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New service aims to reduce disputes over rent arrears

The Dispute Service (TDS) has launched a new service to help reduce tenant and landlord disputes over rent arrears. 

TDS Resolution is designed to help resolve rent arrears issues, with a view to preventing renters from being evicted and save landlords money in court fees.

The service, endorsed by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), has been developed in response to some of the measures put in place to protect tenants during the Covid-19 outbreak.


In May, research by the Resolution Foundation found that one in eight private tenants may have fallen behind with rent since the pandemic began and, in some cases, have stopped paying what they owe completely.


However, landlords will not be able to take legal action against tenants until the existing eviction ban comes to an end on 23 August 

TDS chief executive Steve Harriott said: “In a world where some tenants are in arrears, we felt a service that would bring tenants and landlords together to help negotiate a rent repayment plan would be of real value.  

“Our experienced and skilled team already provides a fair and impartial adjudication process for disputes that arise over the tenancy deposits we protect. We deal with around 20,000 disputes a year across the UK and quite often we can resolve up to 40 per cent of these each month by using our telephone-based early resolution service.

“We’re excited to be launching this service, which we’re sure will help landlords and tenants find a mutually agreeable way to deal with the tenant’s rent arrears, rather than pursuing the costly and time-consuming route of court.”

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  • icon

    There shouldn't be any disputes over rent to resolve. Unpaid rent is due and not paying it and remaining in the property is theft. The Police should "resolve" this by charging the thief - simples!

  • icon
    • 15 July 2020 11:41 AM

    I fully agree.
    Why do Landlord Association not lobby the Govt. about these vital issues.
    Seems easy to me and exactly the sort of thing they should be doing.

    How do we lobby these landlord agencies to do what they should?

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    • 15 July 2020 14:07 PM

    No need for any dispute process for rent.
    It either has or hasn't been paid.

    Personally I keep a rent book per lodger or tenant.
    When rent is received I sign off that payment and text the payer.

    Normally leave a few days from normal payment date.
    Then text rent not received.

    Then the excuses start but invariably payment is made.
    No disputes at all.

    If I have cause to visit them I sign up their rent book.
    If payment late by a few days I don't indicate that.


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