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Starmer slams “unscrupulous” landlords and wants strict new regulations

Labour will create a national landlord register to protect tenants from what the party calls “unscrupulous property owners.:

Party leader Sir Kier Starmer, in an interview with the Mirror newspaper, says he stands behind a “talented generation … left behind and forced to struggle” with fast-increasing rents.

Starmer says in the interview: “There is a whole generation of young people, with dreams of homeownership, that now feel unattainable and unrealistic. Generation rent have been completely abandoned by this government. Left to attempt to cope through a cost of living crisis forcing them into endlessly spiralling costs, and too many unscrupulous landlords having the power to do what they want.


“There is no hiding the fact that rogue landlords do exist, and generation rent are left with little, and sometimes no measures to protect themselves. That is why I am committed to introducing a national register of landlords, allowing us to crack down on the people taking advantage of the system.

“The Prime Minister’s inability to take on his Party means his weak, reckless, short sighted planning changes, leave generation rent in a headlock.

“We’ll reverse them and enforce requirements on local areas to build in line with local need. My Labour Party won’t be shy about taking on speculators and nimbyism in the name of the next generation of homeowners.

“Our raft of measures – from setting locally led house building targets, to giving first time byers first dibs on developments – will support the aspiration of hard working young Brits and make their dream of home ownership a reality.

“Labour is proudly the party of homeownership. We’ll reverse these reckless changes and reintroduce requirements for local areas to make sure enough homes are being built where they’re needed. It isn’t right that hard working young people are being priced out of their areas, squeezed by rents, and having their ambition to buy a house taken from them.

“Labour will also actively support first-time buyers with a comprehensive mortgage guarantee scheme and by giving them first dibs on new houses in their area, to ensure far more families can enjoy the pride and security of owning their own home.”

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  • George Dawes

    Mr qc millionaire with a mansion in Hampstead

    Real man of the people, happens to be a member of the tri lateral commission too…

  • George Dawes

    Personally I’d like to see a register of all politicians with links to the wef and it’s affiliates

    Now that’d be interesting reading

     G romit

    Isn't that virtually all politicians?

  • icon

    “talented generation … left behind and forced to struggle”.

    I would say that’s largely down to Labour policies from 1997-2010 raising kids being taught there are no winners and losers at school. Everyone is entitled to a prize. Them being soft on punishment and big on handing out free money and housing at everyone else’s expense.

  • icon

    Multi-millionaire Sir Kneeler does not mention "unscrupulous tenants".


    Yep! Wait till Labour get in then f in WATCH OUT ALL LANDLORDS!!!

    Zoe S

    My thoughts exactly! Why is the focus purely on Landlords there are equally as many unscrupulous Tenants! And Politicians as for that matter. If there are rents rising, well that’s down to all the new legislations imposed on Landlords that have caused them to either sell or put up their rents to survive!
    Where is the Landlords protection?

  • icon

    And of course politicians aren't unscrupulous.

    Zoe S


  • icon

    And of course politicians aren't unscrupulous.


    You should know! ;)

  • Richard LeFrak

    Is this utter flip flopping idiot going to get a national register for rogue tenants too, also supply grants for landlords who have their properties wrecked? No didn't think so... Not one policy that his party have has any substance to it, I am dreading them coming to power.

    Ian Deaugustine

    I totally agree with you


    But equally dread the tories staying in power too.
    We are between a rock and a hard place.

  • icon

    Was thinkin- as this country is really going down hill give it 20 yrs- but if when Labour get in - give it 5 yrs ! Then the country will be s h I t for self employed PLL’s.

  • icon

    What not again another one from Parliament that forgot to mention that High Rents in the main are Government driven by Extra Regulatory Compliance, Licensing Schemes, additional Stamp Duty and unfair taxation specifically for private landlords.
    They also forgot to say that the housing crisis was deliberately caused by Government continuous attack on Private landlords, such hypocrisy.
    Ok we know its to clear the decks for the big boys to take over and Build Multi Story unsuitable Flats.
    They need a Mew Money Stream the Commercial at Retail Businesses has hit the buffer’s, a product good old Technology Internet purchasing has brought the Country to its knees, anyway the Concrete Mixer can’t stop or the jobs will be lost then we are really in trouble / recession, we are only Collateral damage Scapegoats.

  • icon

    Politicians on all sides blame LLs for the housing crisis. When they have forced us all out & things are even worse they will finally realise that high rents & bad LLs are a symptom of a failing housing market not the cause. The cause is decades of poor housing policy. I really feel for anyone who has to rent now & in the future.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    I can see the 'sport' of slamming landlords becoming an Olympic games event.
    Countries will compete for who can impose the most draconian measures and the Conservative party [sic] stand a good chance of winning. !!

  • icon

    When Labour were last in… didn’t they continue with RTB 🤔🤔😂😂 Whoops.

  • icon

    Tricia, don’t forget the Housing Benefit Policy’s has created Single Parent Families with 3 / 4 Children on housing benefit usually with the invisible live-in partner.
    Why would they buy a property when they have it all already + all the other goodies whether Child Allowance, Schooling or Reduced C/tax and much more.
    When it comes to renting they often out bid working Tenants the sleeping partner can throw-in a few bob. I tell it how it is Government are trying to reduce this huge housing Bill or is it £23.1 billion.


    Also Starmer forgets that housing benefit pays the rent and does not pay mortgages or the maintenance costs of a bought property. Why would anyone on HB and many of them work full time, want to buy?


    So so true, in my job I see this most days… knock on an address to speak with the female who called us, meant to live alone with her kids, but everywhere there are signs of a man living there 🤐🤐 The tax payer is a mug.

  • icon

    There are times in almost everyone's lives when renting suits them.
    Maybe for their time at university, when they relocate for a new job, when they meet a new partner and want to try living together without the huge financial commitment and legal tie of a mortgage, when they have a big building project, etc. It doesn't matter if it's for 3 months or 5 years - the PRS has for many years had a solution to suit those requirements. That sort of renting isn't what Social Housing is for and it doesn't fit the Holiday Sector either. It is a distinct and very necessary class in its own right. It's about time politicians recognised it and nurtured it instead of confusing us with Social Housing.

  • icon

    Labour the “party of homeownership “. 😂. Where’s the policy? Not everyone can own or afford to. What did Blair do to create social housing to house the vulnerable? Hived off into social housing which now invests its surplus( profit) into private sector. And while I’m at it, how well is social housing managed? Mould anyone?

  • icon

    I don't have a problem with a landlord AND TENANT register, bring it on I say


    RLA argued for years against a landlord register. Just another form of licensing and cost. Better to trade it off against licensing and permit self regulation for “registered” landlords while making them accountable for any malpractice.
    What’s NRLA doing?


    Ben Beadle as usual "welcomes" everything the government throws at us.

  • Ian Deaugustine

    And who will save us from evil Tories and "Labour" politicians? Please suggest if there is a third option for me to consider to vote.

  • icon

    ...... And so the relentless BS goes. on...... And on.... And on.... It's not going to get any better folks....if they're not putting obstacles in our way they're scheming up more, it's like they're obsessed with forcing landlords out of the system. I'm happily obliging.


    Me too 💵💵


    May be now the Weinstein thing has died down we could hijack the #MeToo tagline for us poor landlords.

  • icon

    Andrew. Well with the licensing HMO Register now Borough wide in some cases, no need for another Register to be honest we are vastly over regulated and rent payments through the Bank.
    No need for the the New Redress Scheme they are pushing either, who is going to Redress Landlords (I have a house £10k behind) not another one sided Ombudsman its bad enough to have Council’s, Courts & Tribunal’s all in click hardly need an Ombudsman and no Section 21,
    we can whistle for it.

  • icon

    It must be so obvious LL are not being treated fairly when some of my tenants have commented on it and asked if I am considering selling due to government pressure. They know the more LL that sell up the higher the rents go. Gove just don't want to see it.

  • jeremy clarke

    It took many years in Wales to get the landlord register in place and it's still not fully there so England will take a very long time by which time I and many other landlords will have retired. If kneel starmer thinks he is going to get a register in place during his 5 year term he will get a shock and hopefully the 5 years will be the only term liebor get to serve, by then perhaps we will have a proper Conservative party who are not just reds wearing blue ties!


    I don't know what has happened to the Tories since Brexit. I feel there's a choice of red or red (but wearing blue).


    From what I can see the Landlord register in Wales has been useless so far. The online training can be done by anyone the landlord can get to do it, if they can't be bothered themselves. Those who don't register, appear to get away with it. Many tenants have never even heard of Rent Smart Wales.

  • Daniela Provvedi

    I don't normally comment on this forum, but I read most of what you all write. Some of you I attentively follow, and "like" most of what you say (you know who you are).

    However, as a non Brit (allowed to live here but not allowed to vote), I feel sad at some of the Political comments made, and this has made me want to write and say that....
    I feel you've given up. You've already accepted that Starmer is your next PM.
    You're not fighting for your country! You've already accepted that Labour will be next - I've noticed this by a few comments on here.

    For your sake and for all us genuine foreigners who have a business here and love your country like you do, just don't give up and let Labour in. Just say No.
    Thank you.

    Richard LeFrak

    As a person who is proud of my country I could no longer stay there and carry on paying for the wanton waste of successive governments. Why with three kids do I need to pay for an NHS that does not work, schools that are continually on strike, councils that keep ramping up my council tax but do not offer any greater services. They also cannot answer a telephone for any issues, but they can get a council tax bill through your door in double quick time especially for an empty house...

    Private Landlords have made a huge difference to the landscape and brought back many properties to life and provided excellent homes for people. The reward for supporting failing housing policies..... tax them to within an inch of their lives.

    So yes I am proud of my country and my people, especially those with a little flair and seeking opportunities. I am not proud however of the current bunch of career politicians who have never lifted their finger in industry or worked in a real job. I now live in Dubai and I am seriously considering selling my entire portfolio and this last bit really upsets me as I think back of all the hard work that went into them.


    But we have a labour government presently just dressed up as conservative


    I will say no until I die to Labour.


    Gove has never had a real job. Just a bit of journalism I think writing about some things. The current crop of politicians is dreadful.

  • Daniela Provvedi

    Yes Andrew, I know and you're right.
    But I also know (been living here since 1989) that if Labour get in, it will be worse, far worse.

  • icon

    The Council got permission for 3 ward’s in Ealing for Selective licensing in July 2022 similar to previous Selective licensing of 3 Wards fair enough.
    The later in same year comes along Mr Michael Gove, Conservative Housing Secretary and gives Selective Licensing Permission for Borough wide might be 24 I gave up counting, anyway that’s not what the Act was for it was supposed to be Selective and for especially problem Areas ?. what happened to that, yes he is Labour in a blue suit.

  • icon

    Trisha you are so right, the housing problem is caused by not providing enough suitable properties, and the lack of suitable properties is largely down to the stranglehold of the planning system and greenbelt, which limits development. Rogue landlords if they exist to any significant number, are only a pinprick compared to the damage caused by the planning system and more a symptom.
    We could build enough planes and tanks to beat the Germans in the Second World War, create Nightingale hospitals in a week. We could provide thousands of properties in a months if we put our minds to it.
    Jim Haliburton
    The HMO daddy

  • icon

    Jim, my friend you can’t build enough housing that’s out of the question, they will all want them as now.
    The housing Benefit System has destroyed the normal Marriage Family unit. Its now the Mother and 3 / 4 kids housed and all kept and the secret sleeping
    How can you top that again do you think they are going to get saddled with a 30 year Mortgage when they have it all already for free dream on,

  • Clare Dundas

    LL having to comply with costly regulations that really ought to be the responsibility of the tenant. However, years of living in a nanny state has created irresponsible attitudes and careless behaviours. Tenant was asked by me to provide their own carbon monoxide detector as I was looking after my step dad with Parkinson's dementia. I explained to the tenant the role of the carbon monoxide detector and stressed how essential it was for them to get one and where it should be placed, and said I would pay for it. The tenant is on maternity leave, brand new baby, partner currently off work for issues relating to mental health. I'm super busy and also a full time carer. Despite my severe warnings re the importance of having a detector, and despite the tenant being on maternity leave and her partner off work, and despite my insistence that I'd pay for the detector, a week has passed and nothing is done. They couldn't afford it, apparently, even though I said I'd transfer the funds. So that doesn't add up. The truth is, they can't be arsed. So today I will go and buy and deliver the thing that I stressed to them will potentially save her and partner's and her baby's life. Why is the tenant not responsible for their own health and safety? Why is the tenant not required to produce and prove they have their own carbon monoxide detector when they move in? I know this is a small point, but it really amazed me that despite my insistences and warnings, the tenant just can't be arsed.

  • Clare Dundas

    LL having to comply with costly regulations that really ought to be the responsibility of the tenant. However, years of living in a nanny state has created irresponsible attitudes and careless behaviours. Tenant was asked by me to provide their own carbon monoxide detector as I was looking after my step dad with Parkinson's dementia. I explained to the tenant the role of the carbon monoxide detector and stressed how essential it was for them to get one and where it should be placed, and said I would pay for it. The tenant is on maternity leave, brand new baby, partner currently off work for issues relating to mental health. I'm super busy and also a full time carer. Despite my severe warnings re the importance of having a detector, and despite the tenant being on maternity leave and her partner off work, and despite my insistence that I'd pay for the detector, a week has passed and nothing is done. They couldn't afford it, apparently, even though I said I'd transfer the funds. So that doesn't add up. The truth is, they can't be arsed. So today I will go and buy and deliver the thing that I stressed to them will potentially save her and partner's and her baby's life. Why is the tenant not responsible for their own health and safety? Why is the tenant not required to produce and prove they have their own carbon monoxide detector when they move in? I know this is a small point, but it really amazed me that despite my insistences and warnings, the tenant just can't be arsed.


    Totally agree. I had the similar. A Nigerian single mother with 4 kids. Old detector had broken. I could not trust her to do anything. I would not pay her as you suggested as she would pocket the £15 (on benefits). So I got it delivered by Amazon on Prime. I still had concerns about another no-win no fee solicitor or council person having issues regarding me not go around and unwrapping the detector, testing it, doing a full demonstration to the tenant, followed by a little dance and then perhaps taking the tenant out for dinner or paying compensation to her just because... I am a landlord.


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