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NRLA accepts S21 abolition but wants “pragmatic” amendments to Bill

The National Residential Landlords Association is urging MPs to back what it describes as “pragmatic” changes to the Renters Reform Bill to ensure it works for the private rented sector as a whole.

The call comes as the Conservative MP Anthony Mangnall, along with colleagues, has tabled a series of amendments ahead of the Report stage of the Bill. 

These include proposals to:


- Enact the recommendations of the cross-party housing select committee that tenants be unable to give notice to leave a property until they have been in it for at least four months when fixed term tenancies end. The Committee has previously noted that: “A reasonable balance needs to be struck between security of tenure for tenants and a degree of certainty for landlords.”

- Enable evidence such as texts or emails from neighbours to be taken into account by the courts when deciding if a tenant has engaged in anti-social behaviour.

- Address concerns that the courts are not prepared for the impact of the end of section 21 repossessions by requiring the Government to publish a review of the operation of possession proceedings in the courts before it is abolished.  The Law Society has previously warned that: “The courts are vastly overstretched: possession claims and the eviction process can take many months, sometimes more.” It continued: “The government should outline how it intends to manage increased demand on the courts and what additional resourcing it will put in place to deal with existing backlogs.”

- Prevent a costly duplication of efforts by ending the use of landlord selective licensing schemes by councils when the national Property Portal covering the private rented sector is established.

- Protect the annual cycle of all types of student housing by extending the Government’s proposed ground for possession to achieve this to one- and two-bedroom student properties, not just Houses in Multiple Occupation.

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “We accept that section 21 is going and agree that tenants need to feel empowered to challenge the actions of rogue and criminal landlords. However, amidst a supply crisis in the rental market, it is vital that the Bill has the confidence of responsible landlords.

“These pragmatic changes would go a long way towards striking the balance between the needs of renters and the majority of landlords who do right by their tenants”.


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    The NRLA doing a great job there 😂. A great job for the other side.


    Ben has to get those student tenancies sorted. 🤣
    Accept abolition of S21? For that alone he should be ashamed. 🤬
    I wonder how long we will be able to comment before Kim Jon Norwood shuts it down. 🤔


    Maybe 9.15-9.30 comments will be turned off 😂


    So fixed term tenancies to continue for students? What about those on shorterm technical training courses, secondments and internees who require shorterm rentals? Is a landlord to hand their keys over for the life of such people? Grove is a moron.


    I think we LL's have to accept Section 21 is going.. I propose we make the best of the worse situation by copying Spain. All new tenancies probationary for 12 months (ideally 18 months but we won't achieve that) before automatically becoming life (assured) tenancies.. We can point out that although some LL's might "churn" their tenants every year, most would not once they have a good tenant. Most tenants would understand such an ammendment to the RRB as reasonable even if self appointed spokesmen for tenants such as Shelter grumble. I suggest you write to your MP with this proposal.

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    @Nick, depends what time he gets to work. 🤣

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    As if Labour will care what the NRLA wants, the “ 🔥 flame haired 🧑🏻‍🦰one” has promised their prospective horde all manner of changes within the first few months, and if they get a big enough majority then s21 will be gone by Christmas 🎅🏻 this year. What a shambles.


    The 'flame-haired one' has promised that s21 would be abolished on day 1 of a labour Government.
    I'm not sure how they can do that so quickly as it would be overturning primary legislation (not regulations made under legislation), and am sure they will have lots of other things they want to do very soon.

    But they may be able to suspend evictions, perhaps as a temporary measure until they can make s21 evictions permanent. They managed to do temporarily during Covid, and Scotland managed a temporary before permanent rent freeze.

    While not agreeing with everything he says, I think NVH may be proved to have been right in his previously expressed concerns about what Labour would do. So a s21 notice is being served today, to make sure of my best chance of eviction (if necessary) before a General Election, should it be on 2/5/24.
    Even though Sunak said he doesn't expect it to be that date, with an apparently earlier than usual Budget being on 6/3/24, and with some expected tax cuts (which won't reverse higher taxes due to frozen thresholds) they MAY decide to call it soon rather than wait until Autumn.

    I'm just not prepared to take the risk, and that Labour won't even strengthen section 8 as is currently being proposed. There are some in Labour who want to reform, not abolish s21. But they aren't being listened to above the clamour of the homeless charities (who are meant to prevent homelessness, not promote measures that will increase it) and Gove going for abolition.


    I think many people are thinking like you Henry. It is a logical interpretation of the situation.

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    Just what is the NRLA for? Certaily not to represent landlords.

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    Renters Reform Bill = The Surrender Act (2024)

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    So I am member of the NRLA. I along with all other members fund it, and pay Beadles cushy salary...
    How on earth can Beadle be pushing for a policy which is severely going to harm us members. Were we asked what we thought of his decision? No. Was there a ballot on something so fundamentally important/ruinous to landlords? No. Talk about biting the hand that feeds it. The NRLA need to ballot every member regarding any decision made as important as section 21. Beadle should resign.Once my membership ends I'm not continuing to support an organisation that uses it's members funds to influence policy that actually harms us. As far as I am concerned Beadle is an imbecile.


    Sadly my membership auto renewed in December. The next AGM is in November when I shall vote against Beadle, then cancel the renewal.


    It's often possible to get an auto renewal cancelled shortly after the event. Worth a try?


    Robert - I want to stay a member long enough to vote against him at the AGM.

    • B L
    • 21 January 2024 15:42 PM

    just call customer service to cancel auto renewal.

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    If member of NLRA why not get a petition and write to the board for the vote of no confidence in Ben Beadle.

    There must be a mechanism for NLRA to hear its members dissatisfaction .

    • B L
    • 21 January 2024 15:29 PM

    Dear Annoyed Landlord, perhaps it is too much to digest, everything is censored per convenience. That is why we are here to make comments, hopefully we can change the world to the better. Good Luck.


    What happened to your comment B L? Surely it was not censored?

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    And this is why l am no longer a member of the NRLA: they do NOT represent the interests of Landlords, they are a nodding dog to Government and Renter pressure groups.

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    So, did the NRLA bother to ask their members what their view was on the abolition of Section 21? of course not.


    Nope, didn’t ask me. Probably learned from the Brexit Referendum when the people voted the opposite way to how they were supposed to vote. 😱

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    I see Beadle was a director of the Tenant Deposit Scheme Northern Ireland. So he has worked for anti-landlord organisations before. Perhaps he is a plant and really working for tenants all along?

    • B L
    • 21 January 2024 15:17 PM

    Had a horrendous case with TDS UK, tenants did not even deny the wrong doings but landlords lost 97% of the deposit. It is a very bad experience in the claim process, lack of consideration of all the details provided. Bias and injustice to the landlords but ignore the tenants' bad intention and the fact, despite photographic and video evidence and third parties' reports. Is there any other ways to keep the deposit? Completely lost the trust on the deposit scheme organisations and NRLA.


    I got my result from the TDS last week. Basically I didn't get anything for damage, bailiffs, court etc. They asked for all the paperwork.

    Luckily I got the majority of the rent arears.


    Nick, I had a situation many years ago with the TDS.

    Raised a claim, tenant agreed deductions and contractors paid. Tenant then raised a small query with them. Had she raised it with me first, it would have been resolved. TDS immediately demanded that I pay the whole deposit to them pending adjudication. I pointed out that I had already paid contractors AND the balance to the tenant so had nothing to transfer. They insisted I should transfer the fill amount. Presumably from my own funds. I told them I would leave TDS and go to DPS. I spent the rest of the day transferring them to DPS. Before I had transferred the first deposit I received, as a landlord, an email from TDS stating that they no longer protected the deposit and they (meaning me) should contact the agent (me again) to find out what had happened to the deposit. It was very carefully worded to suggest that I may be in trouble financially, but obscure enough that I could not take legal action.

    I then emailed all landlords and within 24 hours their deposits were physically lodged with DPS. As a footnote I explained to the tenant what her actions had caused and she was most apologetic. She had just questioned a minimum charge by the cleaners. Had she come to me first, it would have been resolved without fuss. As it was, she did me a favour. I will never put a deposit with DPS again.

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    Just Scrap the Stupid Bill now enough io enough which has caused so much suffering, misery and Homelessness or do you not think there’s a connection between homeless rough Sleeping in London alone which has increased from 5k to 10k since Mr Gove started this outrageous attack on PRS or the hundreds of thousands of landlords that have sold up or that Rents has been forced up as a consequence or the shortage he has created or the £2b being spent on temporary Accommodation.
    It’s not a Renters Reform Bill at all that would suggest an improvement for Renter’s but the opposite in fact is true with this Rogue Treasonable Policy where Landlords are not at not represented in the process in the Demise of their Business.


    Idiot Grove claims landlords are "intimidating" tenants with section 21 despite it being a know fact that 93% are for are rent arrears, damage or neglect to the property, anti social behaviour, or the landlord wishing to move back in or sell.. Even if the remaining 7% are unreasonable.. Rather than than (say) condensation caused by the tenant never opening windows but blaming the landlord that's still less than 700 terminate tenancies last year.. I would like to see the evidence that landlords are intimidating tenants and whether that evidence has been independently verified. The tiny minority of bad landlords can/could be dealt with by changes to how rent benefit is paid..

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    Unfortunately there is no help for LL's for fighting their corner, and even if there were they have no powers to really influence anything. If there was a lobby group established, most MP's will ignore it anyways as evidenced by past history. So what can be done?
    Well the Govenment has always viewed the PRS LL as an investor rather than a business, for tax purposes. Now with S24, the PRS LL has to pay tax on his gross rent income, BEFORE any deductions for investment loans such as mortgages. No other business could survive such a rule.
    So it's clear the Govenment want to rid the UK of the PRS LL.
    Having accepted this fact, the PRS LL has choices to make. With the new RRB on it's way and the end of S21 as the only way for landlords to control their property portfolio, it's time to decide to leave the PRS altogether, as many already have. There are many other investments available and if you want to stay with property, then have a look at the commercial sector, which is not affected by S24 or S21.
    It seems a shame to leave the PRS but the pendulum has swung and it's not a viable investment anymore. Its will only get worse for the next decade or so, until someone swings the pendulum the other way again. I remember the 1970's era and it was terrible for LL's and tennants alike. Nothing available to rent, terrible housing conditions, no money about at all. It was really bad, with nowhere to live. Looks like we are heading back there again unfortunately.


    Exactly. It's a pendulum. After Rachman Westminster went mad (and that was all pre-woke and social media nonsense). They went so far they killed off landlords. These idiots don't learn. History repeats. They will all say they were raising standards and good landlords are welcome. But really it's all lip services and pro-tenant.

    I'm voting Reform due the the Renters Reform Bill, their unwillingness to tackle immigration, planning, how debt has soared under these (non) Tories. They need to be kicked out, so they can sort themselves out. I do fear how much more damage Labour could do though.


    @ Nick, I too am voting Reform although I tell every survey I am voting conservative. 🤣 I am also ignore the negative comments from conservatives. If you vote Labour, you get Labour. If you vote Tory, you still get Labour. If you vote Limp Dumbs, you get Labour. All those parties have failed so I am giving REFORM UK a chance. They cannot make any more mess of the country than the others have done.


    Well said Annoyed. The Tories say if you vote Reform you will let Labour in. I agree with them. But I already have Labour now. I don't want Labour. So at least I get to day my point!

    Richard LeFrak

    Morning Guys,

    If I was back in the UK I would seriously be running to the polling booth for Reform, made me laugh this morning on the news when they said Old Farage was the most trusted politician in the UK.... No one would have said that ten years ago.!!


    Spot on guys, Reform for me also. The Labour and Tory parties are far to arrogant , self-serving and useless for me to now consider voting for them.


    Capital gains is probably acting as deterrence to quit. Especially for retired dependant on the income. They sell up and have less Capital to invest to substitute the lost income.

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    • A JR
    • 19 January 2024 09:38 AM

    The entire NRLA board must go. The next AGM is key and members should vote them off. I am up for signing any petition of no confidence.


    Me too. 👍

    • B L
    • 21 January 2024 14:55 PM

    How to vote? How to sign petition of no confidence? Don't want to miss it.

  • John  Adams

    Remind me when as a member I voted for that?

    Richard LeFrak

    Or me John, they only send anything through which relates to them taking money off you or them getting a commission. Any real decisions, nothing not a jot.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Cancelled membership to this and will never rejoin. Ok saves me 80quid but its 80 quid not going to the king of discount cards.


    I've already cancelled. Good when they first started up but have been way to self serving for me for a while now.

    • B L
    • 21 January 2024 14:59 PM

    Let's cancel it, it is a organisation without principles. They need an experienced and strong leader that defends our interests.

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    We don’t accept it and you have no right to talk on our behalf, you are a new comer you were not there when we /me, others and Sir George Young (a gentleman) fought for years to have it introduced, before which there was no Private Rented Sector do you not get that ?.
    We created the Business out of nothing now you are all so high & mighty taken over with your own private agenda’s piggy backing money streams, shame on you. It was a sad day RLA took over the NLA because that’s what happened it’s all RLA board at top and pushed out Directors of NLA some amalgamation that was ?.
    Landlord since 1978.


    Morning Michael. Wholeheartedly agree with you concerning Sir George Young. Back in 1999 myself and some other park home owners were being shafted by a big landowner. With the very able and willing assistance from Sir George Young he was able to bring his influence to bear and paved the way for an amicable agreement.
    Not all politicians are the same!

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    I predict he would get an OBE or MBE for supporting the government in this manner


    At least a knighthood or even enoblement surely.

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    Poly Neate head of a Non -Housing Organisation got a CBE for leading the attack on private landlords who house 11 million in Private Property and with personal Private Finance but soon to be Nationalised by THE RENTERS REFORM BILL.


    Polly Neate CBE. The venal Paula Vennells (non)CBE. Spot any similarities?

    Perhaps we need a TV programme about how those in high places are destroying the lives of PRS tenants?


    Paula Vennells is still a CBE until it is withdrawn. Handing it back changes nothing and she knows that.

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    6 months surely not 4 !

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    Ben Beadle as useful as a chocolate teapot.
    Imagine knowing that your role was to stab the people you represented in the back!


    He'll be elected soon at Gove's invitation

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    So so happy to see the positive comments from several of you about Reform UK. As a previous Labour and Lib Dem voter I think they are the only hope for the country. !!!!
    I've joined the party and am going to the conference in Doncaster in Feb and will be trying to find out their plans for the PRS, as I've not seen anything published yet?????


    Someone on here wrote to them. I don't think they got a response. All MPs are anti-landlord now. The pendulum is swinging that way. No one dare speak out. Simon Clarke and Liz truss looked like they were going to keep S21 but got shot down by all the do-gooders.


    @Nick Van Hoogstraaten - Hi Nick - just seen ur comment - I wrote to local area organiser and head office but cld not get an answer from either. Tbh our local area organiser Norma Saggers has a bit of a rep re her ability to deal with people - but my local candidate Kabeer Kher has said to me he is against RRB and wld roll back many anti LL changes - I believe Reform do not adhere to whip system so local candidates may be able to hold their iwn opinions rather than follow party lines - not certain if I am correct but am trying to find out. Kabeer K just released an email locally announcing candidacy and laying out his position on various stuff but not mentioning PRS


    Interesting Catherine. I understand Reform are pretty silent on PRS.


    @Nick V H - if I find out more I will drop it into a post


    It would be good to hear Catherine. Thank you.

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    The government says, "Let's meet halfway."

    The NRLA says "OK" and takes one step forward.

    The government then takes one step back.

    "Let's meet halfway."


    Okay let's meet half way, government give us a sec 8 which means eviction for any tenant not paying, no ifs, or buts, eviction quickly, every time


    I have cancelled my auto renewal with NRLA today and stopped the Diect Debit. They have eleven months to prove that they are worth my membership fee. Not looking good so far. 🤔


    @Andrew - The argument I hear from anti-21 folks is "Well at least you'll have Section 8!" Yes, for now we do. But once 21 is taken down, they'll go after 8 too.

    @Annoyed Landlord - I believe you've made the right choice.

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    You may well be right there Johnny, likely sec 8 will be taken away as well all that will do is to force landlords down the illegal routes

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    NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “We accept that section 21 is going and agree that tenants need to feel empowered to challenge the actions of rogue and criminal landlords.'
    Just who is 'we' Ben Beadle?
    It certainly isn't NRLA members who in the vast majority are AGAINST removal of S21. You know this and still say the NRLA accept the removal of S21. We pay our memberships for you to campaign for OUR wishes and you do the opposite. For something so important why was there no vote for NRLA members. Is it because Ben wouldn't like the answer? I won't be renewing my membership when the NRLA is actually acting against it's members.


    Ray, I’d like to know the membership figures before the RRB started and say, at the end of 2024. I suspect that Ben’s kingdom will have shrunk considerably.


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