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Landlords urge speedy action on compromise Renters Reform Bill

The National Residential Landlords Association says it wants a speedy implementation of the Renters Reform Bill to avoid uncertainty - and it insists a compromise does not mean either side should be regarded as ‘losing’. 

The BBC says amendments have been circulated to MPs who want changes to gauge their views ahead of the Bill going tonics next stage - the Third Reading in the Commons. One of those MPs told the BBC: "Agreement seems to have been reached on nearly all points."

This includes enshrining in the Bill that the abolition of Section 21 will take place, but only after improvements have been made to court processes - something which Housing Secretary Michael Gove had announced some months ago. 


There are also suggestions that the amendments include reducing the burden of evidence when landlords seek to evict anti-social tenants; ending selective licencing schemes from councils when a national register proposed in the Bill serves the same purpose; requiring tenants to commit to at least four months in a property before giving notice; and protecting student HMO landlords from periodic tenancies deemed inappropriate for tenants at college.

Commenting on BBC reports, NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “We have long accepted that the government has a mandate to end the use of fixed term tenancies and no-fault repossessions. Our focus has, and continues to be, on developing a replacement system that is fair and workable for tenants and responsible landlords. This need not be a zero-sum game between the two.

“The NRLA has consistently campaigned for the Bill to balance the protections promised to tenants and the legitimate business needs of landlords to enable them to continue to provide rented homes.

“If the government is considering amendments that would provide for assurances to landlords with a six-month minimum term and ensure confidence for all in the court process, then that balance would be struck. 

“We now need to see these amendments published in full so that all parties can judge for themselves what is on the table and move on with debating the Bill in public. The lack of progress and uncertainty about the future is destabilising and damaging for those living and working in the private-rented sector.”

In its report on the private rented sector last year, the cross-party Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee said: “The abolition of fixed-term tenancies, combined with the abolition of section 21, would undoubtedly give tenants greater security of tenure. 

“We understand the argument that fixed-term tenancies should remain available where both parties want them, but in practice, given the current shortage of private rental properties, this would likely result in tenants having fixed terms forced on them. A reasonable balance needs to be struck between security of tenure for tenants and a degree of certainty for landlords. 

“We therefore recommend that tenants be unable to give two months’ notice to leave until they have been in a property for at least four months. This will give landlords the legal certainty of at least six months’ rent at the start of a tenancy.”

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  • Nigel Spalding

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. As soon as the sales market improves then Landlords will sell in droves. The sums don’t work if you take account of S4, FA 2015.

    Richard LeFrak

    I would like to rearrange the deck chairs in Ben's head as it appears there is nothing in there...

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    Nice to see Ben Beadle our main representative pallbearer has put his 2 shillings worth in again “We have long accepted that the government has a mandate to end the use of fixed term tenancies and no-fault repossessions”
    What a shill Benny beadle is.

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    Bungling Boy Beadle does NOT have a mandate to speak like that on behalf of his dwindling membership.😡

    As an NRLA member, I was never consulted so HOW DARE HE PRESUME my acceptance. 🤬🤬🤬 Come renewal he can stick his membership where the sun don’t shine. 😱


    Totally agree, time to cancel my membership I think!

    Richard LeFrak

    Cancelled last month and had a really nice chat with the policy team at NRLA. I said I would only consider renewing (July24) if I see a noticeable difference in direction and supporting landlords.

    As yet it appears to have gone unheeded, so I guess my near 100quid is safe. I can put it towards an EPC certificate..!

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    Totally agree. This is why l am no longer a member of the controlled opposition.

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    I'm 100% selling if tenants can give notice in under 6 months. Finding tenants is expensive and time consuming. It's hard enough if they stay just 6 months then move. Imagine two?!

    If reduced to 2, then I'm out of BTL. It's not worth the time. I already get tenants who use my properties as a 6 month gap while they buy, then I have to re-let it out. Makes it so unprofitable. I guess that's the downfall of me choosing nice capital appreciating areas over less desirable ones. But if I wanted time intensive rentals with tenants coming and going, then I would have purchased HMOs.

    Conservative have seriously screwed up. No chance I'll be voting for either party at the next election. Two turds on separate ends of the same stick.

    Thanks to fiscal drag and tax hikes, I am winding up another (retail) business. I decided last year. Since zero support for Directors during Con-vid. Furlough (and now NI cuts) payroll staff are getting - but what do Directors get who mostly work day and night? Zero pay/furlough/grants. We were forced to close and not trade and given nothing (apart from a loan that needed repaying - with interest!). And then we got reduced dividend allowance and an INCREASE in corporation tax!

    Businesses are leaving the UK in droves. I'm off to the Algarve or Spain within 3 years because there's nothing here but rain and unhappy people. I am only a small retailer. But over 50k VAT and 20k corp tax (plus employee taxes of 30k+) per year is leaving the UK from my retail business alone. Imagine all the millions of other businesses who've also had enough? I'm only 44 and could have bought the UK so much more. But they can forget it now.

    There will be uber rich psychopaths left and communism could be the only option.

    UK won't be coming back from the effects of what is being caused by crapping on businesses for a very long time.

    I would have liked to keep my UK investments (BTL properties) when I leave, but with all this nonsense going on, I'll be selling those too.

    The word Great is no longer in front of Britain.


    The best way to show our displeasure at the General Election is to to spoil our ballot papers and write on them “I am a Landlord-None of the above”. That should get the message across as we are quite a large voting block”.
    We are all politically homeless.


    A powerful post. Echos what a lot of people are thinking

    Richard LeFrak

    Well put Katy, I moved to the UAE in 2015 as I could see which way it was going with Osbourne and his chums... Now pay zero tax and only a small amount on BTL portfolio.

    UK is my home and it is being absolutely screwed by jumped up researchers come MP's who only have one agenda.... Themselves!

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    Agree with every single word of that. This country/gov is Anti- Landlord, Anti- business, Anti-wealth creation (unless its for themselves) and Anti-British values. I imagine we will be selling up and shipping out at some point.


    Margaret, Reform UK has said that they will scrap the Renters Reform Legislation.


    Agree Sandra. I am moving my money into ISAs and SIPPs where I can invest in companies outside of the UK, tax free, and be liquid so I don't have communists like Gove & Co come along and steal my property.


    Sorry to hear this Katy.
    What a shambles Britain has become under the so called conservatives, they really should be ashamed of themselves they are literally taxing their own citizens into poverty and business & landlords into liquidation and insolvency all what for?

    Ol yeah to appease the left and partly to fund foreign wars and send aid to citizens in far away countries when we have our own impoverished citizens to take care of.

    Maggie thatcher will be turning in her grave at the Tory policies of the last 14 years.


    Actually Margaret, Reform are against the RRB, so vote for them instead. They certainly have my vote.

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    Hmm I think they will find, if they ask actual landlords, that they don't want speedy (and ill considered) action, they want politicians to start listening and realising the damage they are doing!!

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    Beadle has accepted S1 going as his student lets won't be affected once Gove rows back and shows to compromise that he was always going to change anyway. I have not accepted S21 going. I don't give a **** about their policies and committments. It's my property. The end.


    Bradle is a traitor! Any landlords belonging to NRLA should cancel their membership immediately with a letter stating why. He does not have our mandate.

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    • A JR
    • 29 February 2024 09:44 AM

    More disasterous appeasements by Beadle and the NRLA. (Not Representing Landlords Association.)

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    I think we are the only ones that will be Compromised. Mr Beadle will be keeping fixed term Contracts for his Student letting portfolio, he has the ear of Gove, some stitch up.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Have you noticed how Back stabbing Beadle uses a conditional adjective for Landlords: "Responsible Landlords" but NONE for the Tenants?????
    Revealed your hand there Buddy.


    He used to work for the TDS. So I think he's a secret plant of the pro-renters' groups to further tenant rights.


    Make you right there Nick. Benny seems to have a lot of time for Vanessa Warwick of property tribes (she looks like the queen of lefties to me rather than a LL) check out their webinar interviews online their cringe, they try to talk all posh with word salads, very suspect!


    I think Vanessa is actually a genuine landlord but makes the bulk of her money through PT. I saw a cringe interview where Gove was due to attend an NRLA meeting. But he didn't turn up. Just by video call. But Beadle was SO proud of how it went. Set out all the landlords chairs so Gove would have to walk through them all and look landlords in the eye. But as I said he didn't even bother turning up. Can barely see landlords eyes hiding away where he was.

    Vanessa was full of "welcome" to Ben etc. Like Beadle welcomes all bad news! But he never gets a hard time from her. It does of course help keep the interviews rolling and content coming rather than being shunned!

    Vanessa is on here to...


    There can be attempts to control or divert the narrative on this website, too, by pro-tenant activists. etc. Look out for secret plants, as Nick puts it.

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    Why don't all the Landlords who are part of NRLA resign their membership and either form a new Landlord Association or join IHOWZ. IHOWZ has always fought more for Landlords rights then NRLA ever have...
    I used to be member of NRLA years ago and resigned due to no action from them against Section 24 (the people running it only look after themselves and don't care about the small Landlords). If all members resigned, people like Beadle would have to work for their money!)

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    Of Course it would be more than loosing membership, we also have several thousands of £’s annually in Insurance premiums .

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    Anyway on a more positive note
    it would appear the gentleman trying to make us all mortgage holders for other people “The right honourable MP Michael Gove” is in a spot of bother ladies & gents looks like he may of been caught with his snout in the trough again so to speak 😂🎉
    Google his name links are not allowed in the comments!


    Caught, not for the first time.
    The Guardian last week reported Mr Gove was entertained at a Queens Park Rangers match in 2021 with David Meller, whose company Meller Designs was awarded six PPE contracts worth £164million following the then-Cabinet Office minister's referral in 2020.


    Yes he's under investigation over his financial interests :)

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    • C P
    • 29 February 2024 17:32 PM

    Why would anyone actually trust Gove? He does not care anywhere. Look what he did to the education system.


    He's a lying backstabber. Wouldn't ever trust him.


    I am not a violent person, but Gove does have a face that I'd never tire of slapping.


    Annoyed - I have fantasies about Gove. They are very dark...I don't even start with any slapping either, but the dreams go on and on for a long time...

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    I would say hopefully he falls on his sword but in his case I hope falls on his hammer & sickle the commie :)

    Looks like to the shadow politburo secretary of State for levelling up communities via stealing housing (Angela Rayner!) is having some issues regarding transparency about her own personal housing situation.

    Honestly the hypocrisies of these people to meddle in a free market beggars belief.

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    Aren't NRLA supposed to represent Landlords?? If the Gov insist on a National Register then there should be one for Tenants too. Personally this is the last straw for me.

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    NRLA has Residential Landlords in its title but, like Shelter, does not do what it says on the tin. 😡

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    Agree if they were truly representing Landlords instead of feathering their own nest.
    I believe they would have one million members by now instead of one hundred thousand, that says it all even with the amalgamation of the two largest Landlord Association’s and had 40 years to do it, give me a break they are not worth their salt.
    Also landlords should contact (BBC have your say) they are spouting nonsense of Zoopla & Rightmove the are braying like donkeys about high Rents and getting rid of Section 21 no fault eviction thinking its going to improve the renting business but instead it is the root cause.
    Everyone jumping on the bandwagon with this Popular National Narrative bash the Landlord.


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