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Changes to Renters Reform Bill after Easter

The government has written to Conservative MPs promising changes to the Renters Reform Bill to ease concerns over its anti-landlord bias.

Amendments the Government plans to table to the Bill include:

- Accepting a proposal by the cross-party housing select committee that when fixed term tenancy agreements end, “tenants be unable to give two months’ notice to leave until they have been in a property for at least four months";


- Reviewing the operation of the courts before ending section 21 for existing tenancies to ensure the justice system can cope with the increased workload;

- Ensuring all types of student housing, including one and two bed properties, are covered by the planned ground for possession to protect the annual cycle of the student housing market;

- Reviewing the need for local authority licensing schemes in light of the proposed property portal, an idea contained in the Renters Reform Bill.

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association says: “All the rumour, speculation and off-the record briefings about the future of the Bill has caused a huge amount of concern and uncertainty for tenants and responsible landlords.

“The Government has a mandate to end section 21 repossessions. Our focus has been on ensuring that the replacement system works, and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords. The changes being proposed would achieve this balance. 

“Ministers now need to crack on to ensure the Bill can proceed with the scrutiny it deserves.

“The lack of progress and uncertainty about the future is destabilising and damaging for those living and working in the private-rented sector. It is time to bring this to an end.”  

And Timothy Douglas, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Propertymark comments: “Propertymark is pleased to see amendments from the UK Government that help to address some of the key concerns of letting agents and strike a fairer balance of security for both landlords and tenants.

“We have worked hard on behalf of agents to highlight the unintended consequences of removing fixed-term tenancies, including, crucially, those for student housing. The UK Government’s commitment to review the implementation of the move to open-ended tenancies and establish an initial six-month tenancy period for tenants, does provide more certainty for agents and their landlords.

“Propertymark has also long said that the key to the success of the Renters (Reform) Bill is a swift, efficient, and cost-effective court system, so it is also pleasing to see the UK Government commit to further assessments and measures to ensure the current inadequacies that exist in the court system are tackled before removing no-fault evictions.

“There is still a long way to go before the Renters (Reform) Bill becomes law, so Propertymark will continue to champion the role of property agents and iron out further unintended consequences to ensure the legislation works in practice for all.”

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  • Fed Up Landlord

    And so it begins......

  • icon

    This is like a soap opera 🫣


    Like El Dorado?


    El Dorado was boring. This is action packed. Like The Expendables.

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    A really bad soap opera where the writers are clearly idiots who know nothing about the genre.

  • Nigel Spalding

    arranging deck chairs on the titanic; meanwhile we wait for rates to plummet so we can sell up and exit the sinking ship.....

  • icon

    Do they really think that will ease Landlord concerns “bunch of fool's” what about all the other issues facing Landlords.

  • John  Adams

    Ben achieving nothing as usual


    He doesn’t speak for us - only student landlords. He is just protecting his own portfolio. We need to form our own Landlord Association with Jo Westlake at the helm maybe.

    Richard LeFrak

    Well said Maggie, please take this as the first £500 to start it up.


    I am in for £500 too.

  • icon

    Has anyone actually done a risk assessment for the impact this will have on the Private Rental Sector.
    Questions these people should be asking are
    1, Why would anyone buy a Property worth £100,000 `s of pound that they Cannot get back . Or have control over.
    2 Why is there nothing to rent at the moment
    3 Where will we house the 10,000 of tenants forced out as Landlords sell up.
    4 Have the current Policies of continual Legislation and taxation


    Stephen, that implies that politicians can exercise the power of thought, which we all know is not true

  • icon

    Ben got his student housing in there just fine.


    Very true, Nick, but what is Labour's position on student housing? It is that which matters.

    And, as for Court Reform, Matthew Pennycook (Shadow minister for housing and planning) has said that Labour would “immediately abolish section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions and deliver the security and rights that renters deserve”

    Will the next general election be in the autumn?

  • icon

    NRLA has rolled over on this. They’ve accepted, even embraced the scrapping of S21. It’s naive beyond credibility to believe the government has a hope of improving the court system to a noticeable degree.

    Where tenants are not looking after the property - the burden of proof means it’s very difficult to demonstrate “beyond all reasonable doubt” to a third party that is dealing with dozens of cases per day. S21 is essential and the NRLA are not adequately representing landlords on this issue.

    Sarah Fox-Moore

    One of the reasons l am no longer a member. Controlled opposition

  • icon

    Another Beadle Blunder!

    The Government has a mandate to end section 21 repossessions. Our focus has been on ensuring that the replacement system works, and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords. The changes being proposed would achieve this balance.

    NO it won’t, the changes being proposed are not remotely fair even with these miserably minor ‘tweaks’. The RRB is deeply flawed and impractical. They know it, we know it and tenants are beginning to know it too.

  • icon

    Bumgling Boy Beadle says, "Our focus has been on ensuring that the replacement system works, and is fair, to both tenants and responsible landlords." Note RESPONSIBLE landlords. In other words if you dare disagree with him, you are not a responsible landlord.

    Bye, bye NRLA.

  • icon

    It begins- all it needs is to SCRAP IT!!!

  • James B

    Ben the government puppet who just tittle tattles around them not causing any upset or saying anything to direct , definitely not representing landlords , the key reason I cancelled my subscription this year


    Good, mine will not be renewed when it ends next year.

  • John Harrison

    And so it begins........to paraphrase Churchill (who would be beyond horrified at the clowns we have in charge now...) This is not the end...
    You can multiply by 100 any anti landlord measures when Comrade Starmer is allowed to brandish his Hammer and Sickle !

  • icon

    I have recently had a very grim experience of using the court system, it been sorted ok, against landords !!

  • icon

    The NRLA are anti landlord, by agreeing to removal of S21 WITHOUT asking their members what they think about this.
    IF they would have had the courtesy to ask, then they would have known the vast majority of landlords want to keep S21.
    They would also have realised, that many landlord properties will be sold because of no S21.
    When an organisation you pay to keep in business, welcomes something which is damaging/hostile to your business then it is time to cut ties.
    Ben if you are reading this, I would like a response from you.......Crickets.

  • icon

    That’s not an amendment that’s a load of Bens Poo as if it was s big deal, when did I ever try to stop a Tenant leaving when he / she wanted, apart from never ever never months 2 months notice.
    Stop the smoke screen and pulling the wool over our eyes just crack on and reinstate Section 21.
    The Government has no Landlords Mandate to remove Section 21 they might have a Mandate from Rogue Charities that Houses no one and the advantages tax charity status now isn’t that something.
    Ben will have his fixed term retained for Students so it ok for them not for us more one sided discrimination

  • icon

    They certainly need to address the courts and bailiff system. So far no rent since last July, court order to be out 15th of February, still waiting for a bailiff appointment.
    But what are they realistically going to do to fix it?


    Up grade to high court those boys will get them out


    They won’t fix it. They don’t want more homeless folk as there is nowhere for them to go.
    There is already an eviction ban in all but name.

  • icon

    I just dread to think what will happen once Labour get in. Can we expect rent caps like Scotland?


    Scottish rent caps have been nothing to worry about if you avoid renting to families and avoiding families means avoiding the problem of no Section 21.

    Sorry families, but I didn't make the rules, just found a way to avoid being hurt by them. You, on the other hand, can't avoid being hurt unless you get a majority of MPs or MSPs or Welsh guys to support you in finding and keeping a home long term, which btw, doesn't mean abolishing Section 21!

  • icon

    There’s a lot more at stake than losing Membership there’s the Insurance’s Associated Companies and other services
    So 100’000 landlord members don’t forget that they are Portfolio Landlord with several properties each.

  • icon

    Licensing fees have doubled up because the Council’s are not capable of running the Schemes but we are expected to do everything and pay them now for nothing and been totally incompetent.
    So they up the fee and let Meta Street Software Company to process the Applications that’s what your extortionate licensing is for, the Councils want your money for nothing and abuse their legal status to do it.
    Of Course Meta Street is not cable either all in a muddle and taking sometimes a year or more to deal with the Application but when LA writes to you 2 weeks only to respond.

  • icon

    It would be so much wiser to allow fixed term tenancies to remain for everyone. Requiring periodic tenancies is a huge mistake. The current plans are simply silly - and don't help anyone.


    Ellie, Since when has Bungling Boy Beadle been wise?


    It's not only him though. There are a number of people who have contributed to the legislation who have lost sight of the fact that they don't own the properties.


    But they are not the mouthpiece of the National RESIDENTIAL LANDLORDS Association. HE is supposed to REPRESENT US.


    You are quite right AL. The fact that nobody has put the owners' views has resulted in a situation like the Emperor's New Clothes - the truth isn't heard - and the truth is, that for a large percentage of landlords, if tenants will gain security of tenure, they won't be offered a flat.

  • icon

    I am surprised we have not been graced with the wit and wisdom of James Turner and SBR,


    Too much effort to do so too often?

    On second thoughts, it's already been too often!

  • icon

    Ellie. Of Course that’s the truth it’s a win win situation for the Council using us as scapegoats.
    They won’t have a Statutory Duty to House them with no Section 21 evictions.

    They won’t have to put them up in Hotels Bed & Breakfast's and such like because they will be stuck in our Property nice one.

    Shrinking the queues as well but blame the Private landlord the back bone of the economy some confidence trick.

    While you are at it don’t stop at Robbing his House use Licensing Schemes to Rob his Bank too some stitch———up.

    Well done Mr Ben Beadle for assisting the Architect Mr Michael Gove Polished Rogue and Ben tells us to crack on with it. I rest my case total injustice.

  • icon

    Matthew Pennycook. That’s very big of you but it’s not your property and what makes it everyone right to be entitled to my property no one ever gave me anything for nothing.
    OK it’s going to be a great time for subsidised Students at tax expense not least free Council Tax as well while others of same age decided to work for a living instead of further education are taxed.
    So now we are going to be forced to let to Students as only option left available to us, so watch out we will undercut everyone and no Landlord to House Working Shares or Families. Congratulations you morons crack-on with that.


    There should be the option of fixed term tenancies up to nine months (?) for everyone who, because of their circumstances, requires a fixed term tenancy.

  • icon

    Property Mark should be quite too only around 6 years claiming to be in existence for 50 years promoting highest standards to industry.
    They weren’t even there not to be heard of now an amalgamation of Estate Agents mostly living off our backs wants to shape Policy for their own ends.

  • icon

    Get out whilst you still can folks!! I've been over 25 years in the game and can see where this is going.I'm planning on going back to vehicle sales... Commercials mainly...
    Anyone looking for a van? 😂 😂


    I was in the motor trade once best thing I ever done was getting out of it


    I luved the motor trade back in the day. Every day was exciting

  • James Scollard

    It’s like the ‘sellers packs’ kicked around to become HIP’s - home information packs. Every property related industry including lenders were saying no. The government simply don’t listen, only to lobbying groups.
    … then surprised it doesn’t work.

  • James Scollard

    If landlords can’t evict, they need to be very careful which tenant they chose. Vetting & referencing will be much stricter. No low income tenants for sure.
    If student landlords can only rent for 8 months a year, the rent will need to increase, to cover 12 months of income.
    If Tenants can only give 2 months notice, after a minimum of 4 months, it this not exactly the same as the current minimum 6 month AST? …. And the point is ….
    So rather than issuing a S21 notice, the courts need to be improved so landlords will have to take tenants to court to get their property back instead. (Oh happy times for Tenants & Landlords - with tenants getting in more debt with added court & legal fees) .. but at least the justice system will be able to cope with the increased demand … really? Who is this helping? Tenants or Landlords?
    Swift court system … ha ha jokers !

  • James Scollard

    I actually think, landlords not only can’t take the risk with low income families, but any mental health tenants, no benefit tenants … they can’t take this risk, if they can’t evict.

    They need to be very careful which tenant they chose. Vetting & referencing will be much stricter.

    Lets face it, mortgage lenders have to go to court to repossess, so this is exactly the same as landlords.

  • James Scollard

    The reform bill including scrapping Section 21 … achieves NOTHING.

    Landlords only use this if they are selling, or, the tenants are having parties or annoying neighbours & bad tenants. Removing section 21 won’t change landlords evicting a tenant.

    Landlords DONT evict good Tenants … simples.

  • icon

    Andrew, good job you are of it too much technology these days delicate sensors everywhere like my current one and no hand book, just a disc but I have no where to put it. Anyway landlords are screwed I can’t believe what’s going on its like we are enemy number one.

  • George Dawes

    Just wait until the government and their banker pals are the major landlords

    They’ll look back on us as the good guys , mark my words


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