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Tony A
Developer -Landord
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LL for 25 years
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Tony A
I am sorry, Martin Gibbons, but you are being really insulting and patronising. Fitting underfloor and external wall insulation, locating and finding technical solutions to cold bridges, ensuring that there are as few air leaks as possible to new-build standards (every tightening too), then retrofitting a ventilation and heat recovery system, an air source heat pump and ultimately solar panels and a battery to power it, to a solid wall Victorian house built for coal fires and designed to "breathe" to reduce condensation and allow said fires to "draw" is neither simple nor easy nor cheap. EPCs are an utterly pathetic measure and given you pass yourself off as someone knowledgeable I'm amazed you defend them - they don't even measure heat losses or carbon costs, just cost to run at the time of assessment. A SAPr is the only way to do the measure effectively and even then, so much relies on the quality of the surveyor to find the weak spots in an already-built structure. SAP for new-builds are a doddle in comparison. I've been quoted £25,000 just to do the EWI on my detached 1907 E-grade house in Reading, after 3 months of trying to find a builder with any experience, at a time when my returns have dropped from 3.3% to negative because of interest rate rises. The rest I listed above will probably be another £40-50K. Most solid-wall houses are going to cost tens of thousands to get to EPC grade C, which is why most landlords are selling up these properties and getting out. Patronising and insulting them as ignorant, miserly or simply cowardly compared to your green machismo is completely unhelpful.

From: Tony A 23 July 2023 15:01 PM

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