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Tenants can bring civil action against landlord hit with Formal Caution

A council has issued a formal caution to a landlord for attempting to illegally evict three of his tenants.

The landlord posted letters to all three tenants in January instructing them to leave in just seven days.

They contacted Coventry council which then intervened and - it claims - prevented all three evictions.  The landlord admitted in interview that he knew the correct procedure and had not followed this


Formal Cautions may be offered to perpetrators who admit wrongdoing at an early stage and accept responsibility for their offences.  They can only be offered where there is the required amount of evidence to realistically gain a prosecution.

A statement from Coventry council says a formal caution may prevent landlords from obtaining various licenses in the city, including the ability to manage Houses in Multiple Occupation.  

The tenants also have the option of now bringing a civil action.

David Welsh, the lead councillor for Housing and Communities, says: "This sends out a clear message to landlords that Coventry council will do all it can to protect its residents from unlawful eviction and harassment.

“It reflects our commitment to ensuring homes in the private rented sector are properly managed and that tenants are afforded the security that they need during the current cost of living crisis.”

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    Not worth a comment


    Oh I don’t know Michael…. Kerching 💵💵💵, the tenants will smell blood…. Or is that cash 💰💰💰

  • Richard LeFrak

    Suppose they issued the formal caution to the guy then asked him if he could help them out housing people. Madness..

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    Wait until the Ombudsman is here. It will be compensation galore for tenants submitting bogus claims left, right and centre. Perhaps even breaking things and growing mould deliberately as the OMBUSDSMAN WILL SIDE WITH THEM. Landlords will need to apologise to the tenant (not the other way around). Your own property just won't be your own any more!

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    • B L
    • 22 May 2023 17:01 PM

    How about a full story? If I don't own the place, I will definitely move on. I just don't understand how thick skinned some of the people are and our society becomes so hopeless and sick.


    Some people have nothing and nothing to lose. So I think they try and claim other peoples' stuff.

    • B L
    • 22 May 2023 17:27 PM

    Our society shouldn't allow people to take something don't belong to them. Where is the judicial system when you need them? There are lots of dead wood in our system.


    We have dead wood flowing over in little boats all the time. Young people who are taught from a young age what their rights are and there's no real need to work. You will be supported. Plenty of dead wood in the Houses of Parliament too.

    The judicial system is all clogged up. I'm not going through it to get my own stuff back. There's people now bending over backwards to make landlords pay deadwood money for all sorts of things, and block our rights. My tenants have come to the UK with nothing, claim for everything and have more rights than me!

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    I am one of the tenants and this article is a lie the council have not helped us.he received a caution and then emptied our property tool everything .clothes I'd. Bed furniture carpets and is now facing charges of burglary.police have also stated it is still my property.

  • icon

    Also the council have not helped us or rehoused us and we are homeless.I now have nowhere to have my children at weekends.


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