A landlord was found guilty in his absence by a court after council concerns about the condition and safety of a block of six flats in in March last year.
Following an initial investigation, which found areas of disrepair, the Council asked landlord Gunes Ata to provide safety information.
This included a copy of a recent electrical installation condition report (EICR), a fire risk assessment, asbestos surveys and leaseholder and block management agreements.
After ignoring this request, the council served Ata with a s16 Requisition for Information Notice and a s235 Housing Act 2004 notice.
After failing to respond to either notice, a case against Ata was brought to court.
The judge issued a fine of £2,000 for each offence (failing to respond to each notice), victim surcharge of £1,600 and awarded all prosecution costs totalling £1,697.10.
A Telford & Wrekin council spokesperson says: “Private landlords have a responsibility to maintain their rental homes to certain legal standards and we have the power to investigate and take action when we believe a landlord could be putting the health and safety of tenants at risk.
“In this case, we had concerns which we raised with the landlord, but they chose to ignore us on numerous
occasions. It left us no choice but to go down the court route, which has ultimately proved costly for the landlord.
“This case demonstrates that we are here to support our residents. We will not hesitate to pursue concerns raised about the condition of private rented homes and will not tolerate landlord negligence.”