine easier and good luck ringing them. I certainly won't be paying before the day it's due, no how much they claim it's helping me. - I take what ever I ever interest I can get, not giving to waste on pc nonsense

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    Jo Westlake, not sure why your accountant is so dependent on receiving mortgage statements before completing the tax returns. All my mortgage lenders, previous and current have always sent me annual statements without fail and it does not coincide with HMRC tax year. All my mortgages are interest only. My bank statements clearly shows bank interest paid, all monthly rental incomes, all expenses paid for getting work done. Only materials, insurance some other items are paid by credit cards, which is easy to prove from receipts and credit card statements. My accountant gets the bank statements and spreadsheet with explanation of all transactions in the bank statements. It does not take him long to complete the company accounts and submit them to the HMRC and the companies house. I only have 2 properties left in our personal names, now, as we have sold them within the last 5 years. It is winding down of properties time for us. So hoping to sell 4 or 5 properties within the next 2 to 3 years, as we trim down out portfolio. The rest will be all sold between 5 to 10 years time. However, paying taxes too early is just not right for us. It may suit the HMRC, but not us. Personal taxes and corporate tax is paid just on time. Returns are submitted on time as well. I do our personal taxes by end of July, but submit it in January. they are planning from 2026 onwards for landlords to complete their taxes on a payable software on a quarterly basis. We will not have a choice but to do our tax returns every quarter. We are working on earning a lot less than £30k by 2027.


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