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Renters Reform Bill next stage delayed until autumn

It appears almost certain that the Second Reading of the Renters Reform Bill - expected some weeks ago - will not take place until the autumn.

The House of Commons shuts up shop for the summer on July 20 and a business timetable for the period leading up to that date has been released by the government - with the Bill nowhere to be seen.

But although there has been no progress on the Bill being debated, let alone becoming law, the government has released a few more details.


Housing Minister Rachel Maclean and her team from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities have told a Select Committee scrutinising the Bill that the proposed Private Rental Sector Ombudsman will probably operate as a non-profit body and may be a combined agent/tenant/landlord redress scheme.

“A lot of the important details are still up in the air,” says Neil Cobbold, the managing director of the automated payment service PayProp UK.

“And with the Bill not getting its second reading until at least September, this gives the summer to get organised and share views with MPs.”

As part of PayProp’s push to promote the views of lettings professionals as the government reforms the industry, the company hosted an informal roundtable discussion with Andrew Lewer MP, member of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee, and senior representatives from lettings agencies Belvoir, Dexters, Foxtons, Knight Frank, Leaders Romans Group, LSL Property Services, Savills, and The Property Franchise Group.

PayProp is also asking for the views of all letting agents in a survey, and will present the results to the government, MPs and peers.

“We’ve already seen the government make changes based on feedback from the industry, so the more voices we have, the better the chance lettings professionals will be consulted on this bill and future changes to the industry” concludes Cobbold.

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  • icon

    I wonder of it will keep being delayed until the next election so that when it is implemented under a new Labour govt causing an avalanche of S21 and Landlord sales just prior to that implementation the Conservatives can throw their hands up and blame Labour for the hideous housing crisis that follows? Let labour do their dirty work but still opening the door to all their corporate buddies.

    David Saunders

    Spot on Catherine, it's over 4 years since removal of Section 21 was first promised and could have been brought in within months but when it becomes law and the sxxt hits the fan with homeless figures going into orbit, Gormless Gove will be looking to let Labour take the flak.

  • icon

    The performance by the minister and her team at the Select committee was appalling. Shuffling inadequate and unprepared is too kind.

  • icon

    With interest rises the economics are bad news for everyone, especially corporate bodies, further as they dip their toes in the water they could easily drown from bad tenants,bad debts , falling property prices and high interest rates.


    Hello Edwin - I agree - as a small LL we can react quickly, provide an excellent service to our tenants and be proactive - I am sure that the majority of us are also savvy with our vetting process as we have had our fingers burnt in the past. These are not qualities that corporate businesses have. But I am still seeing articles detailing how John Lewis are going to provide houses close to their stores and furnished with JL products with Gym and Concierge and Lounge for residents etc. It will be interesting to see how these developments fare and how they deal with the law on no DSS advertising or what happens when the tenant moves in their Rottweiler? BTW did anyone see the article on Property Tribes - Sector updates from NRLA published 8.01am on Monday where Vanessa Warwick interviews Beadle's About. Beadle provides his email address and claims to be representing Landlords interests. Perhaps we can all email him and demand he changes his approach to S21 abolishment.....


    I saw the Property Tribes video. I was going to email him!

    Ferey Lavassani

    As a member of the NRLA, I put this question to Mr. Beadle. If "fee simply absolute" means freehold, then by the reforms that the Tories pushing through, such as open ended tenancies, then you will end up with a third party, Mr. John Smith the tenant, to have a legal right over your property. It cannot be even a leasehold. Since with a leasehold the terms of years must be absolute. Renters Reform Bill does not answer or address that. Neither Mr. Beadle.

  • icon

    Some good news then, the more delay the better! Even better if it dies a death or gets watered down.

  • Franklin I

    May I quote one of the following, from the seventh paragraph.

    "The company hosted an informal roundtable discussion with Andrew Lewer MP, member of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee, and senior representatives from lettings agencies Belvoir, Dexters and Foxtons."

    I will stop at Foxtons, and just say that any discussions with this estate agent about the reform bill, will have no benefit whatsoever for LL's.

    No mention of any LL's association at this roundtable meeting.

    I've heard talks of a MP suggesting that they want to enforce the 'right to buy' policy for tenant's to purchase the rented property from their PRS, LL's.

    At the end of the day, no matter what you bring to this roundtable, the LL will have the last say through actions that speak louder than words.

    My advise, would be to ensure that the roundtable is made from solid concrete, with legs made from reinforced steel, bolted down to the steel beams on the floors, as one more implementation, regulations, legislations, interest rate hike and continued disregard of LL's rights, will see the end of BTL forever!

    'Renter's reform bill,' RIP 🙏

    Richard LeFrak

    Fully agreed with the statement and most of those estate agents are certainly not representing landlords more the corporate selves...

    I am mailing Beadles about again and he should be speaking to active landlords and not looking for soundbites...


    Completely agree Franklin, I was going to raise the exact some point. Who is really representing us.
    With regard Ombudsmen, I've been fighting the MOJ since 2013 over pension. It has been with an Ombudsmen for nearly 4 years. My last email from them in June 2022 stated that they hope to resolve my issue by December 2023. Marvellous, fills me with such confidence.

  • icon

    Renter Reform Bill not the Solution but the cause of the Crisis.

  • Richard LeFrak

    This bill will not see the light of day for another couple of years at least. The courts are knackered and incompetent. The Councils exactly the same, the only people that are going to suffer are tenants, landlords selling up faster and faster and the people this ridiculous bill was meant to help are going to be stuck in B&B's and crap hotels.

    These will then become the new slums of our towns and cities and I seriously doubt they are as well maintained as the private landlords properties.

  • George Dawes

    Gives the snakes enough time to sell their own stuff before the SHTF

  • icon

    You could well be right George, maybe I will do the same!

  • icon

    Leave things alone. I agree both rogue Landlords and Tenants need dealing with but this Bill is NOT the way and will do more harm than good to the great Tenants and Landlords.

  • Reaper Cushions

    @Ferey Lavassasani
    A fee simple absolute means that there are no restrictions on what the owner of the land can do with it. The “absolute” part doesn’t relate to an absolute period of time, rather an absolute right to do whatever the owner wants with the property. The other type of fee simple (a fee simple defeasible or determinable ) means that ownership is conditional and that it continues or may be terminated if certain conditions are met (e.g. while xxx or until yyy happens etc). Nothing about the open-ended nature of a tenancy proposed by the RRB gives John Smith the tenant any right of ownership over your property, merely the right to occupy it indefinitely.
    The abolition of S21 isn’t going to change no matter what Ben Beadle and the NRLA do, every political party is committed to it and it’s seen as a vote winner so let’s stop bleating about the fact that it’s going to happen and figure out what we might be able to get NRLA to influence to mitigate it as far as possible.

    Richard LeFrak

    Good luck trying to get them to do anything…. Maybe promote a timber supplies with a discount but a real landlord concern, no chance


    I'd go for a twin track approach (further to my evidence to the select committee):
    -oppose removal of Section 21 and give reasons why; and
    -mitigate its loss as far as possible.

  • icon

    ...."merely the right to occupy it indefinitely." I would not use the word merely. The fact that they can occupy indefinitely is tantamount to ownership.


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