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Tenants trained to complain about landlords, funded by taxpayers

Social housing tenants are to be encouraged to hold their landlords to account as part of a taxpayer funded training scheme.

From free advice on addressing damp and mould to webinars on how to complain about anti-social behaviour, the training programme will - according to a government statement - “share information like that handed out by shows such as ‘Watchdog’ or ‘Rip Off Britain’, offering tips and advice so tenants know their rights and how to access the Housing Ombudsman service.”

Backed by £500,000 of public cash the training - to be called the Four Million Homes programme - will also encourage tenants to take an active role in how their homes are managed, with advice on how to set up a residents panel so tenants are treated with respect.


An announcement by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities says this is the latest government move “to help rebalance power between residents and landlords”. 

The government recently made amended the Social Housing Regulation Bill going through Parliament, including Awaab’s Law, meaning all social landlords will have to fix hazards like damp and mould within set time frames, and a measure that will require social housing managers to gain a professional qualification, so residents receive a better service.

The minister for social housing, Baroness Scott, says: “Tenants deserve better and this training programme will help people up and down the country demand a high-quality service from their landlord. We are driving up standards in social housing through landmark legislation and making sure residents’ voices are heard with digital advertisement campaigns. The Four Million Homes programme is the latest part of our plan to drive a culture change right at the very heart of the social housing sector.”

The training events will begin in May and will run over 24 months starting with ‘Exploring your right to engage and be heard’, advising residents of their rights and how to make complaints.

Sessions will include face-to-face accredited training around the country including in Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London and monthly webinars on topics such as addressing damp and mould and anti-social behaviour. 

Online training videos will be live from September to ensure that these opportunities are available to all via the Four Million Homes website.

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  • icon

    More levelling down. What a pathetic waste of money. We get into more and more debt each year and here we are spending more encouraging more complaining and more costs to be spent. Nothing increasing our productivity.

  • Richard LeFrak

    So I guess the constant slapping with tax is now distributed to the professional complainers that do not wish to engage with landlords. I cannot think of one decent landlord who would not want to resolve a damp issue or any general maintenance issue if they could or had the cashflow. However with the erosion of profits it does become more difficult. This levelling up has been a complete mess up from the start with no clear direction, will not be any better under the set of Crackpots...!

  • icon

    No wonder PLL are existing. Another reason for the continuing exit. But sgree with above what LL would not want to address issues. Like mould. And yes took to one side if not. Agents to communicate is key .

  • icon

    I thought April 1st was beginning of the month.

  • icon

    When are leaseholders of ex Council flats going to be given training courses in how to make the freeholder Council take responsibility for carrying out exterior repairs in a timely fashion? Our leases prohibit us from doing anything to the exterior and the Council take forever to get round to doing even the smallest repair.

  • icon

    But we are talking ' social tenants' here, council and housing association estates, looking around Norwich for example these are the areas where ASB is rife, also the social housing built between the wars and the concrete buildings built in the 60s are now failing and not fit for purpose .

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    How much is being spent on training Council tenants to complain against ' Local ' Government.
    ( is that a ' round ' figure ! )


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