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‘Heartless Evictions’ - new Labour call to scrap Section 21

A Labour activist has written to the government urging a ban on what she calls ‘heartless’ Section 21 evictions.

Milton Keynes councillor Emily Darlington claims such evictions have affected dozens of families in Milton Keynes over the past year.

She says MK has seen a steady increase in Section 21 evictions and that between April and December 2021, 66 local families were forced to leave their homes. 


One in three homelessness approaches to the council apparently also had been served a valid Section 21 notice during this time.

Now Darlington has written to Housing Secretary Michael Gove urging him to fulfil a Tory election pledge to ban Section 21s.

She writes: “It has now been two and a half years since the Conservative Government pledged to end no-fault evictions, but hundreds of families have been forced out of their homes since then.



“Every Section 21 notice is a family that loses their home by no fault of their own. They have paid their rent and taken care of the property; they have made friends with their neighbours and sent their children to local schools. 

“This disruption affects the stability of the family, the education of their children, and causes great stress to everyone involved. It also puts vulnerable, helpless families at risk of homelessness.

“I have written to the government highlighting the detrimental impact that these heartless and unethical notices have had on local families, and I would like to see them banned before more damage is done.”

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  • George Dawes

    Labour always pretend they’re the caring party when in reality they’re just like the Tories

    Two sides of the same corrupt incompotent coin . Whole political system needs a great reset

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    “Every Section 21 notice is a family that loses their home by no fault of their own. They have paid their rent and taken care of the property”

    Now that statement we know is absolute nonsense. Most tenants get a S21 cos they are not paying rent or taking care of the property and it is a fault of their own


    I agree, total nonsense tenants receive section 21 due to there unpaid rent negligence towards the property which is 100% their own fault, us landlords always have to swallow the loss


    Every eviction of a bad tenant makes a property available for a good tenant. It doesn't increase homelessness, just improves opportunities for decent tenants.

    By making it more difficult to evict bad tenants, decent neighbours and prospective tenants are the ones who suffer whilst the culprits remain unscathed and unperturbed.

    All these "activists" blight the lives of decent people while protecting the scum. Crazy and inexcusable!

  • icon

    They have paid their rent and taken care of the property; they have made friends with their neighbours? How does she know that for certain? It's always the sane blarb... The poor helpless tenants and the cruel heartless landlords. They conveniently forget that landlords are running a business funded by their own hard earned and borrowed money (even though HMRC don't recognise this) and they expiect us to act like a charity. I'm preparing a house this week for the market and can't wait to get rid of the rest of my portfolio....all due to increasing red tape and costs. As they say in the Dragons Den.... I'm out!!

  • icon

    The main reason for a truly no-fault eviction is the LL wanting to sell due to the anti LL policies & rhetoric. The current situation is being exacerbated by the very people claiming to be looking out for tenants. Rather than helping tenants they are creating homelessness & unaffordable rents. Well Done!

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    I have NEVER known a landlord throw a good tenant out. Have you? After all that’s what they want a good tenant.

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    As Stephen Hancock says ..... what business (The PRS) throws out it's paying customers !!!! Typical Labour nonsense.

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    I've used s 21 over the years, but never to evict a paying tenant

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    We bought or buying the Property to rent out on a temporary basis and have control over our investment and as Shane said off our own backs privately funded.
    Why should we loose control and hand our Property over to someone who never had to make those financial commitments and human sacrifices, no doubt we have foregone many of life’s pleasures we weren’t swanning off on holidays like some of those people often on Benefits or working a 40 hour week but more often 100 hour wk, when we weren’t working physically we were dealing with all the paper work crap.

  • David Saunders

    Nowadays thanks to both the government and Labour party, landlords are issuing section 21 notices (no fault eviction) like they've gone out of fashion and exiting PRS because section 21 has or is about to go out of fashion. So perhaps now as homeless figures start heading towards orbit, those in power will begin to realise that decisions have consequences and their their actions are reaping what they've sewn.

  • icon

    What happens if the LL can't pay the mortgage because the tenant hasn't paid the rent? Does that mean the lender cannot reposes the property?


    Many lenders insist on a clause in the tenancy to protect them in this situation, so yes they can repossess.

  • icon

    If these families have paid their rent , on time and in full, then I'm thinking the only other reason to evict would be if the landlord had decided to throw in the towel and sell up, now I wounder why landlords would be doing that Emily? think about it!

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    John. That’s an easy question to answer. The lender always gets possession a few months and your gone, understandable because it’s their money but not all, because the LL usually have a big chunk of his equity in there that’s not protected. The Lender will sell at any value as long as it covered the outstanding debt. The owner is the only person in the whole process not to be allowed any
    form of protected, after all what does it matter about him he’s only the owner, am I getting cynical in my old age.


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