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Stark Warning - Britain ‘in grip of damp and mould crisis’

Britain is in the grip of a new mould crisis, a leading property association has warned. 

The National Association of Property Buyers says it is seeing “more and more cases” of mould infestations inside properties. 

And it’s warning that the problem is going to get worse and wll become a bigger issue for many tenants in the New Year.


NAPB spokesperson Jonathan Rolande is calling for a national awareness campaign to drive up knowledge and information about the problem.

He says:“Damp and mouldy homes don’t just make life a misery - they put lives at risk. I fear the cost of living crisis is only making this issue more acute. I am seeing more and more cases of this at the moment in properties I am viewing and in pictures shared with me by colleagues in the industry.”

Explaining the main reasons properties suffer with dampness, Rolande explains: “Rain is a massive contributory factor. This can enter the home through a porous external wall or because of defective guttering or roofing. 

“Once it has penetrated it soaks into insulation and plasterwork. This is a perfect environment for mould to grow. The UK is experiencing increasing amounts of torrential rainfall.

“Rising damp is a problem too. A more unusual cause as most properties built after 1930 have an adequate damp proof course to stop moisture from the ground from entering the home. However, the DPC can be breached if soil or paving is built up around the outside walls.

“Condensation often creates damp as well. We all experience condensation in our homes when cooking or after a shower. Good ventilation is key, moisture has to be allowed to escape. Many people don’t ventilate adequately in an effort to preserve warmth in the home.”

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    We are a nation of increasingly lazy and ignorant people. People don’t cherish and look after their own things let alone other peoples’ property when they live in them. Constantly being told we can fail, it’s okay to fail and there’s no shame. There’s a bottomless pit of money on tap to pay benefits to you.

    Now S21 is going you can do what you like. The landlord can’t get rid of you. A nice ombudsman stands ready to enforce all sorts of nonsense all on your behalf and award you compensation for things that are your fault too. Happy days.

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    JR is off again. The nugget is right at the end, people do not ventilate properly.

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    I wouldn’t be surprised what infestation there’s is and hardly anything to do with Private landlords, like the Library in Northolt, Ealing closed due to infestation of bed bugs coming back in the Books I kid you not, imagine if you get stuck with this lot.
    We are on a hiding to nothing see property reporter boloney yesterday all singing from the same anti- landlords stitch up hand Book.
    Andrew Lewer MBE MP - APPG fully of crap, and includes Poly Neate what she wants and Ben Beadle he is only interested in Redress money Schemes, all talking about more resources and enforcement to force landlords in Bankruptcy. Council’s must have more resources despite the fact they have Robbed landlords blind already but they must more of this 10’000 sleeping Rough in London is not enough let’s create some more for their friends with New High Rise unaffordable Flats to take over, can’t beat getting rid of the competition, no one representing landlords the main players in the game all have a lovely time about what they going to bring. We weren’t represented at all at any stage or at the Parliamentary Select Committee either. We have no voice and Ben done a big hatchet job on the NLA making himself CEO. In the article they are all have the same catch phrase “Section 21 is going “ that’s it get rid of that housing problems solved you idiots.

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    They rain he says soaked in through the brickwork well not if it a cavity the majority of properties and if its Stock Bricks in solid walls it might penetrate a little when it’s raining and evaporate when it’s not. Cavity insulations are impervious anyway. Has to be down to the occupants and their lifestyle the buildings were always there why would it be a problem only now.


    Lifestyle's can have an effect on condensation but nor always.
    As for damp this is very unlikely to be lifestyle related.
    The reason we are seeing more now is that the building stock is ageing so older properties brickwork is spalling and eroding, mortar is ageing, so unless adequate remedial repairs are being carried out then they will be deteriorating.
    Further we are getting more extreme weather and rainfall and wind driven rain. The ground is getting more rainfall and less areas to soak away. I am seeing more and more rising damp on internal walls.
    These issues of rising and penetrative damp can't be blamed on tenants.


    I don't think we are getting more extreme weather at all. There has been many periods of extreme cold in the past. Our reservoirs have been quite empty too with talk of host pipe bans earlier this year. It's no big deal.

  • icon

    The rise is damp appears to correlate with the increase in the cost of heating. People are heating & ventilating their property less & this is causing damp in their homes.

  • icon

    We had a damp proof report don’t for a tenant which warned the agents they would go to the newspaper over mould.
    All comes out that the report stated all that we had been saying to the tenants. “99% of this is condensation”
    1-Not using pan lids when cooking, 2-Not opening windows
    3- Been drying clothing all around the house
    4- Using the kids bedrooms to dry wet towels
    5- Stacking refuse up inside the ingle nook fireplace

    6-Packing rubbish at the back of wardrobes and not allowing air to flow

    95% of the tenants now are making complaints over mould ( but it’s All condensation)
    We had worse wet weather in years, so if you can’t help your self how can we help you !
    Stop blaming poor Landlords over how you are living in a house, acknowledge your own fault your making the house ill and therefor making you and your family Ill..
    What happened to a car when You sit inside with the windows shut?
    ( that’s what you do to your home )
    Help us to help you, OPEN A WINDOW

  • icon

    Nick is right …… 🤔 WHEN we lose s21, and all these ombudsman’s schemes come in, they have us in a corner 🛑, irrespective of the truth, we are stuck with the tenant and will have to ‘ fix’ a problem of their own making, and WILL NOT be able to evict them 😰😰, and to top it off…. Have to pay them compensation 💰


    That's exactly how I see it. This will be the standard procedure. Tenants will get wise, play up even more especially when given a rent rise. They will grow mould in the hope of gaining compensation, or to stave off eviction procedures.

    The whole RRB is a total disaster. Beadle has stood by idly watching.

  • icon

    Buy a Nuaire Drimaster Heat Positive Input Ventilation unit. Or a similar PIV unit
    Cut 1cm off the bottom of internal doors.
    Problem solved.
    This is what Housing Associations have done in thousands of their houses and flats.
    This is what I've done and it works.


    Cutting 1cm off the bottom of a fire door will void fire door fitting regulations.
    We have been fitting Passifyer Vents in bedrooms which seems to work - this is in place of tenants adequately ventilating the property - however we do have to try to stop them sealing the vents with plastic & sellotape!!!!!

    Richard LeFrak

    Here He Is...!


    At least the Gibbons Gibberish is brief today.😉 Not that many actually read it. 🤣


    They will just switch it off or seal it up. They don't like anything that they think causes a draught or uses electricity.

  • icon

    It's funny how these so called damp and mould problems only occur in rented properties.


    It's not their property. They don't care.


    Absolute rubbish. I do property surveys and see jist as many issues of damp and condensation in home owned properties as rented and often in extremely affluent households.


    When he says that we all know home owners deal with it. They mitigate it occurring, and then deal with it once it does. Not let it get out of hand.


    Is David Brown related to Gibbo? 🤔


    🤔🤔😄😄 I know, amazing how so many tenants have such bad luck 🍀🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


    I was thinking there may be a connection with Sandra Bowes-Rennox of James Turner.


    For the record David Brown is NOT related to ME!

  • icon

    Waste of time putting in Fire Doors and air tight seals then.


    This created sealed rooms within a property as it stops the natural air movement within a property, therefore high humidity is trapped within each room - local authorities have caused this by insisting that all HMO's have door closers fitted!!

  • icon

    The cause of mould is condensation onto cold surfaces within the property - this condensation is almost always caused by high humidity levels within the property caused by the actions of the tenants plus a lack of ventilation & heating.
    Tenants make this situation much worse by drying clothes within the property - I try to explain this but I might as well be speaking Swahili.
    Gove (TW-T) is also brain dead on this subject as are all local authorities public heath & Citizens Advice departments.


    So true, why do home owners understand, but tenants don’t 🤷

  • icon

    so difficult when theres a leak from the flat(s) above and you cant contact the owner for that flat or trace the leak - they dont care if the leak isnt affecting them , tenants havent got a clue


    Been there, had that. The leak was on the second floor flat. Small amount in the first floor flat, but the majority ended up in the ground floor flat and coming out of the wall of the building. For extra fun, it was an empty flat and the owner did nothing about it for three days! 😡


    Yes total nightmare and another reason to steer clear of flats.

  • David Hollands

    The modern houses have no fresh air.
    It use to be law to have an air brick in every room of the house.

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    Landlords should be offered a special government subsidized scheme in conjunction with the energy companies so that they can include unlimited gas and electricity in the rent. That would go a long way to solving damp and mould, as well as improving tenants' quality of life.

    However, due to the Renters Reform legislation and what the Labour Party has said, many landlords are telling their tenants to leave now, so all improvements become irrelevant.

  • John  Adams

    If you live outside of the Westminster bubble in the real world you'll know that tens of millions of homes in the UK were built for solid fuel - Coal & Wood with open fire places, and so they were designed to allow free air flow. Come the 70s and Clean Air controls and North Sea Gas people are pushed to ditch the smoke and mess for Central Heating which was fine as it was cheap and clean but now fuel prices are rocketing and we all have to go green, people are being told to seal every nook & cranny trapping the moisture from breathing, cooking, washing inside, coupled with everything being painted with plastic and not chalk based paints results in your owh greenhouse effect complete with nature's response of mould. PIV systems, dehumidifiers can help but the reality is all these are expensive and many people can't see the benefit of something that costs them thousands to install, makes the house a little draughty and colder.... I spent more than a thousand pounds putting in a heated piv system in a property and got no end of complaints about the draught.... You can't win. The Government needs to spend money on a proper functional home improvement system for all average income homes.

    Of course the real irony is zero carbon new builds with Triple Glazing, Heat Pumps, Solar and Rain Water Harvesting aren't even mandatory....

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    I got a call yesterday, said it was in response to my housing issues...I asked what issues these were and she replied it was about the damp and mould in my home! Of course it was one of those urging you to go after your landlord for compensation! This is the new PPI. When i said she was welcome to send round a team of builders at their expense to tackle any 'issues' I have in my owner occupied home surprisingly she hung up!


    What I find interesting is that the firm of sharks, 😡sorry, I meant benevolent solicitors 😉are only interested in social housing tenants with mould problems. Would that be because they have deeper pockets than private landlords who would actually fight back? 🤔

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    The final paragraph say it all “Condensation often creates damp as well. We all experience condensation in our homes when cooking or after a shower. Good ventilation is key, moisture has to be allowed to escape. Many people don’t ventilate adequately in an effort to preserve warmth in the home.”

    Every mould and damp issue I have ever experienced is cause by tenants lack of knowledge or daft actions.

    One property returned to me by departing tenants had windows and blinds covered with mould. Upon removing the mould covered blinds, I discovered that the tenants had installed the blinds directly to the window frames covering over the window vents in the closed position, blocking the vents completely on every window in the house. Yet the tenants are surprised they suffer from mould.

    In another property i found the tenants had taped over all the vents in every bedroom.

    The property rental agents I use inform me that mould is a common problem, in virtually all cases caused by tenants failure to property heat and properly ventilate the property. The agents have even taken to issuing every tenant with a document outlining what the tenants need to do to properly ventilate and avoid mould.

    Why does the article not refer to LL and agents experience with tenants actions and behaviour that is at the root cause of most mould or damp problems?


    My agent gave tenants a leaflet explaining their responsibilities. Most don't read it.

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    I thought David Brown were famous Tractors 👍


    farmers I know don't like them

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    Most houses in the mid-50s are built in 250mm cavity construction with DPCs to avoid moisture penetrating the inner skin - so the construction of homes is not the main problem, as this writer suggests.

    Further, under NHBC standards 5.1.19, DPCs should be, and are, positioned at least 150mm above external finished ground or paving level · linked with any DPM.

    Regarding condensation, the writer again misses the main problem - yes, apart from adequate ventilation, the occupier should keep the whole property during winter
    at a minimum of 16 degrees. The problem here is due to recent high energy costs radiators are only turned on sparingly; this life style choice exacerbates the condensation problem that contributes to internally caused mould and dampness.

    After the Renters Reform Bill goes through long term tenants would be expected to clean their gutters, kitchen drains, pipes, etc, when blocked.


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