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Gove bringing Renters Reform Bill back to Commons in mid-April

The government has committed to returning the amended Renters Reform Bill to the House of Commons in mid-April.

MPs return from their Easter recess on April 15 and the. Ill will resume its passage through Parliament within days of the recess ending.

There’s been angry reaction from activists and charities following changes made to address concerns about out the anti-landlord bias of the Bill in its original form.


Ben Twomey, chief executive of Generation Rent, says: “Instead of appeasing a few landlords, the government should focus on preventing homelessness. The best ways to do this would be to give renters four months notice rather than two when we are evicted, while making sure we can’t be kicked out within the first two years of a tenancy if we stick to the rules.”

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “It’s cowardly that the government would rather betray renters than stand up to a minority of MPs hell-bent on browbeating them into watering down the Renters Reform Bill.”

Crisis chief executive Matt Downie says the Bill does improve prevention measures on homelessness but must do more to protect tenants and support responsible landlords.

He says: “There has been positive movement on homelessness prevention measures in this bill, which would see households still being supported after eviction, which we very much welcome.

“But with the bill still not published and continued uncertainty over ending no-fault evictions, this situation continues to cause anxiety for millions of renters across the country.”

At the start of the Easter weekend the government told Conservative MPs that the amendments it would table to the Bill when it returns to the Commons would include:

- Accepting a proposal by the cross-party housing select committee that when fixed term tenancy agreements end, “tenants be unable to give two months’ notice to leave until they have been in a property for at least four months";

- Reviewing the operation of the courts before ending section 21 for existing tenancies to ensure the justice system can cope with the increased workload;

/ Ensuring all types of student housing, including one and two bed properties, are covered by the planned ground for possession to protect the annual cycle of the student housing market. This will ensure landlords can guarantee to prospective students that properties will be available to rent from the start of each academic year;

- Reviewing the need for local authority licensing schemes in light of the proposed property portal, an idea contained in the Renters Reform Bill.

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association says: “All the rumour, speculation and off-the record briefings about the future of the Bill has caused a huge amount of concern and uncertainty for tenants and responsible landlords.

“The Government has a mandate to end section 21 repossessions. Our focus has been on ensuring that the replacement system works, and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords. The changes being proposed would achieve this balance. 

“Ministers now need to crack on to ensure the Bill can proceed with the scrutiny it deserves.

“The lack of progress and uncertainty about the future is destabilising and damaging for those living and working in the private-rented sector. It is time to bring this to an end.”  

A government spokesperson states: “Our landmark Renters Reform Bill will deliver a fairer private rented sector for both tenants and landlords. It will abolish section 21 evictions – giving people more security in their homes and empowering them to challenge poor practices.

“The Bill must strike the balance between delivering security for tenants and fairness for landlords. We have listened to feedback from landlord and tenant groups and from MPs, and will bring amendments forward at Commons Report Stage after Easter recess.”

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  • icon

    The best way to ensure people have a home is to ensure landlords can make a reasonable profit and not face punitive fines for minor errors.
    In the majority of cases landlords and tenants are a mutually dependent partnership. Just let us get on with it.

    Wouldn't it make more sense to have a robust method of reporting and sanctioning the few rogue landlords that exist rather than devising such a complex, unprofitable system the good landlords are leaving in droves?

    Good landlords don't evict good tenants without good reason, so the whole Section 21 thing is a bit overblown. A good reason for evicting a tenant is to sell up, which is what numerous landlords are doing either because of the RRB proposals or the effect of Section 24.

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    Jo. While I agree with most of what you are saying I am not get deflected from Section 21 the very basis of which all Private Letting started, before which there wasn’t any.
    The owner has to have control of his property full stop. Regardless of whether it’s a nice Tenant or a bad Tenant the owned is the owner and not e Tenant.
    So I am not going along with the idea I can have it back if I want to sell it and that definitely means I have lost it and no way back, so I have to loose it to get it back give me a break.
    We are a business of course we are delighted when we have good Tenants why wouldn’t we be.
    We don’t want to go turning more of
    them bad either that soon happens and don’t they peas off quickly when it suits them.
    I agree with you that huge numbers of
    landlords have sold up because of THE RENTERS REFORM BILL which is the Removal of SECTION 21.
    Section 24 is a disgrace discriminatory and nothing to do with TRRB and already in place. We know exactly what’s going on we are being replaced by the Big Boys when were they ever involved in letting apart from never.
    Computerisation has brought the Country crashing down, thousands of Shops, Offices, Banks, Pubs, Commercial Buildings now Surplus and guess what Government wants them all converted to Residential, then What.
    I wished I could show you some photographs like Hanger Tube Station and Gyratory. I have aerial photos for years of how lovely it used to be like a little park with shrubs & bushes now a colossal monstrosity of about 700 dodgy constructed Flats I was long enough in construction to know the difference and as if they were a priority but retain fixed Term Tenancies for those isn’t that retaining Section 21 for the Big Boys. The Whole thing was never required in the first place and should be scrapped altogether. Supposed to be helping Tenants my foot, so far have driven up their Rents 20/30% making sure they can’t save any money or buy their own place, do we not have a brain cell left or are we been institutionalised.


    Very well said Michael!

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    Agree with every word

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    Sorry did I need to say they are 700 Student Flats.

  • Fed Up Landlord

    The idiots like Gen Rant's Ben Twlooney and "We Don't Shelter Anybody" Polly Bleat will point to an increase in Section 21s as a reason to ban it. The reason is that landlords are issuing Section 21s to get out of the game. It's nothing to do with making deals better for tenants. It's ideology driven class war from the woke lefty liberal navel gazing hand wringing cabal that have infiltrated all the institutions of state including the main political parties, judiciary, civil service, education, etc. Get out now before your property is sequestrated by Sneer Charmer and his
    " undercover" Corbynistas who will decloak like Romulan Warbirds upon attaining power and devastate what remains of the PRS.


    Eventually these activists will be out of a job. There will only be a finite number number of flats left and all will be occupied by sitting tenants. The big corporates won’t give into their demands as they have the government backing that is not afforded to us.

  • icon

    I agree 100% Michael. The Renters Reform Bill has been the height of folly. Already it has made everything much worse for tenants and landlords - higher rents and lots of people asked to leave in case there is a general election and tenants gain security of tenure immediately under a Labour government.

  • icon

    All these tenant organisations forget that BTL properties are privately owned and not owned by the government or local councils. Control by the authorities of one's private property smacks of communism

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    All my remaining tenants will be receiving a sec 21 in the run up to the GE. It’s perhaps the last level of insurance should Labour start up with their anti landlord antics.


    That's actually quite a good idea as an insurance policy. Especially if you explain to your tenants exactly why you have issued it and that it is a 3 stage process. Going to step 2 is your choice and doesn't have to be done immediately the 2 months notice is up.


    The problem there, AJR, is that there could may be an immediate eviction ban on Labour gaining power.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Governments are trying to turn Private rentals into Social Housing. I will be amazed if l am still housing people 5 yrs from now. I will be equally amazed if l am still living in the Uk.

  • icon

    Twomey's '4 months notice & 2 yr tenancies' doesn't reduce homelessness - it just postpones it! What is needed to reduce homelessness is more supply at affordable costs. Forcing LLs out is making the problem worse.

    I am taking back another one today to sell - a house that 3 people wanted to rent before the tenants had even told me they were leaving!

  • Richard LeFrak

    I think Ben T needs to look in the mirror as to what is going to cause homelessness, not one of these groups have actively engaged with landlords to try and find a solution. I do not count talking to the other Ben at the NRLA as talking to landlords.

  • Nic Gone

    I too am throwing in the towel, section 21 being the trigger and labours threat of sitting tenants the final bullet. Latest property sales show a big uptick in first time buyers, which will be touted to show the government goal - for everyone to buy not rent, is ‘working’ . Those former tenants financially able to get a mortgage will do so but that still leaves a huge number who can’t - where will they go when the PRS has disappeared? The big boys won’t fill that vacuum, they only want top dollar.


    It's not just "can't", it's don't want to or not ready to yet or won't be in the area long enough to justify the buying and selling fees.

    Everyone seems to ignore the fact vast numbers of PRS tenants rent from choice. They don't want to commit to an area or specific property long term and they certainly don't want to jump through all the hoops for Social Housing.

  • icon

    I agree with Jo Michael this sums up the situation . I am more than disappointed with the response of the NRLA. No one who has represented us or in media as stated the obvious.

    If you Tax and Regulate Private Landlords out of Business . There is nothing to rent. I can see absolutely nothing in the Renters Reform Bill that will encourage anyone to become a private Landlord.

    With regards to Gove , he is in the wrong Party . The Conservatives are turning on their core voters Hard Working People .

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    The other thing that’s virtually left unsaid is the Licensing Schemes of various types to catch all. So why would you need the RRB as well do we need to be double stitched up.
    Incidentally they have already used Licensing Schemes to Ban the use of Section 21 on expiry.
    I have had most Licensed 3 & 4 times previously but you have to renew before the existing ones expire. That’s a Big Problem they won’t let you make the Application no matter how many times you try. I have had it 3 different times and failed for weeks because you now can’t make an Application without a a code Ref: they give you but they won’t give it to you on purpose to prevent you from Applying. Then you have to make a Brand New Application as if you never had one, which means in affect you can’t issue Section 21 without a license absolutely ridiculous.
    I managed to get one Application through on the last day after several attempts so it is continuous Licensed nevertheless on checking the Register it says that the House is not licensed quick they were to wrongly remove it.
    I believe metastreet software computer Company is complicit in all this and are total incompetent now used by most Councils to handle the Applications that they are not capable of dealing with themselves, anyway it frees up their time to do nothing with their fees included and spare time to issue penalties if a Tenant complains which many Councils have said they always prosecute if a Tenant complains, so Tenant is judge & jury anything to divide us.

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    The NRLA have capitulated to the activists and no longer represent the majority of landlords. Their stance is weak and naive if they think the eviction and court process will become fit for purpose anytime soon.

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    If the government wants to control the houses it should be social housing that they built not try to takeover houses belonging to private individuals and ltd companies. All the new rules and legislation will push prices up higher as more LL's make their escape.

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    We don’t want to go to Court to get our own property back. They didn’t need a Court Order to move-in why do they want one to move out.
    The Court System was never fair to landlords at the best of times even when there was no queues.
    When I did use it years ago as a last resort it always cost a couple of thousand + and vat, whatever the reason was whether Rent or other reasons like the ex-Police man & his wife who rented a brand new house from me that I had Built. As it turned out he had the Freehold an antique shop with a Flat above occupied by an old couple who were sitting Tenants. He moved into my place briefly made a couple of payments then unknown to me moved his sitting Tenants into mine, they were delighted with their new detached house with gardens + double width double length garage.
    When the Rent didn’t arrive I went to the property to investigate and met the Couple who had the Cash for me but I wouldn’t have anything to do with it and so the legal process started.
    By this time he had gutted their old Flat and no way back.
    I did win the Court Case and the only one to win on the listing that day. The Judge asked them how much they had paid me and the reply was nothing because I refused to take, so judge said then you are not his Tenants if I had even accepted a £1, it would have created a Contract & told I would have lost. That’s one case I have plenty more episodes….

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    Just for the Record Section 21 was never meant to be a requirement every time to end a Tenancy. It was only to be used as a last resort when Tenants were in breach and not abided by the Terms of the Contract they had signed up to with the correct notice period as per Contract.
    So why has it been misused by Tenants and now seems to have become obligatory.


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