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Rehashed research again slams MPs who are landlords

A new version of research first released in May 2023 once again lashes some MPs for being landlords.

38 Degrees - an online which hosts petitions - claims that 72 Conservative MPs – 20% of the party – declared rental income over £10,000 from English residential properties in the 12 months to April 15.

Landlords in the cabinet include Chancellor Jeremy Hunt – who owns seven rented apartments in Southampton – as well as Education Secretary Gillian Keegan and Justice Secretary Alex Chalk.


The Labour Party had 18 English landlord MPs and the Liberal Democrats two. In Labour’s shadow cabinet high profile members Emily Thornberry, David Lammy and Lucy Powell have declared English rental income.

In total, 173 MPs had declared a property portfolio worth £100,000 or more in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests as at April 15, 2024. This total includes commercial properties, as well as properties outside England which, if rented, would not fall under the Renters Reform Bill. 

MPs do not have to declare properties used wholly for their own residential use.

38 Degrees claims that the true figure of MPs who are also landlords may be higher, as MPs only have to declare rental income of more than £10,000 per year. A further 30 MPs owned declarable residential property worth more than £100,000 in England but with no declarable rental income – it is possible that some of these properties may bring in rent of less than £10,000 per year. 

A spokesperson for the platform says: “Our rental system is broken and – having come into this parliament with a manifesto promise to fix it – the Government is increasingly running out of time. With an election coming up, England’s millions of tenants will be watching, and they’ll see any watering down of the Renters Reform Bill as the betrayal, and broken promise, that it is.

“Whilst there’s nothing inherently wrong with MPs making money through the rental system, those who do must show they’re putting the interests of millions of vulnerable tenants over financial gain for landlords.

“All MPs – but especially those whose tenants, as well as constituents, are counting on them to reform our broken system – need to make sure this overdue bill finally fulfils the promises made to millions of renters.”

The research was conducted using the Register of Members Interests for all MPs who listed an interest in “land and property portfolio” – category 6 of the House of Commons registration requirements. Entries were analysed based on location, type and number of properties declared. 

Where property was explicitly listed as farming or business premises (including shops, dental practices, etc.) it was excluded from calculations of the number of residential rental properties. Properties explicitly described as solely holiday rentals were also excluded. 

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  • icon

    Someone explain to 38 Degrees that the rental system is now broken and they helped to break it.

  • George Dawes

    Just concentrate on slamming mp’s , they deserve it !

    They’re self serving scum mostly , look at the turnout for the jab enquiry recently … if that doesn’t show them for what they really are nothing will

  • icon

    Weather it’s over 10k or less they Should declare both. Be transparent/ open and honest for ONCE.

  • icon

    Why is an MP being a LL seen as negative, suggesting they only protect themselves, rather than positive because they have some knowledge of the sector? When people with no experience make up the rules they can miss the blindingly obvious! Experience is a GOOD thing.


    Message to Peter Why Do I Bother:-
    Become a Corporate!
    In Elizabeth Moyne Ramsay v HMRC [2013] UKUT 0226 (TCC) the Upper Tax Tribunal (UTT) allowed a taxpayer Capital Gains Tax s162 incorporation relief (roll over) on the transfer of her ordinary property letting business (a small appartment block) to a company. It decided that letting was "a business" for s162 relief.

  • icon

    LBC Presenter again last night full scale unjustified attack on Private Landlord he is apparently a Renter himself.
    What he actually said is unbelievable and so naive not fit to be a Radio Presenter with this level of bias.
    He said just because they bought a Property and Rented it out they think that they are geniuses.
    Hello if it’s that simple why don’t he and everyone else do it so ?.
    Reality is very different try dealing with £500k debt wrapped around your neck for a House or more likely a Flat in London, (and now to house a sitting tenant).
    Anyway I was a Renter for 9 years and Built my first house while living in a Rented room because l couldn’t get a loan and no family support possible, so there you go I must be a genius try it sometime see how you get on


    I was also a renter for many years - as a military family we lived in subsidised accommodation. We squirrelled away that saving until we could buy our first rental so we would have a foot in the market for when we left. We built up a portfolio while those around us had new cars & expensive holidays. LLs don't just 'get' houses from nowhere - they work bloody hard to get them!

    Richard LeFrak

    Very True Tricia,

    I think back now at working over 70 hours a week to get where I am, I look back and think was it worth it to have tenants being abusive, councils that work behind you and for very little return?


    I too switched on to that programme on LBC last night. The presenter spewed forth a diatribe about wealthy landlords. I switched off and tuned in to Talk Radio which isn’t full of leftie presenters. They are also very polite to people with differing views unlike LBC.


    Which presenter was it Iain Dale Ben Kentish?

  • George Dawes

    LBC employ that race baiting cretin Lammy

    Radio ga ga indeed

  • icon

    Hi Jahan - It was Ben Kentish. IanDale usually more balanced.


    Apparently he is American. Tenants in arrears in the US are soon dealt with. No wonder he lives here.


    Thank you Margaret. I listened to 10 mins of it. Quite annoying. He is just completely ignorant of how business works. The NRLA guy attempted to speak up for us for a change


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