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HMRC admits Making Tax Digital will cost landlords money and time

The government has confirmed that Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA) will cost landlords both extra money and time.

MTD will apply from April 2026 for those with qualifying income over £50,000 and from April 2027 for those with qualifying income over £30,000.

This latest pair of deadlines was released last November but HM Treasury has now set out more details. 


The new regulations require a relevant person to keep and preserve their tax records electronically and to submit reports to HMRC using approved software. 

A report of the business’s trading or property income, allowable expenditure and claims for allowances or reliefs against such income must be submitted in relation to each tax year. And interim cumulative reports must be submitted quarterly on fixed dates.

HMRC estimates that those within the £30,000 to £50,000 threshold may incur an estimated average transitional cost of £350 and an average annual additional cost of £110. Those in the above £50,000 threshold may incur an estimated average transitional cost of £285 and an average annual additional cost of £115.

The Revenue says transitional one-off costs could include some or all of the following - time spent in familiarisation with the new MTD obligations (digital record keeping and quarterly submission of information); in-house training; the purchase of new hardware or upgrading of existing hardware (expected to affect a small minority); and additional accountancy or agents’ costs. However, transitional costs can be offset against the business’ profits for tax purposes.

Continuing costs could include - cost of software subscription for those moving to MTD compatible software, from either paper or spreadsheet systems; additional time for making quarterly updates; any cost of bridging software to provide MTD compatibility for those who prefer to continue using spreadsheets; marginal increases in some existing software costs to provide MTD compatibility. Again, software and agent costs for business purposes are tax deductible.

An HMRC statement says: ”Making Tax Digital will exploit the opportunities offered by digitalisation to make it easier for everyone to get tax right. Many other countries have already done this or have digital systems in development. Errors in handling tax affairs contribute to the tax gap — the amount of tax that is due but goes unpaid. The tax gap for Self Assessment businesses is around 18.5 per cent or £5 billion. Using software to keep digital records and make regular updates has been shown to reduce the potential for error and time spent making corrections, and thus support business productivity.

“Digitalising our service will bring customer benefits by reducing the risk of unintentional customer errors; saving them time when they come to submit their end-of-year tax return; supporting wider productivity and less time managing paperwork through use of digital tools; and enabling HMRC to better tailor services to customers.”

Originally announced at the 2015 Budget 2015 and following a consultation period in 2016, HMRC implemented the first phase of MTD from April 2019 for VAT-registered businesses. 

So from April 2026 or 2027, depending on income, landlords with £30,000 or more of property income will be expected to keep their records digitally, provide digital quarterly updates, and be able to provide their ITSA return information to HMRC through MTD compatible software.

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  • Jaeger  Von Toogood

    Wow, who'd of guessed?

  • icon

    And of course it has nothing to do with the billions of pounds in fines the government expects to extort from victims with a system which will be rigged to be unfathomable, and of course when victims make any tiny errors they get to fine them four times a year instead of once
    That is before we even talk about the mental health issues of being crushed under an even more oppressive regime

  • icon

    This is complete and utter nonsense. If you submit your self assessment return ONCE every year, why does HMRC think that submitting details quarterly will reduce errors? All it will do is drive up costs and take more time. The latter will tie people down to a quarterly deadline - as if an annual deadline wasn't bad enough!

  • icon

    I would like to see an exact example of what a MTD submission is supposed to look like.

    There are numerous software packages claiming to be MTD ready but some of them get awfully carried away with other landlord stuff while others aren't really set up for landlords at all.

    It takes a huge amount of time to become familiar with whichever package you choose, especially if you're older and didn't do computer studies at school . Then there's the possibility the company will completely change it.

  • Richard LeFrak

    The issue here is if we are now being treated like a business then we should have the same rights as a business. S24?

  • icon

    Just another thing to diminish the appeal and financial sense of being a private landlord! If HMRC can provide a tailored spreadsheet for making Gift Aid claims for charities I really can't see a tailored sheet for this purpose being too difficult. Very pleased I departed the sector in 2022 before the reductions in CGT (which now seems to be a tax on inflation) and arrival of ever more ridiculous requirements. I thought the Tories promised simpler taxation rules/requirements!


    Sorry, should have read "CGT allowances"

  • icon
    • A JR
    • 22 February 2024 12:17 PM

    A complete pain and just another ‘last straw’ for many of us

  • icon

    Ridiculous!! The idle and uncommunicative mob at HMRC strike again, just another stick to beat and ultimately no doubt fine us with…. It’s getting less appealing to be a landlord every year!

  • Nigel Spalding

    And the tories wonder why they are so unpopular in the polls…… betraying small businesses like this is why. Not that there is an alternative but they heed to put out of their misery and voted out of office

  • icon

    Hopefully we can get our remaining properties sold before this becomes our problem. Probably going to serve notice on a tenant for the first time later this year, she has been our tenant for over 8 years, don't want to but had enough and can see things getting much worse.

  • icon

    I have had enough too, clueless socialist government, more freedoms in Russia I suspect. We are all treated like crimminals whilst undocumented flood the shores , someone has to pay. Another deleted post I suppose for stating the obvious


    Yes deleted posts for being honest and telling it as it is


    Well, Kim Jon Norwood is in charge. Rosalind is really missed.

  • icon

    Another good reason to get out of the game! We're not treated like other businesses or even recognised as a business but we have to do all this cr*p!!

  • icon

    ……well dohh…..

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Reason 5387 to get out and sell up or at least reduce your Portfolio & pay down Mortgages.
    Meanwhile rents sky rocket, supply shrinks and Councils cut their housing budgets! I imagine the sale of Tents is on the increase ??

  • icon

    Why are they stating the obvious every know 4 times costs more than once and 4 times more consuming and Interruption our other duties who do they think is running the Business. It costs me thousands already for the one hit at Christmas and have to spend so much time getting everything in order for Qualified Accountable to go through it and make the submission and £800 + on top for VAT.
    When did a Digital Academic ever make any improvement to housing. Computerisation the ruination of all just sit there pressing their buttons making a mess.

  • icon

    I will have sold the lot by then 👍🏻💰💵💰💵


    Everyone will have done that!

  • icon

    Does this apply to properties bought within a Ltd company? I wonder? We only have 2 properties left in personal names. All the rest have been sold from us 2018 to now. However with rents going up rapidly, these 2 properties have a in excess of £30k each for my husband and and me. With a massive service charges, interest and other costs, including tax, means hardly any profit. By 2027, one of them will not be rented at all. Probably one of them would be sold or used by ourselves, to ensure less than £30k turnover. In 2028, they will target all landlords with any turnover, so definitely need to get out by 2027 or 2028. Sell our residential property and move into the current btl property.


    They talk about income but is that revenue (gross rent) or taxable profit or real (lower) real profit?

    Clue: It definitely won't be real profit after real interest paid.

  • icon

    Hmrc talks about the cost of £350 per quarter and £110 additional annual cost. This is over £1500. First of all prices will go up by 2027, charged by the time used, training, error prone. Hmrc has the audacity to say put it against the tax, which is only 20% relief. LLs pays 80% of the cost. How is this benefiting LL's. Just get out in 3 to 4 years.

  • icon

    More work for me = increased rent for my tenants

  • icon

    More rent increases on the horizon then.

  • icon

    I bet MTD software will have a lot of teething problems. I find a lot of online software do not work properly. I can break most systems, as they are not tested sufficiently or not persistently tested. Any new software will definitely have problems. If they are developing and testing vigorously now may be ready in about 2 to 3 years, but I am still very lsceptical. Stay away from them and sell properties or leave them empty as much as possible.


    It'll be a nightmare you can be sure of that

  • icon

    What could possibly go wrong - "A committee of MPs has published new data showing that HMRC holds eight active contracts with Fujitsu with a combined value of £1.4bn, all of which were awarded after a High Court verdict that ruled the developer's software was responsible for misreported losses during the Post Office scandal."


    As Frazer would say in Dad's Army, "We're doomed".

  • icon

    Vibha. It will be one of those Post Office Computers.

  • icon

    Yet another cost for the tenants to have to pay.

  • icon

    It'll almost be like having a real job. Oh, the humanity!


    You would know all about a '' real job''would you Jim?


    According to HMRC it is an investment.


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