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Council wants £724 from every private landlord in designated area

Blackburn with Darwen council in Lancashire is consulting on a new selective licensing regime covering 1,266 properties on 42 streets. 

Running to July 26 the consultation seeks views on the proposals which will affect landlords who rent private properties to tenants in the designated area.

The proposed area is just outside of the town centre.


The proposed cost of the license in £724 for up to five years. 

Some of the conditions will stipulate that the licence holder has to provide valid tenancy agreements; rent receipts; safety certificates; references on tenants, before issuing a tenancy agreement.

The council claims that if selective licensing is introduced, it would improve the management of the private rented stock in the area; increase the value of properties in the selected area; reduce the turnover of occupants and the number of vacant properties; and cut levels of anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.

You can see the consultation documents here:  http://www.blackburn.gov.uk/selective-licensing

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  • George Dawes

    So they can build a statue of diane abbott made out of diamonds

  • icon

    All selective licensing schemes should be suspended until we know what’s fully happening with the renters reform bill. Currently it looks like more councils quickly trying to get their snouts in the trough before it is to late.

  • icon

    So that’s £724 the tenants owe then 😱. They don’t care 🤷‍♂️. It’s money 💵 for old rope. Tragic.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Good Landlords (thats the vast majority) already do these things, so all theyll do is punish good landlords who will in turn pass the £cost onto the Tenants, and or reduce spending on the property if the rent charged is "maxxed out".
    Brilliant 👏.

  • icon

    In a low rent area like this, that is a huge fee & most LLs will pass it straight onto the tenants! Big rent increases all round I'm afraid!

  • John  Adams

    Dear Tenant,
    You local Councillor has decided to increase your rent by £724, please do not hesitate to contact them on 01234 56789 to explain to them how this will affect you.

    Best wishes

    George Dawes

    Thanks for publishing my mobile number online , much appreciated

  • icon

    Up will go the rents and if tenants can’t pay this council led increase then the LL will simply sell up. How does that achieve anything useful?

  • David Hollands

    This result is that tenants will be paying more in rent simple.
    Rents are going up exponentially due to government policies.

  • icon

    Also the way I see it and has well been established the Councils wants Licensing that comes with any amount of spurious conditions. Then they can clobber you at will at any time they like for any alleged breach of any one of the dozen of conditions imposed on you by License, whether it up to £5k or up to £30k with a Statutory Penalty, you can be a good boy pay up or go to Court if you want more costs.

  • icon

    Selective Licences were probably working quite well . Until some idiot in Government decided That Councils could keep any Money it Raised from Licensing Private Landlords. Now its money making legalised Scam .

  • icon

    Michael has a good point how did we get to a situation of £30000 statuary fines . Without going in front of an unbiased Judge who could access the situation and punish or not accordingly.

  • Nic Gone

    Another barrier to entry for new BTL investors. Councils are so exited about raising funds from the one area where activist actually cheer them on, that they all fail to see they are raising rents and also sawing off the branch they are sitting on.

  • Mick Roberts

    We all know this Selective Licensing WILL find some bad houses. But it will MAKE many more houses worse as the Council has now had the money that could have been spent on a bathroom suite or 1/3 of a kitchen etc.
    And tenants rents then rise to pay for this, and then rise again as Landlords pack up and remaining Landlords thinks Wow, I've got 100 people begging for this house, I'm putting the rent up.


    As if you were going to put in a new bathroom 🤣


    james if a new bathroom = increased rent then most of us would do so

  • icon

    The taste of thins to come- And increase the waistline of the f councillors.

  • icon

    The Application fee was to cover the Council’s administration cost only and not to make a profit. However this was the situation when the Schemes were introduced and I first had to licence in 2006 and the Council Staff dealt with the Application. What has changed is Councils no longer deal with your Applications but sub-let to Computer Software Company who take for ever, or not able to do it and Council’s are only piggy in the middle causing mayhem throwing in a rock hear & there. The fee was not to cover third party fees with Council fees on top I believe its the reason for the Application fee doubling.

  • icon

    £724!!. From August, Bristol city council will charge £1500-£1900 per property license per property, no discount for multi properties owners across the entire city.

  • icon

    They win either way. Through council bureaucratic nonsense or capital gains tax through landlords selling up. Typical evil Marxist central bank inspired taking from the aspirational middle class trying to get ahead. They want your money in their system and not hard assets like property. Read the 'Great Taking' as a free online download.

  • icon

    James, that’s true I wasn’t going to put-in a New Bathroom or increase the Rent but now I will do both.


    Yes Michael, that's what you're supposed to be doing. Well done, good job. Pat on the back and all that.

  • icon

    If only landlords had an Association to represent them with a voice so strong Government had to listen.
    If only.........


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