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Landlords wait for clarity on Labour rental policies under Rayner

The National Residential Landlords Association hosts a meeting at Labour’s annual conference tomorrow - but it admits the party’s rental policies are so far unknown.

The NRLA’s event, ‘Winning People Back: How Can We Provide Housing That Meets the Public's Aspirations?’, will consider what policy changes are needed to fix our housing crisis, including supporting our private rental sector.

Speakers will include Richard Rowntree, managing director of mortgages at Paragon Bank; NRLA policy director Chris Norris; housing commentator Vicky Spratt; and Polly Curtis, chief executive of cross-party think tank Demos.


NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “The Labour Party Conference will be an important opportunity for us to engage with key members of the Labour party to stress the importance of a growing private rented sector.

“It is likely the conference will be the last before a General Election and, whilst we don’t know what the outcome will be, Labour is already setting out its stall as a 'Government in waiting'. 

“Whichever party holds power, ensuring we are able to convey the views of landlords providing homes and that we have a positive working relationship with key politicians and decision-makers is incredibly important.”



However the association says it’s still awaiting further details on the Labour Party's plans for PRS reform beyond last year's Renters' Charter proposal and its rejection of rent controls according to former Shadow Housing Secretary Lisa Nandy.

Now the role is held by party deputy leader Angela Rayner.

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  • icon

    I just hope they have the same CGT policy as in their last election manifesto. Paying 40% on an indexed gain is far more palatable than 28% on the whole gain. It would enable us to retire if we wanted and would encourage younger people into the industry. The current system is basic theft. Sell a 4 bedroom house and end up with so little money you can only afford to buy a two bed. How is that fair?

  • icon

    I wish somebody were talking to Labour who would strongly spell out the consequences of the abolition of Section 21.

    Also would be great if capital gains tax were abolished at retirement age to enable those landlords who wish to retire to do so.

  • icon

    Labour will NOT get into power if they publish policy 🤔 they need to remain vague so they capture maximum votes. I feel we are in for worse than the tories 😟


    That's a good point Simon.

    However, if they put forward rental reform legislation which landlords could live with, then they might gain a considerable number of votes from tenants, as well as landlords.

    There needs to be the flexibility in the private rental sector which will allow for fixed term contracts between landlord and tenant where that is acceptable to both parties.

    • G W
    • 09 October 2023 07:50 AM

    I fear you are right….. they’ll use CGT to tie landlords in so that it’s not worth selling and then enforce changes that we will have to comply with


    GW - you've just described the current Conservative policy.


    You can be sure of that Simon.
    'Out of the frying pan into the fire'.

  • John  Adams

    We're all doomed if Ben opens his trap...
    They need someone like Vanessa Warwick there.

    • A JR
    • 09 October 2023 08:28 AM

    Even worse than BB is Chris Norris who consistently ‘under- plays’ all the major issues affecting landlords to the extent that I wonder if he’s not some kind of covert ‘implant’ operating for our many detractors.
    NRLA read… ‘Not Representing Landlords Association’!

    • A JR
    • 09 October 2023 08:33 AM

    Agreed, the NRLA needs to open up to ‘new blood’ across the board and soon!

  • icon
    • A JR
    • 09 October 2023 08:17 AM

    GW. Spot on, this is the ‘unspoken true direction’ of both the major parties.

  • George Dawes

    After seeing labours shocking response to the latest atrocities in Israel , I think they’re the last thing this country needs in charge

  • icon

    Labour are bad for business, bad for landlords, bad for investment bad or just about everything except wokeism, unions, lazy scroungers and creating endless amounts of unnecessary and counter productive red tape.


    Theoretically you're right but haven't we had exactly that since the Conservatives won a majority?

    Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but I seem to remember the Golden age of BTL was under a Labour government. Doesn't mean I want to vote for them but would they really be worse than the current government?


    I can't say the Tories have been fantastic at all. The last 13 years have been largely disappointing. They did however create the PRS and did a great job. Of course it grew, Labour took over during a great boom in the world economy riding the wave. They were in the right place at the right time and left well enough alone hence the golden years were under them. The less said about the Tories since Osbourne the better. But they are egged on by Labour to be more pro-tenant. So to stay in power being pro-tenant has some advantages.

    Labour to me are all about high levels of spending, red tape, undeserved and higher benefit handouts (e.g. Universal Basic Income) and strikes. The Tories can only be better.


    If they want to be pro-tenant they actually need landlords.
    Without landlords a potential tenant is a homeless person.


    Preaching to the converted!

  • George Dawes

    I will say one thing that David Lammy sure is an expert in expenses …

  • Richard LeFrak

    I seriously think Labour will not mention RRB or anything else regarding landlords until they see how many have exited at the end of the year, only then when they can see the impact will they position themselves.

    Amazing how we come into an election run in that Gove changed his tune as he can see which way this is going. Both sets of politicians are completely useless and need to change everything from top to bottom.

  • icon

    Gove didn't mention the RRB. Why is that? Perhaps Labour are keeping quiet to see how the market is reacting to the RRB.

  • John  Adams

    Well we can look forward to a re-run of the 1970s with the announcement they are going to repeal all the strike laws, that should encourage investment...


    That's Labour all over. They want to cancel the gig economy. Watch all those jobs go. They only exist because it's a gig job. Who wants to employ someone they can't get rid of? Who wants tenants they can't get rid of.....


    We lived the 70s John, many voters didn't and it's no good telling them they just wouldn't believe us, I can see a rerun of those years coming strikes and all

  • icon

    Why do politicians and activists only listen to the unhappy minority instead of the happy majority? Why do they feel compelled to mess up systems that work well for most people? Survey after survey have shown the majority of PRS tenants are happy with their PRS experience.
    Touching on Nick's comment on the gig economy. It works incredibly well for some people. It may not be great as a household primary income but as a secondary income it can be perfect. My son has 3 children and is the parent who does the bulk of the school runs, after school activity runs, nursery runs, childcare in general. Both his current partner and ex wife can work full-time without having to juggle childcare. He combines it with Deliveroo and teaching English as a foreign language (mainly online). Most months he earns well over £1500, which for basically working when it suits you and having virtually no childcare or travel to work costs isn't too shabby.
    I do a zero hours job which is generally ideal. I can be available or unavailable to suit myself. I can accept or decline any shifts that are offered. Several of us have either mental or physical health issues and zero hours means we can work without ever worrying about a disciplinary for attendance. Contracted hours simply don't work for everyone.
    My husband works as an agency lorry driver and will only take shifts that suit him. If we've got landlord stuff to do or he wants to go sailing he simply isn't available to do any lorry driving. It allows a good work/life balance. But it isn't what trouble making activists want to hear.


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