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KEYWORD "Activists" - 100 RESULTS
Free rent for last two months of tenancy, demands renters group

An activist group supporting renters is calling for the final two months of a tenancy to be rent-free in a bid...

22 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter and Generation Rent demand rent controls in new Bill

The activists who were so influential in steering the shape of the Renters Reform Bill under the old Conservative government are...

18 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent and trade union turn on “criminal landlords”

Activist group Generation Rent has produced a report in tandem with a trades union, focusing on key worker tenants - and...

12 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists demand immediate rent controls from Starmer government

In a blog released within minutes of Sir Kier Starmer becoming Prime Minister, activist group Generation Rent calls for rent controls. It...

08 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Airbnb short lets banned by 2028 - could it happen here too?

The mayor of Barcelona has pledged to eliminate Airbnb-style short lets in the city within five years.  Socialist Jaume Collboni claims he...

24 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists send “warning” letter to Major Party Leaders

A letter from a coalition of pro-tenant groups has been sent to the leaders of the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Reform...

21 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Pro-tenant activists slam Labour’s rental reform plans

Labour’s manifesto commitment to empower renters to challenge unreasonable rent increases has been slammed because it “would leave millions trapped in...

17 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Tenants Disadvantaged in Elections Compared to Landlords - claim

One of the more unexpected claims from Generation Rent activists is that when it comes to democracy, tenants are disadvantaged compared...

17 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Radical EPC Targets and Rent Controls are latest party pledges

Another raft of General Election pledges have been made to transform the private rental sector - this time from the Green...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists use homelessness issue to demand new Renters Reform Bill

The issue of homelessness and cost of temporary accommodation are being cited as reasons for a new version of the Renters...

06 June 2024

From: Breaking News

They Think It’s All Over - renter activists unhappy about Reform Bill

In theory the Renters Reform Bill could become law if government and opposition agree to prioritise it in the few remaining...

23 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Landlords Selling Up? Generation Rent says it makes no difference!

The Generation Rent group of activists says it doesn’t matter if landlords sell up and leave the private rental sector. Appearing to...

20 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Huge corporate landlord targeted by protesting activists

Grainger, the Stock Market listed corporate landlord, has been targeted by protesters over rent levels. A protest outside Grainger’s London HQ marks...

20 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Paul Shamplina demands government set date for Section 21 abolition

Landlord Action founder Paul Shamplina says the government must set a date for Section 21 abolition to give all sides of...

26 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill U-turn by tenant activists

The coalition of 20-plus groups which have previously spoken enthusiastically about the Renters Reform Bill has now changed its mind. On April...

25 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent activists spurn Reform Bill olive branch from NRLA

The National Residential Landlords Association has taken the unusual step of extending an olive branch to the activists who run the...

24 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists line up to criticise Renters Reform Bill amendments

The Renters Reform Bill returns to the House of Commons today with activist groups critical of amendments put forward to reach...

24 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Council offering landlords “training to help them improve”

Landlords have only until Friday to give their views on a controversial licensing consultation from a council known for its aggressive...

23 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists claim Renters Reform Bill change will worsen Domestic Abuse

Generation Rent claims a proposed government amendment to the Renters Reform Bill may ‘trap’ victims of domestic abuse. Generation Rent - which...

19 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Eviction Notice for Gove! - activists mark Section 21 anniversary

A small number of activists have tried to erect a four metre high mock eviction notice on one of Housing Secretary...

16 April 2024

From: Breaking News

NRLA and Generation Rent daggers drawn over controversial report

Landlords and renters’ activists are at either end of the spectrum reacting to a controversial report on the private rental sector. Yesterday...

09 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists trying to push Labour into imposing rent controls

Activists are beginning to pile pressure on London Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan, claiming the public will be disappointed if he toes...

08 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Gove bringing Renters Reform Bill back to Commons in mid-April

The government has committed to returning the amended Renters Reform Bill to the House of Commons in mid-April. MPs return from their...

02 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent claims rent control proposal still not tough enough

The controversial proposal for permanent rent controls in Scotland, published just ahead of the Easter holiday, doesn’t go far enough for...

02 April 2024

From: Breaking News

MPs want Local Housing Allowance and other benefits updated annually

An all-party House of Commons committee is calling on Local Housing Allowance to be updated automatically and annually. LHA rates have been...

21 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Eco-activists slam landlords selling up because of rent controls

Green Party activists responsible for rent controls on Scotland have now slammed landlords who claim the number of rented homes is...

06 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Tax Grab from landlords closely resembles Generation Rent advice

A controversial proposal for a £300m tax grab on landlords appears to closely follow a policy suggestion put forward by activists...

04 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill compromise 'near' but activists re-ignite arguments

Generation Rent has issued an angry statement about amendments to the Renters Reform Bill - just as one MP says agreement...

29 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Airbnb reveals income and demographics of landlord hosts

Airbnb has released new figures showing that the typical host landlord makes a modest £5,500 a year by sharing their space...

22 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists slam Gove for being too soft on short let landlords

Housing Secretary Michael Gove’s proposals to restrict Airbnb-style short lets do not go far enough, a group of activists has said. Yesterday...

20 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent control activists play the mental health card

A survey by an activist group suggests that one in three tenants claim that their private renting conditions are impacting their...

19 February 2024

From: Breaking News

“Seize bad landlords' properties” Generation Rent demands

Activists in the Generation Rent campaign says big city Mayors should “tackle the worst landlords and seize their properties.” It also wants...

16 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent activists link Brownfield Homes with Section 21

Generation Rent has given a qualified thumbs up to Housing Secretary Michael Gove’s ideas for homes on brownfield land. This week Gove...

15 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists in new bid to make Renters Reform Bill tougher on landlords

The Renters Reform Coalition - a group of organisations including Shelter and Generation Rent - has again written to Housing Secretary...

12 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists make string of demands about damp and mould

The Generation Rent activist group has called for a series of reforms about damp and mould. It wants the reinstatement of energy...

23 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Budget - landlords have three weeks to give Hunt advice

HM Treasury has opened its representations portal, meaning landlords - and anyone else - can submit their ideas for the next...

05 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Activist group makes formal public apology to landlords' chief

The controversial activist group Acorn has made a formal public apology to the chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association. On...

04 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Rental activists claim public support for radical five point 2024 wish list

The controversial Renters Reform Coalition - a band of campaigners including the Acorn and Generation Rent ginger groups - claims public...

27 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords intimidate tenants into not reporting faults, says Generation Rent

Christmas goodwill towards landlords seems in short supply from activist group Generation Rent.  It has this week issued a statement saying the...

21 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists say they know rent levels two years from now

Generation Rent says it’s worked out what rent levels will be in two years’ time. The activists say rents will rise 14...

13 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Hunt’s dramatic Local Housing Allowance move not enough for activists

Many have welcomed the move by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to unfreeze the Local Housing Allowance - but some tenant activists say...

23 November 2023

From: Breaking News

New App allows activists to complain about Airbnb-style short lets

A tenants’ union has developed an app which it claims makes it easy to complain about short lets. Living Rent - a...

13 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Surprise claim as activists say Section 21 makes tenants age more rapidly

A pressure group claims the threat of being evicted makes tenants age more quickly.  Generation Rent claims there is a study by...

10 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Nationalise private rental homes, demands new manifesto

A collection of pressure groups, fronted by Generation Rent, wants all private rental homes going on sale to be offered first...

06 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Sunak has “let landlords off the hook” over EPC reform

There’s been a strong personal attack on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak by anti-landlord activists over the subject of energy efficiency. The Generation...

05 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Gove ignores Renters Reform Bill at key conference speech

Rental activists are up in arms because Housing Secretary Michael Gove failed to mention the Renters Reform Bill during his keynote...

04 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Hardline activists claim over 600,000 evictions using Section 21

The hardline activist group Acorn - part of the Renters Reform Coalition involving Generation Rent - now claims that some 600,000...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent to run Rights Awareness Week next month

Activists in the Generation Rent group are running what they call Renters’ Rights Awareness Week in the second half of October.   “Whether...

29 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent overheats about Sunak’s “cruel” EPC Backtrack

While many sections of the property industry welcome the change of tone in Rishi Sunak’s approach to green issues, one group...

21 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Older tenants distraught at Renters Reform Bill delay - claim

A charity claims that apparent delays to the Renters Reform Bill, which has yet to get a Second Reading in the...

18 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent hopping mad over ‘missing’ Renters Reform Bill

Activists in the Generation Rent campaign are complaining that the Renters Reform Bill hasn’t been placed ahead of other Parliamentary business...

15 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent says Bank of England governor is fellow-traveller

The Generation Rent group of activists says Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey is on their side about Section 21 evictions. Bailey...

11 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent Petition calls for holiday lets to be licensed by councils

The Generation Rent campaign has launched a petition on its website to give councils power to license holiday lets.  The campaign claims...

01 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent wants special deal for tenants when landlords default

The Generation Rent group of activists has written an open letter to mortgage firm chief executives asking for special dispensation for...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists use Shelter campaign to renew Section 21 call

Generation Rent says Shelter has it right when it complains about evictions in the private rental sector. Earlier this week Shelter claimed...

24 August 2023

From: Breaking News

New legal warning - Renters Reform Bill will hit landlords

Millions of UK landlords will be adversely affected by the Renters Reform Bill, a solicitor warns - the latest law expert...

07 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent demands EPC change to Renters Reform Bill

Activist group Generation Rent is now demanding a change to the Renters Reform Bill to help tenants with energy bills. The group...

04 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists complain to Rishi Sunak over Renters Reform Bill delays

The Renters Reform Coalition - an umbrella body which includes direct action groups Acorn and the Renters Rights London - has ...

27 July 2023

From: Breaking News

“Shocking discrimination” by many landlords, claim activists

New research has uncovered what the organisations behind it call “shocking discrimination towards migrant communities” while they try to find places...

19 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour activists' call to buy 500,000 private rental properties

A pressure group within the Labour Party wants a future government to provide £15 billion over 10 years to allow half...

17 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent activists outline their latest demands

Activist group Generation Rent - which has demanded rent freezes, eviction bans and cash hand-outs to help tenants move now wants...

17 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Extinction Rebellion jumps on housing protest bandwagon

After genteel protests from the Generation Rent ginger group and more pro-active protests from the Acorn group of rental activists, tomorrow...

07 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour MP wants action against “Ill-intentioned...bad faith” landlords

A Labour MP has spoken of loopholes in the Renters Reform Bill - a narrative now being pursued by some activists...

21 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists want curbs on rent rises from “cashing in” landlords

A pressure group is calling on the government to introduce in-tenancy restrictions on how much rents can be raised, and claims...

20 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists launch winter campaign of action against landlords

A group of rental activists in London claims that over 10,000 private rented homes in the borough of Brent have a...

14 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists U-turn on Renters Reform Bill?

Activists who at one time appeared broadly happy with the pro-tenant Renters Reform Bill now appear to have changed their mind. Over...

13 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists take aim at holiday home owners in tourist areas

The Generation Rent activist group claims holiday homes are eroding the supply of available properties in key tourist areas.  It claims 80...

06 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists back Labour Mayor’s demand for power to seize homes

The Generation Rent campaign has given its support to a call by London Mayor Sadiq Khan to be given powers to...

26 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists reveal new anti-landlord campaign theme

Activists who until last week were focussing their campaigning on demanding the publication of the Renters Reform Bill have now announced...

23 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Gove puts activists in pole position at launch of Reform Bill

In a surprise move, Housing Secretary Michael Gove has given the stand-in leader of activist group Generation Rent a prime role...

17 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter and radical activists hint at further demands for reform

Shelter is telling the government it “must deliver” on the revolution it pledges under the Renters Reform Bill. Chief executive Polly Neate...

17 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists claim “shocking discrimination” towards ethnic minority tenants

Research conducted by activist group Generation Rent is claiming “shocking discrimination towards minority ethnic communities while navigating the private rental market.” The...

15 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists want more anti-landlord measures even before Bill is published

Activists are demanding that the government stop landlords circumnavigating an imminent eviction ban by hiking rents so tenants leave anyway. The London...

10 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists join Labour Mayor in criticism of private rental sector

Both the Generation Rent activist group and London Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan have issued a joint attack on private rental sector...

21 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists want tougher Labour-style clampdown on Airbnb landlords

The Generation Rent activist group says the government’s proposed clampdown on short let landlords does not go far enough. At the end...

17 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Tenant activists slam government over EPC ‘missed opportunity’

The Generation Rent campaign has criticised the current government for failing to increase energy efficiency standards in the private rental sector. A...

03 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Housing Minister says Tory policies NOT driving out landlords

Housing minister Rachel Maclean is quoted as saying her government’s policies are NOT driving landlords out of the private rental sector. The...

23 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent says tenants afraid to report damp and mould

Activist group Generation Rent is demanding that the government tighten regulations on damp and mould - and is tying this to...

15 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Housing activists link with Extinction Rebellion to protest today

Campaigners in a group called Housing Rebellion are to meet in Central London today and make what they call “a few...

14 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists to lobby MPs on rental reform in ‘day of action’

A coalition of tenant activists has called a Day of Action to protest at delays in the government’s rental reform agenda. The...

28 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour chiefs say landlords are wealthy so rents should be frozen

A host of local Labour leaders including mayors Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan are leading a call for an immediate private...

24 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Sweeping controls on rents and Airbnbs - could they happen here?

The Portuguese government has announced sweeping measures, mostly against landlords, which some activists want introduced in the UK too. Portuguese Prime Minister...

20 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists want landlords to be sued for damages by tenants

The Generation Rent group of activists is promoting a petition calling for private landlords to pay damages to tenants in some...

06 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents push landlords into hiking rents, claim activists

Activist groups say landlords are being pressured by their letting agents into increasing rents. Generation Rent, led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy, and...

29 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Baroness accuses landlords of having tenants over a barrel

Half of private renters have faced a rent increase in the last year, it’s claimed.  Activists in Generation Rent claims of those...

21 December 2022

From: Breaking News

One in nine private rental homes are damp, claim activists

The Generation Rent campaign group says the latest English Housing Survey shows that 23 per cent of private rented homes fail...

19 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists turn on “derisory” Shelter management

Tenant activists have turned on the bosses of Shelter - just as the charity wants to maximise income from its annual Christmas...

15 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Gove may make planning consent compulsory for holiday lets

The government is considering making home owners apply for planning consent if they wish to use a property for holiday lets. The...

02 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Reform Activists turn on each other in factional feud

Two groups of activists who campaign for rent controls and reform of the private lettings sector have turned on each other. Acorn...

29 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent slams latest delay in Rental Reform laws

Despite a string of pledges on rental sector reform delivered in recent days by government ministers, including Housing Secretary Michael Gove,...

29 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists want Sunak pledge that Section 21 will be scrapped

Activists got reassurance from Boris Johnson and Liz Truss in the past, and have a supportive politician in the form of...

28 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists welcome 'friend' Michael Gove into housing hot seat

Generation Rent, the activist group led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy, has given a warm welcome to the return of Michael Gove...

26 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze in UK can be template for action across Europe - claim

The so-called emergency rent freeze and eviction ban in Scotland “can serve as a Europe-wide template for protecting tenants rights” according...

18 October 2022

From: Breaking News

What now for activists’ lobby campaign against MPs?

The government’s latest U-turn on Section 21 evictions powers - which it now says WILL be abolished, following earlier leaks that...

13 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Angry activists accuse Truss of Section 21 betrayal

The government’s expected U-turn on the future of Section 21 eviction powers has provoked an explosion of anger from Generation Rent...

12 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Almost total rent freeze STILL doesn’t go far enough for activists

A rent freeze in Scotland - which has been condemned by many experts in the private rental sector and by housing...

06 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Too many Airbnbs? Councils should control numbers, say activists

Housing campaigners want the government  to give English councils planning power to refuse Airbnbs Action on Short-Term Lets, a campaign group, has...

20 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists to “tell renters their rights” next month

Generation Rent, the activist group led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy, is staging a Renters Rights Awareness week in October. It was originally...

20 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Some Rent Freeze and Eviction Ban activists pause campaigning

Both Shelter and Generation Rent have paused their campaigning on social media for the duration of national mourning for The Queen. A...

12 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists want council to recruit staff to catch rogue landlords

Media reports from Cambridge say that rent protesters in the city are to demand the council employs staff dedicated to chasing...

30 August 2022

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal