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Kathryn Everson
Kathryn Everson
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Kathryn Everson
No problem having some sort of 'Register' for landlords. but surely not to have the same for Tenants, must be against some sort of law ? 'Competition law; 'Equality Act' ?. If there isn't one, there should be on the grounds of fairness and equality across the board. Many bad tenants do not end up in court, with County Court judgements against them, as section 21, the INCORRECTLY NAMED 'no fault' eviction route, allowed landlords to legally regain their own property in the most cost and time effective manner for both landlord AND Tenant, from those rogue Tenants who caused a nuisance to Neighbours; wrecked a property; stopped paying their rent (often to landlords who still had mortgages and other outgoings to pay for the property); left the property in a disgusting state with hundreds of £'s worth of damage or mess and have broken the terms of their ' legally binding lease'. Sadly there are quite a few of these tenants who behave like this to a greater or lessor degree and it's amazing that people still follow 'Shelter' propaganda and just don't get, that it absolutely does not make business sense for any landlord to want to evict any tenant, who pays their rent on time, keeps the property in good, clean repair and adheres to the terms of their 'Legal' lease they signed, with much pre-support and advice available prior to doing so from the government (How to Rent). These 'rogue tenants may not have County court judgements against them due to the section 21 route taken, to prove their behavior, but I'm sure, Deposit Protection agencies, should be able to verify and back up the number of deposits genuinely with held by Landlords for valid, legal reasons due to damage, mess and breaking of the 'legal' Tenancy Agreement.

From: Kathryn Everson 19 May 2022 10:53 AM

Kathryn Everson

From: Kathryn Everson 14 December 2021 15:43 PM

Kathryn Everson
David Edmunds, you seem to have misunderstood what most private landlords are about. A good, satisfied tenant who looks after the property and pays the rent on time is happy to remain in the property. A Landlord's goals are to have a tenant like this as it ensures they are not constantly using time and money having to remove existing bad tenants who do not pay the rent, or cause mess and damage to the property, creating voids as damage repairs have to be done (which sadly is often the case even with thorough checks and friendly tenants 'during' the tenancy) . They do not have to advertise for new tenants, employ agents or use a great amount of their own time/costs to do it themselves to draft up new agreements and carry out the extra 'administration' now required for each new tenancy ensuring they comply with the latest and 'existing' legislation to make sure tenants know their rights, have all the information they require for renting and the property conforms to a minimum of the legal standards expected (which of course it should). An ultimate goal of any landlord is to have a settled, happy, tenant who pays their rent on time and takes care of the property, it would be business madness to have it any other way. I can assure you there are many landlords out there, myself included, who luckily on this occasion, have good tenants in my properties, and I have NOT increased the rent for 4 years!. Any increases, I have absorbed, but the changes in legislation are making this very difficult to maintain. Landlords are of course subject to price increases the same as anyone else, we are not charities and therefore these costs have to be met from somewhere and the amount of additional costs involved now for landlords from new unnecessary legislation to allegedly 'protect the Tenant' is placing many landlords in the unwanted position of either passing these costs onto the tenants (no transparency here anymore for the tenant of what the extra costs were for, as was set out in previous legislation) no, the rent just has to go up, and as much as the media may like you to think, all these costs can be absorbed from the 'massive amounts' of profits private landlords make as they sit around in their mansions, doing nothing, jetting off to their homes in Barbados at the expense of these poor tenants, this is I'm afraid 'Fake News' (and yes, we all know there are some bad apples like there are in all walks of life, who do abuse others situations, but that is not the majority) If they do hold the rents the same indefinitely, then with costs increasing, along with more costly administration, legislation against the landlord (where is the same level of expectations and protection from those struggling to pay their mortgages on private homes they have managed to buy?) the other answer is to sell up and yes, then we are left with more people who cannot find a home they can afford and lets face it, no government has come up with the magic answer to that one, whatever political party they are. If the governments stopped attacking Private Landlords, worked alongside and supported them more, made sure the existing legislation that is already in place was able to be enforced more effectively to weed out and hit the 'few' rogue landlords that are of course out there, then the many tenants who are very happy with their accommodation and their landlords, will not be under a cloud of the possibility their landlord may have to make choices, none of them want to make.

From: Kathryn Everson 14 December 2021 12:54 PM

Kathryn Everson
As a Dog owner and lover, who also runs a UK charity for dogs with a terminal condition, I am fully aware of the benefits of dog ownership, the bond that can be had between dog and owner and positive effect on mental well being, however, having allowed pets in my properties on all occasions it has been a nightmare. The first allowed their dogs to cause unbelievable damage, carpets were chewed through even stairs underneath the carpet were chewed along with numerous sets of architraving around doors and kitchen floor tiles. As for my pretty cottage garden, it was disgusting and a health hazzard as no excrement had been cleared up for months ( we made visits every 3 months until they stopped paying rent and refused entry) The cost involved with this damage along with other damage caused by the tenant, cost not only thousands of pounds, but months in turning it around to become a decent habitable property again. The costs of this didn't come anywhere close to the 6 weeks deposit held securely at the time. Again, second tenant who assured me their dog was a good dog (which I'm sure it was) was allowed to pee on carpets and chew edges, and the cat clawed up all the pile on the new stair carpets, again, time and money lost to make it a decent property for a new tenant. Unless there can be some sensible insurance against this sort of situation, and the onus is removed from the so called 'uncaring, selfish' landlords, along with many more unfair and unjust rules and legislation coming in (when there is an abundance already in place to protect the tenant) , then more and more people will back out of the rental market leaving an even greater housing crisis

From: Kathryn Everson 17 December 2020 11:26 AM

Kathryn Everson
As a complete Dog lover, in fact I run a UK dog Charity, I am extremely reluctant to accept tenants with pets now. I used to have a Pet Clause (ensuring my tenants were fully aware of their responsibilities regarding pets) I used to take a returnable additional deposit (to cover any additional costs relating to animals) however, having had a tenant move in 2 dogs without permission, who eventually left owing rent and caused over £10,000 of damage, much caused by the dogs. They were left outside all day in the small cottage garden which was never cleared up (I have lots of disgusting photographic evidence, which I will spare you), they chewed up the kitchen floor, the new carpet on the stairs, the wooden stairs under the carpet, other carpets in the property, the architraves around doors....it went on. After being served with a section 21 (as you can see a 'No Fault eviction order!) she eventually left leaving no forwarding address or contact details. The deposit retained at the time of 6 weeks rent came no where near the damaged caused or the loss of rent incurred by the time it took from when she stopped paying, the eviction notice and the final renovation of the property to get it back into a clean, habitable state for a new tenant. In another property I own , the dog caused damage to carpets, back door and with chickens kept in the garden (without permission) and excrement not cleared up this caused vermin which I had to pay for to be dealt with. I am all for tenants being able to have their pets with them, but my experience sadly in this and the new regulations of no additional deposits above 4 weeks rent, no requesting professional cleaning with de-infestation (vital especially in the case of cats) how can I possibly afford to allow pets. Sadly as Mathew Payne says this could only be possible if there was a reversal of allowing larger (or separate Pet) deposits and a guaranteed professional/ de-infestation clean at the very least.

From: Kathryn Everson 08 January 2020 14:50 PM

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