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Generation Rent hopping mad over ‘missing’ Renters Reform Bill

Activists in the Generation Rent campaign are complaining that the Renters Reform Bill hasn’t been placed ahead of other Parliamentary business on the House of Commons agenda.

The group believes that the Second Reading of the Bill in the Commons cannot now happen until at least after the political party conferences - and there are only two days of Commons business now until MPs break up for the conference season.

Asked about the Bill at yesterday’s routine Commons Business Statement session, the leader of the house - Penny Mordaunt - reiterated the government’s commitment to the Bill and pledged that dates for progress on its passage into law would be announced in future business.


However that’s not enough for Ben Twomey, the new chief executive of Generation Rent, who has written to Housing Secretary Michael Gove to urge him to hold the Second Reading debate as soon as Parliament returns from its conference recess.

Even when MPs return after the conferences there is only a brief period when the Commons sits before the King’s Speech, outlining future business, on November 7. 

Generation Rent uses protracted maths and extrapolations to claim that since the Bill received its First Reading on May 17, there have been 10,633 households facing Section 21 eviction notices. 

The campaigners reach that conclusion by saying that in Q2 2023, there were 7,491 accelerated claims in England, 35 per cent higher than the same quarter in 2022. The Bill was published on 17 May 2023 and Generation Rent says that in the 44 days of that quarter “we estimate that there were 3,839 claims.”

The group continues: “In Q3 2022, there were 6,092 accelerated claims. If these have increased at the same rate as the previous quarter, we can expect 8,224 claims in Q3 2023, and as of 14 September, we estimate this to be 6,794 claims in the 76 days of the current quarter to date.”

The government first committed to abolishing Section 21 in April 2019.

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    Oh didums Ben 😂😂🎉🎉

  • icon

    We all know that Generation Rent and other anti-landlord organisations are partly to blame for driving landlords out.

    The totalitarian plan has been to make the private rental sector indistinguishable from social housing and these tenant-support groups are perhaps only pawns in that aim - with current tenants being collateral damage.

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    What makes them think there would be any fewer evictions if the RRB happens?
    The only real likely difference is that more of them will be Section 8, which clearly states exactly how the evicted person has breached their tenancy agreement.
    The winner in all this will be the Local Authorities who won't have a duty to provide a roof for all these people who it will turn out actually were at fault.

    The RRB will do nothing to slow down the exodus of existing landlords and nothing to entice new landlords into the industry. The only thing that can do that is tax reform.


    In my opinion, it won't take long for all Section 8 grounds to become discretionary - and courts will be likely to begin their consideration of a case with the proposition that it is better if tenants can remain in the property.


    As Ellie eludes too, I suspect the courts will favour the tenants therefore making it very difficult for us, far more problematic than when we had s21 🆘

  • icon

    Have they not noticed what is happening in Scotland and Wales with landlords bailing out and few rental properties on offer.


    I suspect they have, but like a Great White 🦈 in a feeding frenzy….. they cannot stop themselves.


    No they haven't- that would entail looking at facts, data, and taking a reasonable judgement - not something activists are good at.


    Since the SNP started its war against the prs tenants and landlords in December 2017, I have been able to increase the rent on my best 4 bedroom flat from £1600 per month, firstly to £2100 in June 2018 and now to £2800 this June. I could have had further interim rises if I had abandoned my long standing practice not to increase rents for existing tenants but given the current meddling from the SNP and their little Green helpers, I shall impose the maximum allowed annual increases and ensure I get back to top market rents at every new tenancy.

    It's not all bad in the Peoples' Republic of Scotland for landlords but it's dire for tenants, especially families.

  • John  Adams

    Regardless of whether these stooges get what they want, if a tenant gets in debt and then gets a CCJ for unpaid rent, they will not only still lose their home they'll not be able to get credit anywhere. Landlords are far more likely to pursue the debt under Section 8 when under the quicker Section 21 the unpaid rent is likely to have been lower and the landlord just be thankful to have them out. As we know Wales & Scotland are now seeing the consequences although still not acknowledging them...
    Unfortunately we have a brainwashed youth who have no experience of the policies they are lusting for, and think the 1970s are just a pop group and not a manual of how to ruin a country.

  • icon

    Generation Rent are a mockery and certainly no friend of the Tenants.
    Look at the damage they have done to them since they started all this mularkey, increasing Rents 20 / 30% while driving out Landlords with those treasonable aims, in Court they should be bringing the Country to its knees, collapse PRS will Collapse the Economy.
    None of those Anti-Organisations help anyone whether its strikes or holding the government to ransom for more than their share.
    The government will respond with higher interest rates and taxes but they cannot see that.
    The books has to balance so what’s wrong with all those Paddy Mick’s, if its not McCarthy blabbing for ever on the motorist back, its Lynch bringing the Transport system to chaos or its Twomey hopping mad trying to destroy Private Renting for Tenants, if it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable.

  • icon

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind

  • Richard LeFrak

    Poor Ben having a little hissy fit and stamping his feet...! I think if he looked back over the last ten to fifteen years the evictions have never been so high. This is a direct result of him and his Gingers driving this and spooking landlords, there is no winners here only resentment from both sides.

    PRS was moving along and providing a good quality service, yes the rogues need dealing with but everyone I know in the business are quality people and have put up with a lot of nonsense since 2016. The country will be going back to slums at this rate.

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    • A JR
    • 15 September 2023 08:56 AM

    Why is It these GR politicized rebels always quote their dubious figures devoid of CONTEXT.
    Even if we take their top estimate figure of circa 8000 possession claims, it’s a proverbial ‘drop in the ocean’ when laid in the proper context of 11 MILLION tenants now housed in the PRS.

    John  Adams

    It's what the extremist left do. Look at any of the left claims, how many times were we all going to have died from Rising sea water? How many people apparently are dying from car pollution in London, yet hop on the tube and the pollution is off the scale, meanwhile cars have had to meet an MOT emissions test for how many years now? They moan about the Boris bus, yet not one of their claims can be backed up.

  • icon

    Generation Rent hopping mad - best thing I've read in a while

  • Andrew Murray

    Twomey, to you , Twomey to you. Makes you chuckle doesn't it.

  • icon

    Let them hop !!

  • icon

    Perhaps ministers do not realise jut who Generation Rent are?

  • George Dawes

    They’ll have to get out of bed first

  • Matthew Payne

    Its being deliberately delayed so its fresh in young tenants/voters minds when enacted in the Summer of 2024, just before they go to the abatoir for slaughter for festive fayre. Sorry, mean ballot box to vote in the GE. Here come rents of £1500pcm. Gobble Gobble.


    You may be right Matthew. However, newspaper reports say Michael Gove is receiving opposition from some backbench MPs with the Whips office having concerns about that.

    Matthew Payne

    Labour and the Lib Dems will back the bill, it's their policy anyway, a few, even 100 revolting tories will have no bearing sadly.

  • icon

    Matthew. I think there’s another reason its to give the big build 2 rent companies time to catch up and get the buildings finished ready for letting, they are a bit behind because of Covid.
    Those Concrete Slabs and Columns are going up at an alarming rate, like a story added and loaded every 2 weeks. God be with the days I go to leave Columns 7 days before removing the form work, then do a 7 day cube test and again in 14 days if it failed it had to come down or in any case 28 days before loading,
    Now I see Columns poured 6.30 pm and stripped next morning.
    Will this be another case of RAAC. They are in some hurry to get rid of us.


    yes Michael i can see this all ending in tears, much like Grenfell

    Matthew Payne

    Dont diasgree Michael, but they are 5 years behind the curve in terms of the numbers we need. A few thousand units next year will make no difference.

  • icon

    Matthew my friend but it’s not a few thousand Croydon alone is adding thousands, then North, South East & West London adding thousands each as is every other Town, last year 232’000 new. build homes created and supposed to be up another 10% this year don’t know how many Office standing idle will been converted, so its hundreds of thousands really that will soon impact on the market.


    Same in Nottingham, but all flats so presumably after the young professionals. Nowhere for the benefits family in sight.


    I've read that we now need 300,000 new homes per year just to keep up with demand. it used to be 200,000 in the 90s and i don't think there's ever been a year when we hit the target.

  • icon

    You are right, Michael, that it will soon impact the market, but the landlords of the new builds will not be able to compete with us if our prices are lower and our rooms are bigger. They will want top dollar for their rents,

    As I have said before on this website, I have tenants who have moved to new builds imploring me to let to them now because my rents are so much lower - and the accommodation which I offer is much larger. We will always have our choice of tenants if we don't overcharge. The owners of the new builds had greatly increased their rents.

    Also we respond much more quickly to problems that arise, and deal with everything.

    The question is whether we will be prepared to continue; it is one thing to offer tenants a very good deal and good service, but it is another thing to lose control and ownership rights to our properties.

  • icon

    Exactly and a couple of other things they’ll be living in expensive Porto cabins in the Sky like Estates not individual properties with private outside space. The Government is hell bent on giving them unfair advantage exempt from licensing and lumbered us with Section 24 + our income tax can go up to 45% aided by S.24 thank you Jeremy, while Company tax is 25% but can claim all their expenses.

  • icon

    the build to rent units will be nice at first but the Tenants will realise they are being fleeced. and it will become a ghetto of depression and anti social behaviour.


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