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Labour Mayor recruits 10 to enforce ‘Good Landlord Scheme’

Labour’s Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, is recruiting 10 people to enforce a new initiative he’s calling his ‘Good Landlord Scheme’.

The 10 staff are being recruited to tackle bad private ate rental housing and take action against landlords not maintaining their properties.

Greater Manchester’s Good Landlord Scheme, funded through £1.5m from the Housing Investment Loans Fund, is creating the new roles across the city. 


Publicity for the scheme says that “over the course of a three-year placement, trainees will develop a range of skills in housing enforcement, deploying the unique powers that officers have to advise landlords of their responsibilities and act where they find bad practices and poor-quality housing. They will work to support tenants struggling with homes that may be damp, cold, insecure, or structurally unsound, gathering evidence and taking legal action against the worst offending landlords.”

It says no previous experience is required. 


Burnham says: “Hundreds of thousands of people living in the private rented sector in Greater Manchester rely on their landlords to uphold a decent standard and look after their homes. When those things are done properly, tenants can get on with their lives – but when they’re not, it can take a huge toll on their physical and mental wellbeing. In the very worst cases, it can pose a serious threat to their safety.

“That’s when housing enforcement officers have a vital role to play in supporting tenants and taking enforcement action against unscrupulous landlords. 

“The Good Landlord Scheme is one way that we’re responding to this growing issue, by boosting the capacity of our local councils to carry out inspections and intervene. We’re also going to be bringing forward a Good Landlord Charter next year, which will help us drive up standards in the sector and deliver on our ambitions for greater control over housing in our city-region.”

As well as the trainee programme, the Good Landlord Scheme is delivering on-the-job training for current enforcement officers to boost their skills and knowledge. 

It will also provide funding support for local authorities within the Greater Manchester area o introduce new enforcement tools like selective licensing, where private landlords are required to be licensed by the council and meet certain standards, and develop new information and guidance for tenants and landlords.


Landlord Today returns on Wednesday December 28, and wishes all readers and their families a fabulous Christmas and a well-deserved break!

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  • icon

    So will they be taking action just on private landlords or will this include social housing as well ?

  • George Dawes

    How about a good politician scheme or is that a lost cause ?

  • icon

    Ok so why is this funded from Housing Investment Loans Fund. Mr Burnham has as I understand it lots of local landlord licensing schemes - shouldn’t enforcing stds be what that money goes to rather than filling up council coffers.

    Secondly the fact they are recruiting - no previous experience candidates makes me wonder how effective this will be re handling genuine housing quality issues as this stuff is not always straightforward - look at the “is mould a building/ landlord issue or a tenant lifestyle issue for starters. A wet behind the ears 20 year old would struggle with the complexity of some situations.


    No experience is required. The answer is only make the landlord do it.

  • icon

    No previous experience required??
    Maybe the only way to recruit these days, but makes you wonder.
    Surely some training in standards and regulations is needed and some common sense.
    Could at least say "training will be provided"!!
    I think they will find it's not as easy dealing with tenants and landlords as they think.


    Likely straight out of uni with a totally useless degree wet behind the ears, think they know the lot and know sweet F A, we've all come across them haven't we


    I WAS one in 1971, recruited as a high flying management trainee.

    I was totally miserable as I had enough humility to realise how useless I was but many of my contemporaries went on to glittering careers and 7 figure salaries! They usually got promoted out of trouble and their hapless (non high flying) successors either carried the can or cleared up the mess.

    Universities don't do or teach humility or common sense.

  • icon

    This would be a good job for former lettings agents, especially those that set up their businesses from scratch!


    It would or someone with a building background, but that's not what he wants, they want little yes boys and girls without any practical knowledge

  • icon

    Why don't they recruit someone with a sociology degree. Someone who can relate to people. And be Uber Woke and keen to virtue signal that they are helping the people in need. The tenants need help from greedy landlords. So lets pin it all on the landlord.

  • icon

    How about a team dealing with rogue tenants who don't pay rent, look after the property they rent and behave in antisocial ways?


    They are not interested. They sold of all of their social housing. Now they want you to house it hence this appropriation of private assets exercise of the 'Brown' Paper from Gove.


    Good idea but I'm guessing any recruits to this job would be "off sick with stress" within 2 weeks.


    Sad Landlord, Especially is the PCS has anything to do with it.

  • George Dawes

    It says no previous experience is required

    Says it all really , no doubt it’ll be well paid with a nice golden pension for anyone with zero experience and or knowledge of anything even vaguely related to the subject in hand

    Typical political twaddle, ticking boxes to shut the voters up and who cares what it costs they’ll just invent another pointless tax to pay for it


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