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Renters Reform Bill now on its way to the House of Lords

The Renters Reform Bill, heavily amended by the government and in some cases by individual MPs, has now passed through all of its stages in the House of Commons.

After a lengthy series of votes on individual amendments - all won by the government - there was no actual vote on the refashioned Bill, which was considered to be the wish of the Commons following the debates on the amendments.

Critically, Section 21 powers will still be banned, although not until a probe into the efficiency of the courts system is held to calculate how it will cope with any new eviction process.



The Bill was the subject of some four hours of discussion amongst MPs this afternoon. It is now considered to be a more balanced piece of legislation than it was some weeks ago, when it was accused of being pro-tenant.

In the Lords it now goes through a similar process to the Commons - an initial First and Second Readings, then a more detailed committee stage, before returning to the full Lords chamber for a Third Reading.   

If there are decision taken in conflict with the Commons, there may be some weeks of to-and-fro debate in both houses.

Ultimately, it is likely to be of a form reflecting the wish of the elected government and it will go to win Royal Assent and become law - that is, if a General Election does not intervene first.

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  • George Dawes

    Snooker is on and Ronnie's on fire

    I know what I’d rather watch


    I have drying paint to watch. At least that will save my blood pressure.

  • icon

    Got to be 20 people in the Commons debating this! Obviously not very important!


    I noticed that too. After all the fuss and wind bagging most of them couldn’t even be bothered to show up! Absolutely disgraceful.

  • icon

    I am putting down plastic types plank flooring, good one, got fed up with laminate not durable enough and if it gets wet it’s finished. Although I would rather be watching the snooker too anything other than watching the RRB crap.

  • icon

    I'll pass on watching it live, will be bad enough if it gets on the news, no doubt whatever is passed won't be radical enough for the pressure groups. It will be too late before they realise that what they want is incompatible with a lettings business, and there will be nothing left to rent. Hey ho. Heard someone on the radio talking about unfair section 21 evictions, yeah right, we mean old landlords just like a change of tenants every couple of years, for no reason at all, we like wasting our own time and money.

    Robert Black

    Exactly All the pro tenants groups don't have a clue what is going to happen to the people they are "representing" It will all end in tears!

  • icon

    There may not be sufficient support for the Bill.

    Not all Tories accept the abolition of fixed term tenancies and Labour doesn't support the need to wait for court reform before the abolition of Section 21.

  • icon

    I gave up after evictions were based on a tenant putting blu tac on the wall.


    Absurd juvenile reasoning so typical of todays inept MP’s.

  • icon

    I rent almost exclusively to DSS tenants who are supposed to pay a top up to bring rent up from DSS Cap to full market rate. They rarely make full top up so are constantly in arrears which grow every month. So I can insist the rent is paid direct to me and if I want them out then I have record of peristant and growing areas.

  • James B

    The time is near to sell every property when it comes empty. This bill is a great result for tenants, not

  • icon

    The final bill will, no doubt, be what the Government wants. However, Rishi Sunak's position is not very stable at the moment - and there could be a new leader who moves the party to the right after the May elections.

  • icon

    This will end in tears .
    The effects of this Bill will put us back 40 years . There is absolutely nothing in this that would entice any new entrants to become Landlords. And I think existing ones will be working on an exit Strategy.
    If any one can think of anything in this Bill that is appealing to Landlords please let us Know .


    No, can't think of a single appealing thing.


    Correct 👍🏻👍🏻


    There is a case for rental reform but the RRB is ill thought out nonsesense that will end in tears.

  • icon

    Its not more balanced its an outrage so they give 4 hours sitting around and expect us to swallow this rubbish.
    They are completely out of touch with the Business, they need to be out here trying to deal with the mess they have created. Forget about Elections I will join the Majority and not vote clearly no one worth voting for. Enjoy the Crash


    I will only be voting if there is a REFORM candidate.


    What none of them realises is how much unpaid hard work many of us do. There is no other investment where you have to do so much work and be available 24/7 in order to get a return. If you add on to that the fact that you will lose control of your assets there is no rational choice other than to sell.

  • icon

    This will be one of the biggest own goals of the tories time in office.
    It will gain them zero votes from renters, while at the same time will further alienate what used to be their core voters.
    The government have pandered to activists over the last 5 years and its resulted in things getting worse for renters and landlords. The tories will suffer the bbiggest defeat of my lifetime this year and it will be well deserved. Labour will probably get in with Reform coming second and effectively becoming the new Conservative Party.


    I’d love Reform to become the new opposition party.🙏

  • Robert Black

    I would love Reform to become the next Government but I feel that is unlikely


    Not this time, Robert, unless the electorate have an outbreak of common sense, but next time . . . .🤞🤞🤞


    No chance with reform talk the,talk

  • Fed Up Landlord

    The next election will be genocidal for the TLT (Tenant Loving Tories) who will be hoisted on their own petard. Too busy being ferrets fighting in a socialist filled sack. The resultant cull may well bring about a more centre right Tory party more in tune with the country and landlords inparticular.

    And then I woke up.....

  • icon

    None of this bothers me anymore. After 43 years letting residential property I have sold the lot. But I am devastated that this and future Governments have destroyed our sector. We housed people when the state could not. We funded new builds when private buyers and local authorities did not. We have been the only sector to increase the overall housing stock.
    For those landlords still in, good luck! But the 'wait and see' stance could well see an instant abolition of section 21 within days of a change of Government and no ability to get vacant possession if one wished to sell or live there oneself. Then the very very distinct possibility of the power to rent cap being handed to local authorities. It's over. Generation Rent and Shelter won. We lost. Only slight problem is where will tenants who can't afford to buy find housing. Well Generation Rent, Shelter, Give and the Labour Party... that's for you to sort out

  • icon

    Just feel so sorry for all the decent tenants who are going to have their lives disrupted by all this nonsense. They don't seem to have any idea about what is coming. I have explained to all mine about section 24, interest rates and now RRB.


    Talking of decent tenants . . . where have SBR and JT gone?

  • icon

    So Not one of you could think of an appealing thing in the Renter Reform Bill. ( my Previous)
    So I explained it to my Tenants Neither Could They .
    Not one of them thought section 24 was fair.
    Not one of them thought any one would be mad enough to buy a Property to Gift it to someone else for life.


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