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KEYWORD "housing bill" - 22 RESULTS
Caps on Holiday Lets and Rent Controls in latest manifesto

Plaid Cymru, the party of Wales, has issued a manifesto with a clampdown on the private rental sector as one of...

17 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Political change may boost landlord investment, survey shows

More landlords predict Scotland will attract the most residential property investment outside of London and the South East in the next...

03 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Opposition building to controversial rent control proposals

Scotland’s new Housing Bill - introducing a laborious eviction process and rent caps across the country - will ‘compound the mistakes’...

02 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent claims rent control proposal still not tough enough

The controversial proposal for permanent rent controls in Scotland, published just ahead of the Easter holiday, doesn’t go far enough for...

02 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Politicians propose State Control of private rents in Scotland

The Scottish Government’s Housing Bill allows SNP and Green politicians to create rent control areas, triggered by local authorities, and this...

28 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls Here To Stay says Scottish Government

The Scottish Government says rent controls - already existing as a so-called emergency measure - will become permanent. Scottish First Minister Humza...

07 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls legislation to be unveiled next autumn

The Scottish Government, despite being in the middle of electing a new First Minister, is pressing ahead with legislation for long-term...

06 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour councils named and shamed by Housing Secretary Gove

Three more social housing landlords have been ‘named and shamed’ by Housing Secretary Michael Gove. The trio - two of which are...

29 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlords “devastated” by politicians extending tenants' powers

Plans to extend tenants’ rights that were introduced as an emergency measure during pandemic will have a ‘devastating’ effect on the...

22 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Giles Atkinson, Director of Atkinson McLeod

Who are you and what does it say on your business card? My name is Giles Atkinson and I’m one part of...

03 March 2022

From: 60 Second Interview

Rent controls needed because tenants “pay way over the odds”

The UK’s first Minister for Tenants’ Rights says he will introduce rent controls because renters currently “pay way over the odds”. Although...

01 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Housing Bill should also include rogue tenants list, says AIIC

The Housing and Planning Bill, which includes measures to tackle criminal landlords and letting agents, should also address the issue of...

26 April 2016

From: Breaking News

Starter Homes initiative described as “£27bn raffle” by renters

A tenants’ campaign group claims the Starter Homes scheme will help just 200,000 first-timer buyers, leaving 2 million aspiring home owners...

01 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent calling for compensation for evicted tenants

Campaign group Generation Rent is calling for tenants who are served notice to leave a property to be compensated by landlords.  The...

28 January 2016

From: Breaking News

MPs vote against housing bill amendment

Conservative MPs have defeated a Labour amendment to the government’s housing and planning bill to require landlords to ensure their properties...

13 January 2016

From: Breaking News

£30k fines for rogue landlords under new laws

The Government is poised to introduce tough new laws for landlords this week – with fines of up to £30,000 for...

22 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Rogue landlords forcing tenants into a ‘living nightmare’

Private housing tenants from across income scales are living in unsafe homes that fail to meet basic legal standards, a report...

16 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Welsh housing reforms a “missed opportunity”

Vulnerable tenants will find it more difficult to access housing following the passing of the Welsh Government’s Renting Homes Bill, according...

04 December 2015

From: Breaking News

RLA: Landlord licensing not needed

Local councils are being urged to drop landlord licensing schemes following the publication of new laws showing that they are not...

15 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Housing bill: rogue landlords to be banned

Rogue landlords will be banned from letting property under new measures to be brought in under the Housing and Planning Bill. The...

15 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent: Criminal landlords are not being brought to justice

The tiny number of landlord convictions is no deterrent to the worst landlords, Generation Rent has said, as it calls on...

27 July 2015

From: Breaking News

RLA calls for clampdown on criminal landlords

The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) is calling on ministers to take action to find and root out the criminals who bring...

27 May 2015

From: Breaking News

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