

Princeq William may be a rogue landlord, it appears. ...
The BBC - which through its use of exclusive Zoopla data has championed tenants in recent years - has acknowledged that the lettings market has slowed. ...
An investigation by Sky News and a housing campaigner have revealed that there are some 33,993 vacant council properties in England alone, the highest number since 2009. ...
Buy to let landlords have been savagely attacked by the country’s biggest investment company - which just happens to be a major player in the struggling Build To Rent sector. ...
Julian Richer - the founder of Richer Sounds, the UK's largest hi-fi retailer - says he may set up a landlord accreditation service to help reform the private rental sector in favour of tenants. ...
A prominent lettings sector expert is blaming the media for anti-landlord sentiment and a rise in tenancy disputes. ...
It’s all change at the start of the new tax year, and with so many tweaks to so many rules, it’s easy to lose track of whether you’re set for a happy new tax year – or a somewhat glum ...
Some of the biggest names in the trade, lending and advisory sectors have produced a report outlining the vast significance that private renting has for the UK economy.  ...
Like a parent whose kids expected half term in Disneyland, Jeremy Hunt is spending the week managing expectations – and crushing dreams.  ...
A newspaper claims that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants British families to be given higher priority for social housing. ...
Some local authorities are quick to criticise private landlords for trying to avoid rent arrears but it appears councils themselves have been getting tougher. ...
A BBC News report claims that increasing numbers of renters aged over 30 are moving to cheaper areas as rents have risen and and available properties have fallen.  ...
The business editor of London’s daily newspaper, the Evening Standard, has made a strong statement in support of landlords. ...
The Halifax says house prices were flat in May, but fell 1.0 per cent in a year - the first annual fall recorded by this index since December 2012. ...
Unsurprisingly an overwhelming 81 per cent of landlords in a survey feel they are badly portrayed by the media ...
The tenant was in hospital when he was evicted illegally...
The controversial proposal is backed by the Welsh Government...
Growing arrears, falling yields and new laws make 2025 a...
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A survey which spoke with 3,500 landlords, tenants and agents...
Does the Scottish situation resonate with landlords in the rest...
There's been an increase in reports of mould in homes...