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Surprise, Surprise - renters want landlords to fit eco-friendly features

A survey from NatWest and ratings giant S&P Global shows that 75 per cent of renters across the UK want landlords to improve the sustainability of their properties.

The Greener Homes Attitudes tracker shows that some two-thirds of UK renters are expecting a further increase over the next 12 months. Among this group, three-quarters want landlords to make sustainable home improvements to their properties to help offset the increase.

According to the figures, rental properties are typically less well insulated than owner-occupied homes. This includes tanks and pipes insulation and cavity wall insulation.


The tracker found that when it comes to UK homeowners making sustainable upgrades, around one-in-five homeowners  reported plans to make improvements to their property in the next 12 months, with many of those not planning to make changes citing the cost of work and disruption being the key barriers.

Households were asked in the final quarter of 2023 how much they’re now spending on monthly energy bills. Of those that reported having both mains gas and mains electricity, almost a quarter answered between £100 and £149, equating to £1,200-£1,788 per year.

This was followed by 18 per cent of households paying between £150 and £199, equating to £1,800 to £2,380 a year.

The tracker also found that over half of respondents feel that the UK government is moving too slowly to aid the green energy transition, and that London topped the rankings for plans for solar panels (45 per cent), with the Northeast, Yorkshire & Humber and Scotland (all 30 per cent each) at the other end of the scale.

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  • icon

    Cue Gibbo in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 😂😂😂😂😂


    Genius. I’m actually on holiday this week, but it’s nice that you miss me. BTW why don’t you post under your real name?


    Gibbo, if you are on holiday why post at all?

    As for why I do not post under my real name, firstly it is none of your business. Secondly my name is unusual so easily traceable and would expose me to online trolls and yes, I count you as one.

    For clarity for Gibbo:
    I am annoyed and I am a landlord. so perhaps that is my true name, but thanks for acknowledging me as a genius. Now go bal to building sandcastles. fitted with sand sculpted PIV of course.

    Richard LeFrak

    AL, I also recognise your Genius...

    Now let us be nice to Gibbo if he is on holiday.

    Gibbo I sincerely hope you and your beloved Nuaire3000 have a great time on holiday x

  • icon

    No they don’t. . They want a decent home and a rent they can afford.


    exactly that I have an F rated house with an exemption the guys living there enjoy a low rent, they are very happy with that

  • icon

    I suspect a tenant will feel lucky, if the landlord keeps them and doesn’t sell up 😮.


    There are good landlords as there is tenants .

  • icon

    Q: Would you like your LL to fit energy saving measures?
    A: Yes

    Really? How about
    Q Are you prepared to pay more rent for a more energy efficient property?
    A: Er - No!


    Exactly that Trica


    Errr Urquhart, this is precisely why the Conservative Government introduced the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard! Oh and they had to bring in Food Hygiene Standards for all restaurants because the public were getting food poisoning. Do you enjoy eating out in safety? LOL.


    For someone on holiday, Gibbo sure is posting lot again.

    Richard LeFrak

    Gibbo is back again, take it easy you are on holiday. Please refer to Tricia in the correct manner. She has been a delightful contributor to this forum and as such deserves a little more respect.

    Now be careful as it appears you have put too many much cornflakes on your whiskey for breakfast.

  • icon

    They will certainly be getting a rent increase but 100% of this will go towards increased mortgage interest. There won't be any left over for anything else!

  • Richard LeFrak

    No tenant has even said this plus if you have a butchers at S&P Global there they are front and centre of Sustainable Finance.

    Less said about Nat West Group the better...!!

  • icon

    Energy Savings Trust figures for typical Solar panels:
    cost =£7,000; saving p.a. = £545; payback period =12+ years.

    But who is still going to be a landlord in over 12 years time?

    Only hope would be that the investment is reflected in selling price or property, and I'm not sure about that.
    I may add PV to the new roof shape of the house I've recently served a s21 on. As I am doing an entirely new roof it is a sensible time to do it. Should get a good price on the sale either way (before the CGT); but not sure yet how much having PV will add to that, or even if it would cover the £7k outlay.
    I won't be doing a heat pump; boiler is only 2 years old anyway.


    This ignores the opportunity or borrowing cost of money to fund this capital investment, which is probably 5 to 8%.

    The savings would barely cover the interest, at best reducing the amount outstanding by between £0 (at 8% cost of borrowing) and around £200 at 5%, making a payback period about the same as the life expectancy of most current landlords.

    Better to give a rent reduction of £545 funded by investing the £7000 more wisely.

  • icon

    Here's an interesting idea!!!
    If Labour wants to give tenants the right to stay for as long as it suits them and for them to have a permanent home about asking the tenant to contribute to green upgrades....if they're staying put for decades, why not???
    I find it surprising that only HALF want green updates....Do the other half not care???

  • icon

    Very interesting don't think it will work .what about all the tenants from hell

  • Fed Up Landlord

    Gibbo is really Polly Neate in disguise.


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