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Landlord refuses to license two properties and is fined

A landlord who failed to get his properties licensed has been fined.

Under the Selective Landlord Licensing scheme in part of Middlesbrough all property owners who rent out require a licence as a “fit and proper person” to allow them to do so.

As a result of not having a licence for his two properties Hashaam Ishaq was prosecuted by Middlesbrough council.


Teesside Magistrates' Court heard that following an investigation it was established that a property was not licensed and that a letter was sent to Ishaq giving him four weeks to remedy the situation in August 2022.

No response was received and a further notice was issued giving a further two weeks to apply with a £100 administration fee added on.

In January 2023 a letter inviting Ishaq for an interview under caution was sent to him; he failed to attend.

After notice was given of the intended prosecution the council became aware of a second property owned by Ishaq which was also not licensed.

Ishaq told investigators he was trying to secure the licences however both properties remain unlicensed, the court was told.

Ishaq was fined £660 was imposed on each property with a victim surcharge of £528 and an order for costs of £250 adding up to a total of £2,098.

Middlesbrough Mayor Chris Cooke says: “The aim of Selective Landlord Licensing is for everyone to work together – that is us at the council, residents and landlords – to improve the community for all.

“There are many benefits to landlords which we know are appreciated, such as the referencing service on potential tenants, but it requires everyone to take part so that we can achieve the improvements we all want in social and economic conditions in these licensed areas.”

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  • John  Adams

    Everyone to work together...I wonder just how many "licensed" properties have had an annual inspection by the Council? Or is it just another tax with no benefit to either the tenant or the landlord....


    In 6 years of licencing in my borough, not one of mine was inspected including my HMO’s.

  • icon

    Not sure they ever stated what they do with the licensing fees? It is an extra finding vehicle for the councils, it seems. They are good at publishing the essential collection and fines etc. But they do not tell us how it is benefiting the landlords and what they get in return. Is it total greed, or they are putting that money towards building properties for social housing or invest foolishly in Iceland or some whacky places.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Still waiting for Preston Council to come back to me regarding council tax bill from January...

  • icon

    I was 3 years into my second license with Newham council in East London before they sent some numpty with a clip board around who spent 5 minutes looking about the place. So 8 years in and £800 down I receive a letter with a single paragraph merely implying 'satisfactory'. Yet another council treating landlords as cash cows to pay the inflated salaries of service heads and chief executives at the town hall. Just had to renew this week at another £400, for what ?

    Richard LeFrak

    Interesting reading yesterday about Woking council blowing 1.2billion on vanity projects in Milton Keynes, how will they get that money back??

    Glad I don't own anything there, especially a rental property.'..!

  • jeremy clarke

    Benefits for landlords? This prosecution was about not having a licence no mention as to whether the property was up to scratch? Surely it would have been better for the council to visit the properties and then make a ruling? Box ticking exercise by the council, no more!


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