The National Residential Landlords Association has voiced its anger at a proposal to pay compensation to some tenants who are evicted.
The Welsh Government has backed a number of recommendations made a Welsh Parliament committee, including one considering compensation to tenants who have been served with an eviction notice in certain circumstances – for instance where a landlord needs to sell or move back into their property.
Ben Beadle, chief executive of the NRLA, says: “It is absurd that a landlord should have to pay compensation to get their property back, and the recommendation demonstrates a lack of understanding as to the reasons why landlords may need to do so.
“If the Welsh Government is so concerned about losing private rented housing stock and the impact this has on renters, they must ensure housing providers have confidence to remain and invest in the supply of high-quality rental property.
“Ideas such as these serve only to undermine the little confidence that remains in the Welsh PRS.”
By contrast the NRLA welcomes some other recommendations backed by the Welsh Government, including measures to improve property standards and the development of a strategy for the private rental sector.