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Activists to lobby MPs on rental reform in ‘day of action’

A coalition of tenant activists has called a Day of Action to protest at delays in the government’s rental reform agenda.

The Renters Reform Coalition - a group of 20 campaigning organisations including Generation Rent and anti-landlord and anti-letting agent body Acorn - says in a statement that private renting “has never been less affordable and less secure than it is right now.”

It continues: “Despite this, the Government has STILL not made good on its 2019 promise to end ‘no-fault’ evictions.


“Tenants are still forced to live in fear, knowing that if they ask their landlord to do the bare minimum in terms of standards, or if they challenge a rent increase, they can just be evicted – out in the cold for exerting their rights.”

The activists say their proposed day of action - which will involve a March in London - “will pressure the Government to end the renting crisis and bring forward the Renters Reform Bill now!”

The coalition, which is led by the Generation Rent group, promises “an exciting day of activities” including panels and advice events and time to lobby MPs.

There will also be a petition handed in to 10 Downing Street.

The coalition’s statement concludes: “What difference will it make?

“You will be taking part in one of the largest coordinated political actions taken by private renters in UK history. With your help, we can force the Government to take notice of the support for rental reform!”

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  • icon

    Who pays for these groups and how much are the leaders getting ?

  • icon

    “ An excitingly spiffing day of activity “ 😂😂 sounds like a bunch of lefties who made the wrong decisions in life and are now moaning about their lot in life … suck it up buttercup 🌸

  • icon

    They are protesting the wrong thing! Even if no-one was ever evicted we would still have a crisis
    as there is a shortage of property for new tenants. They should be demanding that the Govt comes up with a plan for building more affordable housing. That is the only thing that will bring rents down, increase availability & improve standards.

  • icon

    Activist’s if they are active why don’t they build some housing themselves instead of destroying the landlords that do, you free loaders.
    Of Course we all know rents are to high caused deliberately by Council’s & Government by Law & Regulatory Requirements activist’s don’t notice this as they are part of the problem.
    Hurry up ban evictions to fill my property with druggies and powerless to manage, that’s fine they can give landlords a big penalty.


    The only activity most have is getting off the sofa to answer the door to JustEat, Domino, KFC etc.

  • Rik Landlord

    How blind are these people. It blows my mind the stupidity. Housing shortage is the problem which is a government issue, no landlord rules. Morons.

  • icon

    Chances are many of these activists are squatting,
    even the Luvvies, enjoying the rough, in line for big inheritances & luxury later
    7 MONTHS into a possession process where judge gives tenants 2 weeks to defend,
    he gives another week, which once taken,
    starts the whole process from the beggining.
    (with almost 3 months for cournts to open a Landlords email)

  • icon

    Glad o got my S21s in before the end of it. One down, one to go. Way to go fascist tenant groups.

  • icon

    These various anti landlord groups, do seem to get a good amount of press coverage etc. Those supposedly fighting for landlords...not so much!

  • icon

    So just where are these tenants that are scared to report maintenance in case their landlord serves notice. Surely a property cannot deteriorate that significantly since move in, unless it was like that when viewed and therefore why take the property? I think a lot of issues are caused by lifestyle, tenants drying washing without ventilation causing mould which is then the landlords fault. I don't have mould in my house and would imagine most others on this group don't either. These do gooders do not realise that all they are doing is driving private landlords away.


    Owner occupiers never seem to have this mould issue. Always seems to be a BTL property with this mould. They must be built differently or something


    I get a bit of mould in my house. But I deal with it straight away.

    My tenants grow it as they are ignorant and too lazy to open the windows. They also have tried the asthma bit with the compensation letter. More delicately it's a single skin grade E house and it is cold to live there; and they originate from warmer climates which really doesn't help regarding opening windows throughout the year. They can't even be bothered to dry their washing outside.

    On their S21 defence forms all four kids apparently have respiratory issues due to the mould they grow. But they also say they have nowhere else to go and want to stay. Perhaps the council make them file the defence. But they are too much of a risk to keep.

  • icon

    Social housing Manager’s will now require qualification’s in professionalism because of the toddler who died rip.
    It’s the occupants that need training. It not the Teacher that needs training it’s the pupils.
    Mr Gove no stopping him or the Mayor they are full of it.


    Exactly. See my post above. They don't know how to live in a house.

  • icon

    Yes Michael all tenants should be licensed before applying for a property. A weeks course with an exam afterwards and a yearly refresher fee

    jeremy clarke

    Some years back Medway council ran "training" for tenants, it still appears on their website. Not sure how that worked??

  • David Lester

    Net result of these protests is that rents will rise even further!

  • icon

    Our future strategy is to never put up rent and never evict a tenant, it's called the sell up strategy. They haven't seen anything yet, where will rents go when demand skyrockets due to lack of supply.

  • icon

    Tenants grow mould to try and have a claim against the landlord.


    That's my experience as far as I am concerned.

  • jeremy clarke

    Polly Bleat is having a moan on twitter today about a shortage of affordable rental property. Maybe everyone should reply to her tweet??


    I've been blocked by Shelter on Twitter. They only like their own narrative.


    Good response by you on twitter. Perhaps not honest and brutal enough though!

  • icon
    • B L
    • 28 February 2023 22:11 PM

    Please vote, to Reinstate Tax Relief Allowing Mortgage Interest to be Set Against Rental Income:
    Let's help ourselves, copy the subject above or the link below to look for the direct link to vote.

  • icon

    I and my family have already signed.
    Please can all you landlords out there who have not signed please do it and encourage your family and friends to sign.
    This is your future at stake!


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