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Shelter links with High Street bank to campaign on housing

HSBC bank is working with Shelter on housing campaigns.

A statement from the charity says: “With support from partners including HSBC UK, Shelter provides tailored and easy to follow advice on a wide range of housing issues on its website, as well as a free web-chat service, emergency national helpline, and face-to-face services across the country.    

“Shelter and HSBC UK are working together to help more people and communities build financial resilience and break the vicious circle of homelessness, building on the bank’s ground-breaking ‘No Fixed Address’ bank account service.“


The partnership includes funding for emergency help measures, as well as expanding existing Shelter programmes with digital and in-person services to “help people build financial health.” 

For example, pilot projects have started in Birmingham and Lancashire, targeting intervention in local community settings such as warm banks, GP surgeries and even football clubs. The charity says these measures are expected to reach over 3,000 people who are at higher risk of homelessness, such as single-parent families, marginalised people and people with complex needs.  

Shelter spokesperson Nadeem Khan says: “The housing emergency can feel like a pressure cooker, and we know how easy it can be to feel overwhelmed, but our message is that you don’t have to face it alone. We saw how tough 2023 was for so many people, as housing costs kept rising and evictions surged. Now millions are stepping into 2024 with real worries about keeping hold of their home.   

“Shelter is on the front line of the housing emergency, and we see the devastating impact this mounting pressure is having on people’s lives from sleepless nights to days filled with anxiety.  The sooner people reach out for help the better, and so in partnership with HSBC UK we’re increasing support for people in immediate crisis as well as helping those at risk build a more secure future.” 

And HSBC UK’s head of financial inclusion and vulnerability, Maxine Pritchard, adds: “If you are feeling worried about your finances you’re not alone – and getting help and advice early can make all the difference. Together with Shelter we’ve helped thousands of people experiencing homelessness rebuild their lives, and now we’re working to help more people and communities build financial resilience and access meaningful support before they reach a crisis point.

Getting on top of your finances can take time, but there are actions everyone can do to improve their financial health whatever their financial situation may be.  We stand ready to help, and the important thing is that people understand and feel comfortable accessing information and support in a way that works best for them.” 

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    I can’t see they achieve very much. HSBC gets to be woke and virtue signal everyone they are doing something ‘good’. Shelter stand around in their expensive branded clothes, all getting paid, taking about social problems. Ok there’s a bank account created for homeless people, and some football organised. But have they created anywhere for these people to live? No

    Why don’t they campaign against the 50,000 illegals coming in every year who are all getting housed somewhere. They have more funding. They are outbidding councils for property. But these charities would never campaign again them. They just expect other people to pay for everyone.


    Well said Nick. 👍

    Richard LeFrak

    Fully agreed Nick..!

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    When I saw the headline I thought, blimey, HSBC are lending money to Shelter to build/buy houses to house the homeless.
    Predictably, just a lot of hot air

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    The Government has lost the plot, it’s about time they scrapped all those new Laws and ridiculous penalties criminalising Private Landlords causing homelessness, the way it’s going we will be too scared to let to anyone from outside the UK. We have all this Right 2 Rent checking agro already doing the job of Police &
    Security forces with share codes etc. Now from 13th February we will have another Civil Penalty to add to all the others of £10’000. for first offence if someone is on your property that don’t have the Right to Rent, we are too restricted and can’t even go to the property to check without their say so.
    It’s about time that Shelter & others that don’t supply any housing should be prevented from damaging landlords that houses millions.
    A good start would be scrap Shelter’s “How 2 Rent “ that was never required how did everyone manage for decades
    before that when there was no internet or mobile phone etc to fill their heads with nonsense,
    it’s all unnecessary interference
    How 2 Rent now 17 pages 14 changed different editions in 9 years making it up willy nilly every time they think up another daft idea, it now seems you can’t use S.21 unless you have pre-served all Shelter’s nonsense first.

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    The problem I have with initiatives by Shelter is that some of them are worthwhile in theory. On paper, helping people to manage their finances and budget (including rent) must be a good thing. The problem is that it spills over into anti landlord propaganda and encouraging people to break their tenancy agreements.
    Having just got a possession order (still the whole wait for bailiffs to go) I have been shocked (not surprised) that the tenant has free support and encouragement to find a way around the law at every stage and even our insurance backed lawyers won't go ahead if there is the slightest hiccup in the paperwork. Meanwhile we are already 5.5k out of pocket on rent and paying 7.5 percent mortgage.
    I would like to be supportive of this kind of initiative but find I can't due to all the other stuff.

    Richard LeFrak

    Feel your pain Emily.

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    I'm on my 3rd application to evict in over a year now (Scotland) . I just want to sell the property but all my rights as the legal owner have been taken away and I have to constantly jump through hoops. Once I actually get this property sold, the rest will follow. I've sold a few now and feel that the future is bleak for landlords. I'm out!

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    Having been in the same position as Emily, I feel her pain and total futility.

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    HSBC another bank to avoid.

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    • A JR
    • 25 January 2024 12:40 PM

    These Corporates and many so called conservative MPs like nothing more than to bathe in the ‘kudos of association’ with a national charity, dumping their principles in the process and selling out to a leftist political agenda.
    Their action may feed their inflated egos but it is also now widely noted across the PRS. We can after all, still choose who we vote for and where we put our money. Reform are looking good and alternative banks are ten a Penny.


    Another vote for REFORM UK. I think the pollsters may be in for a shock.


    Me too. As others have said the Tories and Labour are to cheeks of the same bottom. If I wanted Labour I would vote for them. I am absolutely disgusted at Gove and his left wing agenda. Ripping up property rights of landlords and freeholders. Sticking all the cladding problems on UK developers etc.


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