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Rental Reform White Paper - stand by for details today

The government is expected to give at least some details today of the principles enshrined in a new White Paper on rental reform.

The latest Queen’s Speech back in May included a broad pledge for rental reform, starting with a White Paper expected to be delivered in the autumn.

This follows a more specific pledge, delivered by the government over two years ago, to scrap Section 21 eviction powers currently with landlords, while beefing up Section 8 powers.  


Today a meeting at the Conservative party conference in Manchester is expected to hear about progress on both the content and timing of the White Paper.

The meeting is being led by Eddie Hughes, minister for rough sleeping and housing at the newly-renamed Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 

Also on the platform will be Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter - and a long-time campaigner for the reduction in landlords’ rights - plus Conservative MP Lia Nici and Tamara Sandoul, policy and campaigns manager at the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

The event is entitled: Rent Back Better: What does the Renters Reform Bill mean for the future of private renting?’ and is at 1015 this morning. 



The Tories have described the event this way: “Stable and secure housing has always been essential. But it is out of reach for many, a fact only exacerbated by the pandemic. How can we use this moment to deliver lasting change to the private rented sector, working with renters and landlords? This event will discuss the future of renting in the context of the return of the Renters’ Reform Bill.”

You can see the event live via YouTube here; you may have to register first. 

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    Polly Neath, Shelter will be on the Platform today in Manchester at Conservative Party Conference today regarding white paper levelling down, where is our lot / who is representing us the main suppliers of the accommodation. We are the ones who are the Providers of Private Rental Property in the UK without any State funding but all off our own backs at no cost whatsoever to Government, this should be pointed out at the meeting today. Minister for rough sleepers / Minister of levelling up indeed.
    How about a Landlord Minister for the Private Rental Sector who are the main players in all this, ignored who house millions of individuals and families.


    Having been involved with renting property for almost 30 years I have shouted till I’m blue in the face that the “landlord bodies” do little or nothing to really support their client base.,Many organisations are far too close to Government and Shelfer for example imho. They talk about tenant injustice whilst taking away many landlords fair rights and any benefit to running a rental portfolio.

  • Matthew Payne

    "How can we use this moment to deliver lasting change to the private rented sector, working with renters and landlords?"

    It should be about carrot not stick, providing incentives for developers and landlords to change their behaviour. You wont beat either into producing more volume or accessibility, but I suspect we will simply get more rhetoric about greedy landlords that need chastening with higher taxes and more regulation.

    Start building some social and affordable housing to buy or rent at the expense of rewarding fat cat Tory party donating developers, some of whom make the same kind of profits as the big oil giants. Do none of them have any design on what their businesses purpose or mission is? Dare I say it, to provide homes for people. Is there no appetite to leave a legacy for society or is it simply about making as many hundreds of millions at the expense of everything else. That should never be the sole raison d'etre of any business.

    Offer tax incentives to landlords to invest in more properties/focus on long term lets/make properties available to LAs. For example, remove SDLT surcharge and repeal Section 24 would be a good start. Availability would increase, rents would drop.

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    SDLT surcharge is totally wrong manipulating the market. Mr Osborne double it for LL’s, then Mr Rishi Sunak halved it again and called it a SD holiday, so there was no saving and should never be 3% more anyway. It caused a big flurry of activity driving up property prices, even first time buyers got caught out, so they didn’t have to pay Stamp Duty but instead pay increased price for property maybe £10k or more, they now have an over priced property.
    Section 24 is blatantly discrimination.

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    We all have a voice. I hope that fellow Landlords like myself write to their local MP. Trying to get them to understand our point of view is crucial in attempting to stop the perception from many others that that this line of work/investment is money for old rope.


    My MP is a 20 something with no idea how the world works. He wouldn't know an EPC if it slapped him in the face and blindly follows the party whip with no original thought. He does not represent his constituents he merely tows the party line. I have written to him several times but just get hog wash in return.


    I've written to my MP, George Freeman, in the past, all we get are kind words and fobbed off, they are not interested.


    Reply to Andrew Townshend
    Hi Andrew - I am a Landlord in Breckland and have also been bending George Freeman's ear in regard to taxation and section21 issues. I have also been in touch with Duncan Baker and Tim Farron and others regarding S21 right of tenure and its implications driving out Landlords to Air Band B. If you want to join forces on this please contact me - not sure how we can exchange contact details on an open forum?


    Hello Catherine, I'm not going to give my contact details on here, however you could drop me a line c/o Spencer Ward, 46 Prince of Wales Rd, NR1 1LL

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    Write to your MP that’s a proven waste of time every since Sir George Young, MP and later Minister left the Department. He was instrumental in the introduction of Section 21 and a gentleman even though he showed me the door on one occasion.
    Most other since then have been chipping away at it until now to a point it’s weakened so much hardly useable, today looks like the last knockings I wonder who will tell the bigger lie in Manchester some good candidates there. I have written dozens of letters to my MP over the last 30 years trying to defend our position, usually got replies to be fair so I have in my possession dozens of House of Commons envelopes from post. When your MP Borough / ward has huge numbers drawn housing benefits, universal credit, employment support, they re-elect him every time, they now call all the shots.
    As a result of paying people benefits and allowing them to work so many hours, means they’ll never again have a full time job if someone is getting something for free never give it up ruining society.


    There are good and bad in all walks of life. I understand your point that sometimes it feels and maybe is a waste of time to write. But what other choice is there. I just hope that a balanced argument that I provide does not always fall on deaf ears.

  • michael davies

    Hello,would anybody be willing to put together a draft letter we or I could send to our respective MPs .me dad was right,maybe I should of carried on at school instead of being a plumber,maybe not!cheers

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    Michael, I don’t see anyone stepped up to the mark to assist drafting your letter or petition to stand up for our Rights, unfortunately I didn’t have the chance of further education either so we need some Office person with those skills who is willing to do it, 2000 read this Article surely some of those are more capable unless sitting on the fence.
    London getting flooded out, drains not working, some road gullies full and blocked for years, Councils don’t know what they are for ? decided not to sweep the leave in recent years only once at the end said it was cost saving, in the mean time leaves had decayed turned in mud clogging everything up,


    Nor me, I'm the product of a very poor secondary education of the 60s, Leic Landlord could be the man, or woman, for the job, he / she likes to give the impression they are well educated.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    My MP Gareth Johnson has replied to me, essentially expressing his support for the Govt stance and the need to protect ' Tenants ' !

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    My Goodness protect them from what ? no one has done more for them than us, do they think we want to destroy our customer base. I think the Tenants need protection from interference of busybodies doing everything possible to drive a wedge between LL and Tenant.


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