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Renters Reform Bill - Tories worried about AirBnb growth

A newspaper claims  unrest about the Renters Reform Bill amongst Tory MPs revolves around fears that buy to let landlords will be driven to let out via AirBnb.

The i newspaper, which has run a number of stories about the Bill citing unnamed Tory MPs, has run another - again with an anonymous Conservative MP quoted extensively.

The MP in question tells the paper: “We’ve already seen private-sector landlords are dropping out of the market and then going into Airbnb, because they can make more money there and don’t have all the conditions on how they run their own properties.


“If this Bill goes through then it could lead to less homes being available to rent, which, in turn, leads to even higher costs for tenants as rent will rise further.”

Another Conservative backbencher - yet again unnamed - tells the i that the government axing a commitment to build 300,000 new homes a year “does not sit well with imposing such tough restrictions on landlords”.

The MP adds: “I agree with the premise that we should give more protections to tenants, but we are not providing these same people with affordable homes to buy.

“Landlords are likely to be pushed out of the market as a result of the Bill and that, in the end, does not make life easier for tenants as the lack of supply will just force rents up even more.”

Last week the i ran a story headlined: “Inside the rebellion over Renters Reform Bill led by Tory landlords”. 

The piece claimed that “those considering voting against the Government are believed to include high profile Tories such as Jacob Rees Mogg” and adds that “Kevin Hollinrake, the former chairman of national estate agency chain Hunters, is also thought to be a potential rebel.” 

However the story names no other MPs at all - although it claims as many as 50 Tory MPs could vote against the Bill or abstain.

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  • icon

    MPs need to be worried.
    Where are they going to house all the people who won't be able to find a rental property?
    How much is it going to cost the tax payer for whatever temporary housing they have to resort to?


    In part Jo… it’s the council’s that will have the headache 🤐

  • icon

    Of Course the Tories are worried about the rise in AirBnB,
    They just got rid of us but unfair Regulation and Legislation now they have another lot to content with, they’ll have to destroy them as well.
    They can’t have them scupper their Master Plans after mucking up PRS to clean the decks for big boys to take over.
    Hello Legal & General to Build 1’000, FLATS to RENT funded by £150m Credit facility by HSBC. Barclay and NatWest all snouts in the trough, any penny dropping yet, this is not their first lot either.

    Ian Deaugustine

    I think the Tories have already succeeded in destroying us, Landlord; they will not do the same with Airbnb as Airbnb is a huge corporation, and Tories respect them; see Amazon: no tax paid, poor conditions for employees, but they seem not to care. So, of course, only landlords have to respect high standards, have more non-sense rules imposed, and have more taxes to pay. Only this way can the government succeed and support the Amazon no-tax system. I know Labour would probably do worst, but the scenario seems a competition among idiots, and the only ones who will lose are we, landlords, in the first place, then tenants when they will no longer find flats to stay.


    Don’t forget Tesco have 20k units in the PRS managed by Places for People.


    Hi Michael.
    Without doubt, AirBnB is on their radar.
    It won't be long before their is a raft of legislation aimed at this in particular.
    When (not if) Labour get in at the next election, these new regulations will increase exponentially and owners of these properties will become 'cash cows' to satisfy the anti-business rhetoric of the socialists.
    We already have, what is essentially a communist inspired form of devolution here in Wales and they hate anybody that they feel is profiting from letting out property.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Currently get just over 2k per month for four flats in one building, beautiful building and very close to the university in Preston. I can make the same money renting on Air BnB for seven nights? What is the incentive with regulations coming down to leave it as it is. One of the guys on the same road has done it and with the fees for someone cleaning it and doing handovers etc he was in profit within three months.


    I think you’ve answered your own question 💵💵💵


    The more interesting question is with interest rates >4% could you make more from fixed rate cash bonds from your capital?


    I have turned a £6k deposit into over £3 million equity over around 30 years and now get over £280k gross annual rental.

    I doubt if any other investment would match that. The 4% return on bonds is actually -6% when taking inflation into account whereas over time property will continue to rise in value due to market forces.

    There's still a healthy return in the Scottish prs where worse regulations than those proposed for England have been in place since 2017.

    Only tenants-especially families wanting to stay long term- need to fear the new regulations. Landlords staying the course will do just fine if they select tenants very carefully.


    Wholeheartedly agree with Robert. Those landlords that remain n the PRS will reap the rewards. Those shooting from the hip and leaving the sector will regret doing so.


    If property prices crash then Tricia's suggestion might not be a bad one; prices are still high, but might not remain so. At least the capital value is safe in a savings product, but of course high inflation is a concern.

    With a sitting tenant a property would lose about half its value.



    It's all about choosing tenants carefully moving forward with the proposed legislation.

    Students suddenly become desirable and young families less so, but a rental property will still be able to be sold with tenants evicted. This is even allowed in the People's Republic of Scotland under the recent legislation as is the right to evict for personal occupation or major repairs or construction work etc.


    I understand that Robert, but one doesn't know what rules a Labour Government will introduce in 2025. The tenants could be given the right to buy.

    I do agree about choosing tenants carefully, but personally I wouldn't take the chances that you take. You have done brilliantly to carry on letting.



    Students or even young professionals are unlikely to stay long term or want to exploit any right to buy.

    Everything threatened by either main party just makes things worse for families wanting to stay long term. Pity they can't see that and get their MP to see sense!


    I don't think you are in the same position as I am Robert. Your yield is more than four times mine.

    Perhaps I undercharge, but I have to consider affordability.

    If I sold, I could get more money in interest from a savings account without any hassle at all.



    The only affordability you need to consider is your own and whether the capital appreciation makes up for a current cash flow loss due to Section 24.

    You would earn a negative interest rate in real terms on a depreciating asset (cash) if you bailed out.

    Btl investors have done very well on the fears of people who want to play safe and stick their cash in the bank.

    If you've already taken the btl plunge, don't bail out. Perhaps sell one or more to reduce your gearing if you're really worried and making a loss on the lowest yielding asset, but don't sell out.

    For many years my gross rents barely covered my interest payments but capital growth was strong so I remortgaged to get deposits for further properties and over time the rents grew and interest rates fell. I've never repaid a penny of btl debt and I've still got around £1 million of such debt but it costs around £20k and if I cleared it I would lose about £60k of gross rental and pay about £200k cgt on the assets sold off.

    I don't intend to ever sell up - just informally hand things over to my kids or grandkids to run when the time is right.

    I'm only 73 and Rupert Murdoch is still running things (and chasing women) in his 90's, so that could be a fair time ahead.

  • icon

    Holiday lets are the way to go. I'm currently doing one and another is rented out to a small business who use it for holiday lets. Much more profit. The properties are well maintained and cleaned and I have control of them... And more tax efficient... What's not to like?

  • icon

    Good that some MPS are seeing sense, and that i newspaper is doing stories on problems. BBC has recently done a little from LLD point of view when discussing tenants plight.

    And good for the MP pointing out that Govt. abandoning its previous planning rules that might help meet Govt. new build targets of 300,000 homes p.a. will mean rent rises due to PRS 'reform' won't be dampened by more new homes becoming available/being built.

  • michael davies

    Robert brown,WELL DONE,you have earned it becuase of all the heart ache and sh🤔t that came with it.



    Thanks but in fact I have had very few problems with tenants, mainly students with solvent guarantors.

    My properties are all above average in value, condition and location and attract better tenants.

    I've only had one bailiff eviction and two Section 21 notices served in over 300 tenancies, so avoiding the bottom end of the market has worked out well for me, more through luck than judgement as I wanted to be near Universities etc. to justify higher rents and avoid voids.


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