A lettings industry supplier’s survey of tenants suggests most renters intend to move home this year.
Tlyfe surveyed UK renters and found 57% plan to move home in 2025.
Some 59% of tenants who plan to move this year intend to do so within the next six months. And 13% of those have plans to move immediately.
The most common motivation for this move is that there are too many problems with their existing property (21%), while other common motivators include the desire to live in a larger home (16%), an inability to afford their current rent (14%), relocation for personal reasons (14%), and the end of their tenancy spurring a fresh start (7%).
However, 51% have not yet managed to save enough money for a rental deposit, and 30% do do not yet have the required paperwork and documentation in place, such as Right to Rent, ID, and references.
Just 45% have identified the area in which they would like to live; 21% have registered with mailing lists to alert them of when appropriate properties land on the market; and 17% have been proactive in contacting letting agents to let them know about their interest in the local market.
A Tylfe spokesperson says: “Competition for rental properties is fierce and this demand is only set to grow further as we see the usual surge in market activity from tenants looking to make their move for the year ahead.
“Such is their desire to move, that the majority will be doing so before the Renters’ Rights Bill comes into play and, given the lack of stock to meet rental demand, this is probably a smart move if they hope to find a suitable rental property without little complication.
“However, it’s clear that many tenants simply aren’t ‘rent ready’ and this could put them at a severe disadvantage against the competition. At the absolute least, you need to have your documentation in order, be proactive in contacting agents in your desired area and have a deposit accumulated to ensure you can act immediately.”