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NRLA accused of putting landlord profits before society’s interests

A leader of the Renters Reform Coalition activist lobby has made a specific targeted attack on the motives and honesty of the National Residential Landlords Association.

The attack came over the weekend from Tom Darling, campaign manager of the coalition, tweeting on X from his personal social media account.

The coalition is a loose affiliation of some 20 activist groups including Acorn, Generation Rent, the National Union of Students, the London Renters Union, Renters Rights London, and the Greater Manchester Tenants Union. The coalition is funded by the Nationwide Foundation which was established by the Nationwide Building Society as an independent charitable foundation.


Darling's comment was in response to a social media post by Ben Beadle, NRLA’s chief executive, who tweeted about the government’s proposed tax raid on holiday let landlords as previewed in the mainstream press yesterday. 

Beadle said such a tax proposal meant: “Good bye furnished holiday let tax breaks it seems … This isn’t the solution to the key issue at play here - long term, sustainable private rental sector housing.”

Darling - citing Beadle’s comments - then tweeted: “Striking that the NRLA would oppose this given they spend every day talking about ‘supply crisis’ of rented homes. The proposal removal of short term lets tax breaks would make it  more appealing to keep property in the private rental sector versus, for example, putting on Airbnb. In other words, it would incentivise the supply of rented homes.

“In my view it reveals what is actually the core of the NRLA agenda which is a belief in the favourable tax treatment for propertied interests for their own gain - not any sort of societal good as they claim.”

A spokesperson for the NRLA told Landlord Today yesterday evening: "We would be more than happy to discuss this and other issues facing the private rented sector with the Renters Reform Coalition. Sadly they have so far failed to accept our approaches for a meeting."

The spat all revolves around  government leaks  published in The Sunday Times. The paper said that the Budget on Wednesday will contain what it called a £300m “tax raid” on the rental sector. 

Specifically it said: “The Chancellor [Jeremy Hunt] is to launch £300m tax raid on second home owners who make money from holiday lets in an attempt to make the [income tax cut] sums add up. He will abolish a series of tax perks for landlords who rent out their properties to short-term holidaymakers rather than long-term tenants.

“Although it represents another tax grab by the Conservatives, Hunt will argue it will help tackle the housing shortage in coastal areas and holiday hotspots such as Cornwall and the Lake District, where landlords are converting to holiday lets to benefits from generous tax perks, depriving local people of housing.”

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    Society’s gain 😱😱 who the hell do they think WE are ?? We are NOT social landlords 🫣. We are businesses and as such profit is our main motivation 💰💵. This story is exactly why I am out, it will never end until they turn us into the Private Rentals Housing Association.


    So right Simon, everyone expects the PRS to fill the void left by the lack of social housing but forgets we are actually businesses not charities!

    When the LLs that have moved from long lets to short lets simply sell up & holiday areas lose jobs because there is nowhere for tourists to stay & locals can't afford to buy or rent because there are no jobs, then they may regret their actions!

    Richard LeFrak

    Agree with both Simon and Tricia, reading the post from Cpt Darling is like reading a rant from a spoilt child.


    Same here Simon. It's total madness. Of course we want profit.... That's why we do it! Are they seriously that thick?

    Fery  Lavassani

    Successive governments have refused to treat PRS as "business". They rather treat us as "investors". Section 24 is a clear example for this. This attitude will have to change otherwise more landlord, just like myself, will simply sell out and get out before Trotskyites get in.

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    Why does Beadle not expose the ongoing lies holiday lets do not benefit from tax breaks or perks it is long term lets that are the victim of tax discrimination and punishment

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    No-one seems to remember the ghost towns when there were only a few sub-standard holiday lets in the seaside towns. What has has come with the London buyers and investors is shops, bars, restaurants, JOBS! In the 90s I used to walk down Aldeburgh High St in the winter and nowhere was open and no-one around. Now, the place is busy all year round thanks to holiday lets. So are we going to house the people who cannot afford to live there, but take their jobs away, or are we going to concentrate on getting planning in neighbouring villages that are less desirable and deliver some affordable homes?

    Robert Black

    Good idea So it won't happen :-(

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    More pressure on LL's which will only serve to convince them it time to leave the market reducing rental property supply and pushing up prices further. When my tenants complain about increasing rents, I make a point to tell them that complaining to the LL's is wasted time, I tell them to complain to their MP about increased government regulation and taxation on LL's, as its these that are the root cause on rent rises and these increased costs have to be passed on to the tenant otherwise the business is not viable.

    What LL in their right mind would make new BTL investments today? The legislation, regulation and taxation is all against LL's encouraging LL's to exit the market not enter it.

    We all know that the country needs more BTL property not less, so the government solution to this should be less regulation, less taxation and more incentives for investment to increased the supply and bring down rental prices. Its not rocket science.

    Robert Black

    Totally agree

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    Profit is such an ugly word to those that can't make a profit

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    Tom Darling is an idiot. No more need be said.

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    All the activists and Mayor Khan will succeed in doing is to drive all small private landlords out of the market. The Corporate Landlords won’t put up with aggro. Interesting that no comments allowed on second article today about Mayor Khan!


    Kim Jon Norwood protects Sad IQ Khan and, to a lesser extent, the Bungling Boy Beadle.

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    It seems LandordToday is yet another mouthpiece for every one but Landlords.

    Part of the housing crisis is squarely down to repetitive reports from those with a personal agenda rather than any long term housing solution.


    I have been keeping an eye out to see if Mr Norwwod publishes an article on the Reform manifesto which has icluded abolishing the RRB and revoking S24tax rules. A manifesto which is actually promoting what we are all fighting for - but not a word fromLandlord Today - yet they keep promoting Beadles about!


    Keep hoping, Catherine. Kim Jon has his favourites.😉 I must admit it would be a pleasant change to have a positive article.🙏

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    NRLA accused of promoting Landlords ' interests!

    Must be a first!


    Not all landlords, Robert.

    Remember those who bank with Nationwide, "The coalition is funded by the Nationwide Foundation which was established by the Nationwide Building Society".


    Yes, agreed Annoyed Landlord, I did read that and it wasn't something I was previously aware of. It has given me thought about whether I put any more money their way going forward...


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