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The Big Sell Off - huge number of landlords set to quit

Thousands of landlords are planning to sell properties.

A Simply Business survey of 1,455 UK landlords reveals that a quarter of landlords plan on selling an investment property in the next 12 months.

Over the past 12 months, nine per cent of landlords have released a rental property from their portfolio. 


The South East, Wales and the South West were revealed as top areas for sales. Conversely, the North West, Scotland and the East of England emerged as the top regions for landlords buying properties across the UK.

Though constantly changing legislation was cited as the most common reason for putting property up for sale, rising costs across the board also proved to be a glaring challenge. 

Almost one third of landlords reported an increase in buy-to-let mortgage payments in the past year, with nearly one-fifth reporting that their mortgage repayments had risen by up to 501 per cent.

However despite the current climate, many landlords still consider rental property to be a worthwhile investment, with 50 per cent saying that they would recommend investing in buy-to-let property.

Alan Thomas, UK chief executive at Simply Business, comments: “A combination of economic uncertainty, changing regulations, and rising costs means there’s no shortage of challenges facing the nation’s landlords in 2023. The cost of living crisis has affected all corners of society, and the buy-to-let sector is no different. 

“Our report shows that landlords see rising costs as the single biggest threat to the rental market. An ongoing theme in recent years has been uncertainty, with two thirds telling us that constantly changing and confusing government legislation is one of their greatest challenges.”


The Big Sell Off - huge number of landlords set to quit


The Big Sell Off - huge number of landlords set to quit

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    Are the numbers really this low???


    Agree these figures seem really low. Maybe the people they asked didn't represent a typical mix of landlords. Simply business insurance?

    Richard LeFrak

    It is still 25% of landlords getting out, seeing as the other crackpots (Ben/Polly) can use their numbers to make it look we are all rogues we can use a mix of their numbers and simply business's numbers to get a balance.

    2.5million landlords approx and 625,000 are selling. 11million renters (according to Polly/Ben etc) equates to 2,750,000 being displaced. Whichever way we dress it up good or bad that is a lot of people that need somewhere to live.

    As a direct consequence of Ben/Polly/Gove/Acorn/Councils have distorted the PRS by now saying S21 Evictions are up and everyone is being kicked out for no reason.

    The truth is a direct result of interfering, unjust taxation, licensing, rate increases, language used, threats and a court system that is broken. These are the reasons for a quarter selling up.

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    • K B
    • 12 October 2023 07:47 AM

    Well they certainly haven’t counted my 8 properties

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    The one thing in all of this which is not mentioned as much, is AGE !!! ☠️ A lot of us are in our late 50’’s or mid 60’s, and we have built up enough of a reserve to call it a day. The majority of small landlords have 1 to 3 properties and have ( or have had) full time jobs with a pension, I am such an example. So without all this recent government nonsense I would be looking to sell anyway 🎉💵💰 this current mess just brings my plans forward. The government need to do their job and build millions of properties !!! 🏘


    I also wonder if they in any way asked if landlords were selling due to fear of Labour winning the next election and what the impact would be on the sector.

    As to building millions of properties, yes, but the trouble is that will push house prices up as the demand for land, materials and labour will inflate costs. So who then will buy them?


    Interesting that you mention pensions. For a great many landlords who were self employed in their day jobs their BTLs were an alternative to a pension. When CGT taper relief existed that was a perfect plan. Although we technically could put money in a regular pension it meant cashflow for our self employed business would be difficult. Putting it into BTL meant it was more accessible if we needed it. We have never been able to put rental profits into a SIPP as some clueless moron decided they're unearned. So basically we're denied the tax relief everyone else enjoys and have a couple of bedrooms worth of house stolen if we decide to sell up and retire.


    On the face of it more houses = lower prices. Sure labour and materials will increase if more building goes on. Land is finite. A lot is sitting around not doing anything for all sorts of reasons including land banking.

  • icon

    Less migrants is what we need, not more Houses.


    You need brain surgery- oh no we need immigrants to do that too.


    Well of course Pat is right we do need migrants for the skilled work surgeons. and even tradesmen brick layers etc we don't have them here white British are the nation of the workshy, a sad fact isn't it


    There's a fair amount of those migrants who have not come here to work. They have left their dust bowl to come and stay in the Holiday Inn full board and relax.


    That is of course true Nick they come here to milk the system that plenty of our own white British are also doing


    It’s only five years for indefinite leave to remain and another year for a citizenship, then everyone is British with the same rights to be work shy and blame it all on their mental health.

    Daniela Provvedi

    @Nick and @Andrew - wouldn't you leave your dust bowl to come here and board in the Holiday Inn and relax? Or milk the system if you could?
    These migrants do because they can. It's not their fault we offering them all this on a plate.
    Do you think they "milk the system" or stay in Holiday Inns in France or Italy? (I speak from experience as I travel there a lot). No they don't. Know why? Because they're not welcome. They don't get free mobile phones, food, accommodation and free health over there (I'm talking generally, because some do).

    You Brits are too kind, I've always said so. You can't let them pour in then moan about it when they take over. You need to stop them before they get here, which is something the UK government hasn't got a clue in doing.

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    Angela Rayner was on LBC yesterday. Property118 had an article. She says there is absolutely loads of landlords and when confronted with saying they are leaving. She just put her head in the sand. What a waste of space.


    And this Nick is what worries me 😨 if they say we are not under pressure and are NOT leaving…. They can hammer us more 🆘🆘😨😨


    Yes me too Simon. They can't even see what they are doing wrong. Or if they can don't want to. It's politically and socially acceptable to kick landlords. So why stop? All parties are doing it. Housing it a mess. Who's going to be the bad guy? Yes you guessed it.


    @ Daniela you are of course correct in what you say, our stupid government and all those do gooders out there are to blame

  • icon

    Build more houses is easy to say, the cost of building a house has gone through the roof, material shortages , then of course you have to find the tradesmen to build them


    I question the intelligence of the British people, why allow a policy of selling council houses at a discounted price with out replacing them. Money was available from the sale of the council houses. People didn’t question this conservative policy nor did the Labour Party?
    Labour could have changed the course when they were in power.
    At the end of the day no one cares until it starts to hurt them, then they look for scapegoats to blame.

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    I had a look at the properties in Auctiom House east anglia yesterday next auction, a lot of landlords properties in that including from many landlords that I know locally,

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    Andrew - I'm not convinced the white British are workshy. They have been massively discriminated against in the workplace. Far too much diversity box ticking goes on with white British male being at the bottom of the heap. White British female scores a few more diversity points but nowhere near as many as other ethnicities.
    When opportunities are being handed out on the basis of diversity box ticking not ability is it surprising the white British population is demotivated? I've had a zero hours job for over 8 years and have seen very capable, experienced white British male colleagues apply numerous times for contracted positions and be turned down again and again while someone newly arrived from wherever is given a contract with no experience and no idea if they can even do the job. Treat the idiginous population fairly and they may rediscover their enthusiasm for work.


    Another one that needs brain surgery. I certainly don’t think white people are workshy but there are always a proportion of every culture and background that are lazy, love the free money etc.
    just Google the proportion of ethnicity of England and wales and it comes up with 82% white and 18% black and others.
    What this shows is country is predominantly run by white English and Welsh people. The ethnic minorities usually but not always tend to work harder, go the extra mile to be successful. You can go to any country in the world and find this to be true.

  • icon

    I think there's a lot of work shy white British people too. Not all can or could work in such organisations that do have the diversity hiring culture. There's plenty of unfilled jobs and plenty on NEETS (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) out there.

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    I can easily get 6% interest in the bank without the hassle and heartache of tenants. I'm selling up. That's another 20 families the LA will have to house - oh I forgot: they don't have any houses unless it's for migrants!!

  • Peter  Roberts

    Exactly the same here Peter.
    Why have the constant grief of Government and Councils changing the goalposts and trying to take more and more.
    This used to be a good business to be in but now I have only retained my best 4 properties and tenants.
    If these become empty they will be sold off and never again will I ever rent those properties again.
    As you say. Take the money, make sure you invest in tops savings, use your cash ISA to its full extent and enjoy the rewards of your labours.
    Let’s then sit back and watch the mess that councils will become as thousands and thousands go knocking on their doors demanding to be housed.
    The Government and Councils will wish they didn’t mess with us PRS LLs.
    They will have no idea how to deal with what’s hammering down the road towards them.
    Labou say they are going to build 1000000+ social housing.
    This is utter dross. We don’t have the skilled manpower to do this. People need proper training. But there’s very little of that about at the moment.
    Anyway I’ve a life to live and that’s just what I’m off to do.


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