Conveyancing Process

Conveyancing Process

So far the proposal has won backing from conveyancers and Rightmove ...
A temporary cut to first time buyers' stamp duty ends in the spring ...
The average property value could change by as much as £12,500 in the time it takes to progress an offer to completion.  ...
Landlord Alert: Section 21 appeal may have far-reaching consequences  ...
Property logbook company Chimni is trialling a new form of Digital Property Logbook aimed at the rental markets.   ...
Landlords quitting the sector could have to spend hundreds of pounds more when selling their home owing to new Trading Standards guidance. ...
A council is warning landlords and tenants after one landlord was ordered to pay more than £4,700 in fines and costs for not supplying information. ...
A landlord who failed to provide a council with information about one of his properties when served notices requiring him to do so has been fined. ...
Landlords are often seen as stalwarts of property auctions, and are attributed with helping the sector’s growth over the past decade. ...
A council has taken a landlord to court over a paperwork dispute - but the fine for the buy to let investor was a token £440. ...
The Welsh Government has published draft legislation that changes the terms of converted contracts and any renewals that replace them, closing off a number of grey areas which had raised concern. ...
A council has issued formal cautions to two local landlords who illegally evicted their tenants. ...
Sheffield City Council has prosecuted Uttoxeter-based landlord Gunes Ata for failing to provide information about the insurance of the building he lets out. ...
It’s taking longer and longer for property sales to move from the acceptance of an offer to an exchange of contracts - bad news for landlords wanting a quick exit from the sector.  ...
Two landlords have been fined £3,000 and ordered to pay more than £6,000 in costs for failing to provide documents to a local council. ...
The tenant was in hospital when he was evicted illegally...
The controversial proposal is backed by the Welsh Government...
Growing arrears, falling yields and new laws make 2025 a...
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