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Latest eviction ban extension has NO extreme arrears opt-out

Wales has extended its eviction ban from March 31 until the end of June - but it is more severe than in England.

That’s because there will be no exemption for landlords dealing with tenants in extreme arrears: in England, evictions can still occur for cases where the tenants has over six months of accumulated arrears.

Welsh housing minister Julie James says the existing statutory requirement for landlords to give tenants six months’ notice before starting an eviction will also be extended until the end of June.


She says: “The Welsh Government recognises that extending these temporary protections for a further period of time may cause difficulties for some landlords in the private rented sector ... However, our overriding priority must be the protection of public health at this time.”

The news has been received badly by Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association.

He comments: “The further extension to the repossessions ban will do nothing to help landlords and tenants financially hit due to the pandemic. 

“We are disappointed that exemptions regarding significant rent arrears have not been included.

“Throughout the pandemic there has been no direct support for landlords in financial distress, and the tenancy saver loans scheme for tenants have had limited uptake due to over-restrictive access criteria, inconsistent local variations and an unnecessary interest charge.

“It seems like the Welsh Government are unwilling to listen to the voices of those most affected.

“Without changes made, more tenants face losing their homes, and many will carry damaged credit scores, making it more difficult to rent in the future and causing huge pressure on local authorities when they can least manage it.”

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  • James B

    Wales are certainly hanging landlords out to dry.. hiding behind the pandemic .. they must be desperate to keep these defaulters away from their council homeless teams
    This pandemic has been very convenient for government the ideal excuse to keep the worst tenants with landlords I can see them dragging this out a lot longer with any excuse

  • icon
    • 18 March 2021 09:35 AM

    For sure, the Govt. will not end extensions until this pandemic is good and over.
    Most likely over another year at least. And probably a lot more.

    And of course. the next excuse is the judiciary cannot cope with the backlog and that will add another year or more. At least.

    It is so unfair for LLs.

  • icon
    • 18 March 2021 10:01 AM

    I do hope landlords remember this when it comes to voting time.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Its the Reform UK party for me.


    It would be for me as well, but that would likely split the vote and let labour in through the back door which would be out of the frying pan and into the fires of hell for us landlords

    Algarve  Investor

    Oh yes, the Reform Party, led by well-known man of the people Farage - oh wait, no, he's quit politics again, until he returns for the umpteenth time. Instead, we have Richard Tice, another man of the people. One of the self-named Bad Boys of Brexit. Urgh!

    Almost, but not quite, as bad as Reclaim UK, that other entirely pointless political party that claims it is denied a voice and silenced despite being on the TV and radio all the time. Laurence Fox, another man of the people, should have stuck to being a half-decent TV actor, not stepping into the world of politics and making himself look a fool.

    Fortunately, the London mayoral elections will show how much support he and his ilk truly have.


    I like Nigel Farage and Lawrence Fox. Can’t see them having us landlords over like the other parties seem intent on doing.


    Completely agree, I also be write to my local MP explaining where I think they are going right and where they are going wrong. We need to engage wherever we can.
    I am aware of the risk that Mr Townsend points out and it will have to be a judgement call at the time.
    The voters certainly let their feelings be felt when it came to Brexit!

  • John  Bentley

    Apologies for going off topic but does anybody know if I would still be liable for capital gains tax if I sold a rental property in order to buy another two smaller rental properties of similar total value.The reason being that I have relocated and it would be easier to manage. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    Unfortunately yes you would, not fair but that's the way it is.


    CGT and the 3% additional SDLT.

  • icon

    John, I believe its the case as well I won't pretend to know about taxation but I done it some years back same scenario I had to pay the c/gains tax. I had a property a bit too far away as circumstances changed, roads got blocked off, making it difficult to run and manage etc. When you buy a property you are stuck with for ever. I simply wanted to sell that one buy similar price Property nearer to home, not possible financial viable because they take a big lump out of it creating a short fall for you on the new purchase that takes years to recover from. I never understood this, it stalls the market completely if it were allowed it would create Business for everyone, Estate Agents, Conveyancing, Solicitors, Land Registry, Stamp Duty for Government on both transactions for all, its costing you enough anyway to do the move without C/gains, so that's how silly the rules are they prefer to keep you stuck there glued to the ground and no Business for anyone, be very careful where you buy you'll be stuck with it.


    Yes, in other businesses you can carry over, but not in ours, as I say, unfair but that's the way it is, there are some properties that I would like to sell and buy else where but the CGT makes that impossible.

  • icon

    This is a disgrace, and they've done it because they couldn't and wouldn't home them
    Waiting for the 2021/2 housing crisis will hotels full of migrants and 3/400k evictions people on the streets post eviction.
    I paid mine to leave to get rid of him in October after non payment, lucky it's saved me 8 extra months without rent


    I have heard £500 to £1000 cash, accompanied by an offer to provide some well built guys to help remove personal items usually results in rent dodgers freely signing the appropriate paperwork to give up the tenancy.

  • John  Bentley

    Thanks for the advice, would be better for everyone,tenants included if I could sell and purchase nearer my new location, but as you say it would cost a lot just to end up with the Same value property.

  • icon

    Still can’t understand why they won’t allow us to do it, if you sell one and buy one the same value there is no gain and if you sold a more expensive property to buy a cheaper one then they could charge you c/gains on the difference as there would be a gain, what would be wrong with that ? Instead of stuck there no go for anyone.

  • icon
    • 20 March 2021 06:23 AM

    Great idea Robert Brown?
    Have you got contact details of these nice people?


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