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They Think It’s All Over - renter activists unhappy about Reform Bill

In theory the Renters Reform Bill could become law if government and opposition agree to prioritise it in the few remaining days before Parliament breaks up.

Formal dissolution of Parliament is on May 30.

We may know more about the fate of the Bill today but some despondent activist groups - who ironically curried favour with the Conservative government some years ago - have already admitted defeat.


Some activists who took a maximalist view - seemingly wanting every single element of the Bill to favour renters over landlords - have already disowned the Bill because of the acceptance of amendments that attempted to level the playing field between tenants and landlords.

This would explain Generation Rent’s tweet last evening: “This snap General Election [on July 4] means the government only has a few days to get the Renters Reform Bill through Parliament. In its current form the reform won't deliver the benefits tenants need. Waving it through the Lords without changes would be the wrong decision.”

And the Renters Reform Coalition - again, enthusiastic about the Renters Reform Bill until it became balanced - tweeted: “Government fail to deliver no-fault evictions manifesto commitment. Announcement the General Election will be 4th July confirms the gvt will not fulfill its promise to renters, as unprotected from eviction now as they were in 2019. This crisis will fall to the next government.”

The RRC, which consists of 20 activist bodies including student unions and at least one direct action group, went on to tweet: “There's still a possibility the Renters Reform Bill could go through parliamentary 'wash-up' (the process whereby unfinished business is wrapped up before parliament is dissolved) but if the gvt aren't willing to make the changes needed, the next gvt should start again.”

Acorn, which describes itself as a tenants union, tweeted: “Eyes on the next Government to deliver the changes needed to fix Britain’s broken housing system.”

Meanwhile Shelter - the campaigning charity which has been consistently critical of landlords and letting agents in recent years - unveiled a General Election lobbying tool which allows activists to petition candidates asking: “Will they address the housing emergency if they become your MP?”

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    Boo hoo! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    In anticipation of Darth Rayner carrying out her threat, many landlords are issuing S21 notices now and selling. The “activists”, I prefer to call them moaners, have only themselves to blame for this.😡

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    Turkeys 🦃 you are Christmas voting.

    I wonder how many of the ‘average tenant’ is capable of rearranging the above into a sentence? And of those in the Renters Coalition and Westminster. Not many. Not nearly enough.

    A damning indictment on our education system. Also of a lot of the immigrants and their families they bring with them. All with no money or education. But here to live on hand outs. I’m talking from experience of my previous tenants of course. Some have been hard working though but still not capable of supporting themselves.

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    Maybe a restart of the RRB would be for the best? It might disappoint a lot of pressure groups - but it seems a fair bit of common sense started to come out too. We need to remain profitable. They want renters to have stable homes. So unless you out-right own your rental properties, you're going to be subject to the economic and financial weather. Its funny how that annoying idea of being able to pay the mortgage just doesn't seem to matter to generation rent.

  • George Dawes

    Poor little mites , my heart bleeds for them

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    No-one seems to want the bill in its current form, so maybe its best if it just dies.

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    I don't think it can be dealt with during the Whitsun recess because it hasn't finished its passage in the House of Lords. It hasn't reached the "Final Stages" stage.

    However, there have been amendments proposed in writing now in the House of Lords including one by Lord Young in relation to student lets which would allow any private-sector landlord letting to students who subscribes to an approved code of conduct to offer a fixed term tenancy.

    There is another one by Lord Carrington proposing that Section 21 of the 1988 Act shall remain in force until such time as proceedings for an order of possession under section 21 of the 1988 Act take on average over the preceding 6-month period, no longer than 13 weeks from application to repossession.

    A further one by Lord Carrington sought to allow the landlord to gain possession where s/he is required to complete works to comply with statutory duties such as Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, Electrical Safety, or a future Decent Homes Standard

    None of the amendments has been considered yet

  • icon

    A rushed bill is not good for either landlords or tenants. It needs to be objectively considered so it offers a fair balance ie the Landlord needs to be allowed vacant possession if he/she wishes to sell and the tenant needs sufficient notice. Section 8 needs to be effective if the tenant stops paying rent. This is particularly hard on landlords with mortgages. Antisocial behaviour needs to be dealt with swiftly as surrounding neighbours adversely affected.


    Problem is that Labour legislation may be even worse than the awful Renters Reform bill.

    We do need to know where we stand legally as landlords. Labour needs to make clear exactly what they will introduce and the time frame for their policies.

    And what will Conservative policy be? Will they say that they will revive the rental reform legislation if they win (assuming that it fails now due to lack of time)?

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    Anyone seen my violin 🎻…. It’s very small 😂😂

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    My heart bleeds.... 😂 👍

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    I read this on the Law Gazette about the wash up legislation and the Renters Reform Bill:

    "Beth Rudolf, Director of Delivery at the Conveyancers Association, said: ‘We are clearly waiting to see what legislation is able to get passed over the course of the next week before Parliament is dissolved, but from a CA perspective there would be a priority ‘wish list’ if you like in terms of those bills currently going through.

    ‘The Leasehold & Freehold Reform Bill would top that list, followed by the Digital Markets Competition and Consumer’s Bill, the Data Protection and Digital Identity Bill, and the Renter’s Reform Bill. By passing these, we could solve many of the existing issues for leaseholders, plus sort out the problems of estate rentcharges and managed freeholds, plus we would have the environment to create a Property Agent regulator and also get rid of both cyber scams and fraud in property transactions with Digital ID and enabling Digital Signatures linked to digitally-verified ID.’"

    It also said:

    Bills timetabled and likely to progress to royal assent include the Victims of Prisoners Bill, the Media Bill and the Post Office (Horizon Systems) Offences Bill. Among the remainder not tabled and likely to fail are the data protection bill, the Leasehold and Freehold Bill, Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation [SLAPPS] Bill and the post-PACCAR Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill.


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