Private landlords and tenants are being asked to share their experiences for research into how housing hits health and wellbeing.
Suffolk’s various councils have partnered with the University of Suffolk for the Health and Housing Research Project.
The team wants to hear from landlords about the measures they have put in place to support the health and wellbeing of their tenants plus the impact on their own health and wellbeing.
The findings will be anonymised and put into a report for the councils.
A spokesperson for the University of Suffolk says: “The private rented sector increasingly provides housing to people of all ages and from all backgrounds and our research so far has revealed a wide range of experiences.
“We are keen to hear from tenants and landlords across all parts of Suffolk so that we can build a comprehensive picture of private renting in the county.
“Whatever your own experience has been, your input into the research would be extremely valuable and we would love to hear from you.”
The research is being conducted through interviews and anyone who is a private tenant or a landlord in Suffolk can take part by emailing [email protected]