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New leader takes over at Generation Rent today

The new director of Generation Rent, Ben Twomey, takes over from Baroness Alicia Kennedy this morning.

A statement announcing his appointment earlier this year said that Twomey “will lead the organisation's efforts to secure better rights and protections for 13 million people who live in private rented homes in the UK.”

Twomey - who has in the past tweeted about close family members being evicted via Section 21 powers in 2021 - said at the time of his appointment: "I'm thrilled to be joining Generation Rent at this critical time for renters in the UK. The Renters Reform Bill is a huge opportunity to transform renting and there’s a lot of work to be done to make sure it delivers real improvements in the lives of those of us whose only option is to rent.


“As the cost of living crisis deepens, I will be making the case that everyone deserves to live in a safe, secure and affordable home. I look forward to working with the team at Generation Rent to build on their achievements and keep making renters' voices heard in the corridors of power."

Like Baroness Kennedy, Twomey also has a Labour Party pedigree. 

He was the Labour and Co-Operative candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner in Warwickshire in recent elections to the post and is also a long-standing member of the Labour Homelessness Campaign.

He recently gave his backing to a Labour councillor seeking to become the prospective parliamentary candidate for a constituency in Northampton and last summer he wrote a lengthy paper for the Labour List website outlining possible ways the party could win in the next General Election.

Twomey moves into Generation Rent from his most recent job as director of policy and communications at the National Youth Advocacy Service, where he also co-chaired the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers. 

He has a Masters of Law with distinction from the University of Warwick, and a first class History and Politics degree from the University of York. 

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    • K B
    • 14 June 2023 07:41 AM

    Looks like another reason to leave the market

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    All those qualifications! Shame he could not do something positive and constructive with them.

    Richard LeFrak

    He sounds like a right barrel of laughs.

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    “.... I will be making the case that everyone deserves to live in a safe, secure and affordable home....."

    I have met a number of people where that is simply not the case. I think Ben should open his eyes a bit.

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    It would be good if another Ben - Ben Beadle - made the case for the retention of Section 21.

    I am not a member of the NRLA (National Residential Landlords Association) but has any member asked the association to share the link for the petition stating that assured shorthold tenancies should be retained?

    The title of the petition is "Reverse provisions in Renters Reform Bill to remove Assured Shorthold Tenancies"


    He has made that point directly to Michael Gove and various others in govt but there is no political appetite to retain it.


    If a very large number of landlords sign the petition then perhaps the Government might listen.


    And the arguments need to be put publicly, not privately - sung from the rooftops.

    Richard LeFrak



    Due to the current pressures on Landlords can we please send this link to ALL Members and ask them to support it. Totally frustrated with the direction of travel and no one speaking up for Landlords.

    I would like to urge the NRLA to be more proactive in supporting its members and having a real voice in this debate. The smaller activist groups appear more aggressive and vocal. The number of members in the NRLA would carry a lot of weight especially in signing petitions etc.


    Thank you



    That was brilliantly put, Peter! Let's hope it gets some results.

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    A member of Labour Homelessness Campaign?

    They're really successful in driving it up already so no doubt they will do even better with Twomey in his new role!

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    I bet this Ben is a lot stronger than our Ben...

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    So, we can expect more fair and rational headlines that display the truth then? Oh, wait, what am I thinking…?!

  • Richard LeFrak

    “As the cost of living crisis deepens, I will be making the case that everyone deserves to live in a safe, secure and affordable home.

    The Fool it has become unaffordable due to actions by groups like his....!

  • George Dawes

    One less peer can’t be a bad thing

    Get out the pitchforks lads !


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