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Most landlords unsure or opposed to private rental sector Ombudsman

Over half of landlords are either against the concept of a private rental sector Ombudsman or are actively against it.

As part of the Renters Reform Bill, the government is proposing to create an Ombudsman, which all landlords will be legally required to join.

The aim of the Ombudsman is to ensure disputes between private renters and landlords are settled impartially, quickly, at a low cost and without going to court.


Buy to let mortgage provider Landbay - in research undertaken earlier this year - 48 per cent of landlords were unsure whether the Ombudsman was a good idea and a further 10 per cent opposed it outright.

Only 42 per cent agreed the Ombudsman was a good idea.

Those landlords in favour were keen to point out that it must be impartial and would welcome timely resolution of disputes rather than lengthy court cases.

Those opposed believed it would always side with the tenant and it was just a money-making scheme.

Responses from those who were unsure included questioning whether an Ombudsman would speed up resolving disputes: respondents noted that government-run departments are very slow and adding another layer could worsen things.

The Renters Reform Bill had its first reading in the House of Commons in May but is not expected to pass into law until 2024 or even 2025.

Paul Brett, managing director of intermediaries at Landbay, comments: “Our survey found uncertainty around the idea of a Private Rented Sector Ombudsman. 

“On the positive side, it would be good if disputes could be quickly resolved without having to go to court, but there is some scepticism as to how quick this would be. It appears that more information is needed before such as scheme is created.”

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    Lots of naive people. There’s nothing to be unsure about.

    The process will be the tenant complains that the landlord. The landlord will have to jump, knowing that the tenant will have access to the free ‘impartial’ ombudsman for that all but guaranteed win. Not only will they win, but the landlord will be forced to apologise to the tenant, and most importantly, compensation, they can keep doing this to earn money.

    The ombudsman will not be impartial. Just look at the tenant deposit schemes.

    Landlords control their properties. Why keep handing control away? Wake up.


    You are right, Nick, and I think complaints will be made when there is a landlord-tenant relationship breakdown.

    In my experience that happened when the tenant had wanted to bring in people to replace those who were leaving. The new people weren't able to get any references so I wasn't happy to agree to the arrangement. Lies started to be told about the flat at that point by the original remaining tenant.


    ''IMPARTIAL?'' my backside!

    Richard LeFrak

    I am not in favour of ombudsman

    The End..

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    Let's not forget, too, that the majority of landlords are elderly, and some are subject to bullying. This is most likely to occur with a large group of male tenants.

    For an old person to have had to contend with unreasonable people, and then, on top, to have to deal with an official who is completely unaware of the true situation, is likely to lead to a big rise in their blood pressure and possibly a stroke and heart attack.

    The state is very lucky as it is to have elderly people continuing to work and pay high taxes, they shouldn't put such heavy burdens on them, that they are driven out. We are propping up the state pension.

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    • A JR
    • 06 September 2023 08:26 AM

    We know via often bitter experience that these ‘schemes’ are invariably and blatantly pro tenant. Tenancy deposit, licensing, council leasing schemes all being prime examples.
    This ombudsman scheme will be no different.

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    Yes! Agree with you all, everything is biased against LL’s, so I am totally against an ombudsman. I had an issue with a scum bag of the first order, the House was filthy and damaged when she moved out. Sent all the photos and independent witness evidence of the condition when she left. It’s a no brainier to guess who the Deposit scheme sided with.


    Pointless taking a deposit really, build it into the rent as a risk factor, that way it is at least in our bank accounts when the time comes .

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    You’re probably right 👍

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    Whilst it isn't an ombudsman as such you only have to look at Rent Smart Wales- Their default position is that a landlord is guilty and file a report on that landlord regardless of outcome.
    This will not end well for residential landlords


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