A company that calls itself “a landlord help provider” has launched a so-called triage service and the expansion of its legal partnerships.
AST Assistance says the triage service analyses every case before issuing eviction notices, ensuring that landlords are fully informed of potential issues.
The business – previously operating only in England and Northern Ireland – has also partnered with conveyancing solicitors in Wales and Scotland. AST says the expanded panel of solicitors allows it to manage more complex cases while maintaining a single point of contact for clients.
Managing director Mark Dawson comments: “Our new triage service is a game-changer for landlords facing tenancy challenges. By thoroughly assessing each case from the outset, we not only identify potential hurdles early but also provide tailored solutions that prevent issues from escalating.
“This approach is indispensable in today’s dynamic rental market, where landlords need reliable support to approach uncertainties.
“Expanding our legal network to include Welsh and Scottish solicitors allows us to offer a far-reaching service, meeting the needs of our clients across the UK. The property landscape varies significantly between regions, and our ability to provide localised legal expertise results in landlords receiving the most effective and relevant assistance possible.”