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Surprise claim as activists say Section 21 makes tenants age more rapidly

A pressure group claims the threat of being evicted makes tenants age more quickly. 

Generation Rent claims there is a study by the University of Essex, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, suggesting that being a private renter is linked to faster "biological ageing".

Dan Wilson Craw, the deputy chief executive of the activist group - which recently backed a so-called manifesto demanding taking some private homes into public ownership - says: “Our home is so important to our health. Uncertainty about how long we can live somewhere is stressful, while disrepair and damp conditions make us physically ill. 


“Private renters, who face the threat of arbitrary eviction and live in the worst quality housing, are particularly vulnerable to poor health as a result. As more older people have no option but to rent, policymakers need to act urgently.

"The government has a huge opportunity to improve renters' health by passing the Renters Reform Bill, which will stop landlords evicting tenants without providing a reason, and make it easier to hold landlords accountable for the quality of their homes."

When MPs return to work after the party conference season there is only a brief period when the Commons sits before the King’s Speech, outlining future business, on November 7. 

It is thought that if the Rental Reform Bill doesn’t get its Second Reading by the King’s Speech, its process through the Commons goes back to square one - meaning it needs another First Reading, as the Bill originally received back in May.

Speaking at a Tory conference fringe meeting last week Housing Secretary Michael Gove said speculation that some Tory backbenchers opposed the Bill did not reflect the government’s thinking.

The Bill will go ahead, he said.

The government first committed to abolishing Section 21 in April 2019.

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  • icon

    Has anyone done a study into whether dealing with problematic tenants makes landlords age more quickly?
    Or if working in an industry where the government keep changing the rules and destroying perfectly functional business plans makes landlords age more quickly or develop stress related health conditions?


    Totally agree!! I complete a survey from a landlords association every few months and they always ask, is there anything else they should look into, and I always say, the stress of being a landlord and having to deal with all this stuff!!

  • George Dawes

    In another recent study it was found the average IQ of a generation rant supporter was slightly lower than that of a squashed tomato

  • icon

    Then my advice Dan old mate,. Stop creating the conditions that landlords feel they must sell. That way the vast majority of notices wouldn’t be issued in the first place.

  • Ian Deaugustine

    If they feel that Section 21 causes them health issues, why don't they work harder to afford a mortgage and stop blaming others for their inability to cope with daily life issues?

  • icon

    Utter garbage, why is this study even being entertained!

  • George Dawes

    When MPs return to work...

    As if any of them would know what real work is

  • icon

    Made me laugh. Whatever will they dream up next? There are lots of stresses in life. Lots of us face daily issues. It’s the ones at home sitting there with their feet up watching TV on Universal Credit that don’t really stress. Only whether to buy their next meal of whether to get another box of cigarettes…

  • icon

    Please … no more 😂😂🎉🎉 I can’t take it 🤣🤣 🤡. This lot needs to be on stage 🎬🎭

  • James B

    🤦🏻‍♂️ ffs

  • Pam Taylor

    This kind of study by the University of Essex just helps to make renters feel more pathetic and victimised and landlords look more evil and unkind. Political manipulation!
    From a landlord’s point of view, I remember one flat I had in south London (now sold thank goodness) where the various groups of tenants I had were so consistently threatening, negligent or criminal that my health was suffering and I felt like giving the flat away! It was a lovely well cared for property - not appreciated by the tenants.


    I used to worry what people thought of me as a landlord, but now I just couldn't care less.
    I am well below the market rate on most of them, so, next year I am raising all my rents to reflect their true market value.
    If the tenants don't like it, then they can find somewhere else and I will attempt to sell them.

  • icon

    Is anybody else sick of their daily bleating and belly aching?


    If you mean the landlords then yes.


    Can we have a dislike button for people like Sandra Bowes-Rennox. It would give some balance to the comments.

    Richard LeFrak

    Sandy B....! Come on over lets have a cuddle!


    To be fair to Sandra B…. That was quick off the mark and funny 😁


    Polly Bleate never gets sick.


    SB-R, as a simple Google search will show, is a rabid left-winger who attacks landlords, capitalists etc, in fact anyone who is slighly to the right of Chairman Mao.

  • icon

    Bizarre it is not..Stress can effect people in different ways and landlords who are greedy don't help and I'm sick of hearing them pleading I'm the victim and blaming anyone but themselves.. Even before all this the greedy ones have always been around.


    Well Sandra I'm sick of listening to lazy tenants bleating and blaming everyone other than themselves


    I can't speak for greedy landlords, only the vast majority I know who are not greedy. For those landlords you will find it is very stressful having to deal with tenants and all the unfair taxation and regulations, on top of horrendous increases in mortgage interest. That's why they are selling up and rents are increasing so fast. I've never heard of any greedy landlords pleading anything, I would think they just keep quiet.


    Tenants are people who can be stressed. But landlords who are also people with LOTS OF THEIR OWN MONEY invested into a property that they let some STRANGER live in can also have lots of stress.

    Many landlords aren't greedy. The government has raised tax alot, the councils with their licensing and fines, the agents charging more because they can't charge tenants etc. Landlords have big problems too. They are becoming so great they are leaving.

    George Dawes

    I smell an alias …


    Sandra - the private rental sector is getting smaller all the time. Landlords are selling up - the interest rate on money in a savings account is higher than rent.

    The number of landlords selling is going to increase as the general election draws closer.


    Sandra, the problem is you just seen the price of the rents. There are so many costs to landlords and increasing faster then inflation that you do not see. There are even landlords that have properties running at a loss.

  • John  Adams

    I can feel the opportunity for lots of internet memes...
    Section 21 Made my Cat a Communist
    Section 21 Made me allergic to Potatoes
    Section 21 Made me turn into a Baguette


    Section 21 turned me into a cat. Now I can just miaow at everyone, not pay the rent and complain away and get away with it because I'm a cat.

  • John  Adams

    That'll be a Communist Cat, Chairman Miaow...

  • Fed Up Landlord

    Generation Rant..good old Damned Wilson " Stick in Your" Craw. Change the record old son. Shades of desperation when you come out with rubbish like this. Get a life, a real job, and grow a pair.

    Next you will say David Tennant has aged because he's named...Tennant....

  • icon

    😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂. I've heard it all now! It gets more ridiculous by the day. Seriously considering leaving this site..
    Who allows all this pi*h?

  • icon

    Ian. I knew a guy from over seas he said that I wasn’t his because I wouldn’t give hm a house. I told him he could have a shovel and a trowel it didn’t go down well.

  • icon
    • 10 October 2023 19:33 PM

    What a load of crap! If anyone is ageing it is the Landlord with all this unecessary interference from Gen Rent & Shelter, never mind the raft of Government Legislation.

  • icon

    Generation ranters are always looking for stupid excuses to have RRB. This article is utter joke!! Nobody would buy that. Why don't they do something meaningful and pay rent on behalf of the social tenants and tenants who cannot pay and stop getting a S21 notice for the tenants. This is how they can help the tenants so they can stay young forever, without bothering to work for their rent. Generation Ranters do not have anything better to do with the money, except sit on their haunches, cash it by paying themselves huge salary and spent time on brain storming weird and non-sensical ideas, how to enforce law against the landlords. Have they ever thought of investing their funding on rents, buying properties to house social and other tenants who do not pay rent. Also consider administration, maintenance of properties on an on-going basis. Rather than just sitting on their haunches and brain storming and without understanding how the PRS model has worked. Have they ever considered talking to both sides, both tenants and landlords before opening their mouths on one sided issues.


    No they don’t consider. They create business for themselves…

  • icon

    My day job is very stressful. If I make a mistake a lot of people could die and I go to jail, but its not as much stress as being a landlord and dealing with all of the petty jobs that come with it.

    Trying to keep up with legislation from the government and day to day tasks is just making me think it's not worth it anymore. I'd make more money by just putting the money in the bank, which is what im going to do with the money I have saved


    Is your first name Dead?

  • icon

    John Chart observes:

    If you revert to the article at top which launched a thousand responses, it seems to me that
    we are witnessing an ideological stance - woke or otherwise:

    a) all LLs are rogues
    b) all private rented property must be confiscated for the greater good
    c) as an unexpressed by-product, all private LLs to be strung up on nearest lamp post

    By the way, I am sure that GeeRant are mortified that the tragigcAwaab case did NOT involve a private LL.


  • icon

    If tenants are getting stressed due to the worry of being evicted then that should motivate them to buy a property. No matter what tenant protection legislation there is or will be, the landlord will still be able to sell. If the future legislation stops a landlord selling, they will sell as soon as it is announced. Either way the tenants will still be stressed.

    I always thought the idea of renting is something that is temporary, not your permanent home forever. You either buy or go into social housing.


    That has been my view exactly of renting - a temporary arrangement. History shows us that anything else is unacceptable to the majority of landlords.

    Ian Deaugustine


  • icon

    With all the Gov intervention and threats of Landlord Registers I've had enough. Sorry Tenants; don't blame me blame the Government. It simply doesn't justify the hassle of renting anymore. I can easily get 6% in a bank account now - that'll do me.


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