A petition on the House of Commons website wants the private rental sector to be treated the same as other tenures when it comes to energy efficiency measures.
Mark Thompson, a private landlord, has created the petition under the title: “Apply the same energy efficiency legislation to all property – not just rentals.”
This follows news that Energy Secretary Ed Miliband is introducing legislation which will mean private landlords will have to ensure the EPCs for their properties reach a C rating or better, by 2030.
The petition wants the new EPC target to be applied to owner occupiers as well as landlords – and if that’s not possible, the legislation should be scrapped.
The petition reads:
“The UK government has announced plans to significantly increase energy efficiency standards for privately rented properties.
“Owner-occupied properties are however exempt from the same requirements creating an unfair and illogical situation from an environmental standpoint.
“We, the undersigned, urge the UK government to introduce a level playing field by applying the same energy efficiency standards to both privately rented and owner-occupied properties.
“We believe that a fair and equitable approach to improving energy efficiency with the same standards is applied across the board. It is illogical from an environmental point of view to only apply the rules to the private rental sector. Either scrap the legislation or apply it equally across the board.”
If you want to support the petition, you can Sign the petition.