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UK government urged to follow Scotland’s lead to reduce rent arrears

The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has hailed the Scottish government for offering people receiving Universal Credit north of the border more options aimed at preventing debt and homelessness.

The so-called “Scottish Flexibilities” mean new online claimants can choose to have Universal Credit paid fortnightly rather than monthly, as is standard.

They can also have the housing elements of the benefit paid directly to their landlord, after evidence from Universal Credit pilots revealed that many people fall into arrears when housing costs are paid to them directly, as the money is spent on other things.


Chris Town, vice chairman of the RLA, said: “Allowing tenants to choose to have their rent paid directly to landlords will enable them to better plan their spending and will prevent many from falling into arrears. It will also give confidence to landlords to rent to those on benefit giving tenants more choice.”

“We strongly urge the UK government to follow Scotland’s lead.”

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  • icon

    After Brexit I am moving to Scotland!


    if you think its better for landlords in scotland--think again--its a socialist dump verging on fascism via snp--bit like jhant in london

    try visiting glasgow and dundee as examples--they hate the English

  • icon

    Terry - Totally agree.

    Lets not forget, nothing has been implemented here as yet and we don't yet know how this will play out. Like every other SNP policy it will likely be a disaster, but it won't be their fault, they will blame everyone else.

    However, if done correctly it is a very positive step forward.

  • icon

    snp in power for 10+years--absolutely hopeless mob of nonentities--mad sturgeon thinks she is a politician of status--shes not even a politician--just a failed lawyer

  • G romit

    It doesn't alter the fact that Housing Benefit will not cover the extra rent needed to cover the Sec.24 tax hike.


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