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Landlords: Who Are You Going To Vote For?

Around half of landlords say they are unsure about how they will vote in the General Election.

A joint survey of around 1,000 property professionals by the National Residential Landlords Association and PropTech company Goodlord show that 45% of landlords and 39% of letting agents have decided who they will vote for - but 27% of landlords and 19% of letting agents say they are open to having their mind changed, while 19% of landlords and 26% of letting agents do not know to vote for in the General Election.

According to the survey, 81% of landlords and 70% of letting agents say the specific policies adopted by the political parties will play a role in how they decide to vote in the election. This means that parties which listen to industry concerns could stand to unlock a large number of swing votes from across the private rented sector. 


Amongst landlords, 73% say that party policies relating to the PRS will influence their vote. Only 6% of landlords said party policies towards the private rented sector would have no influence on their vote. 

The private rental sector policy areas identified by letting agents as the most likely to influence their vote included 24% would be more inclined to vote for a party that reinstated tax relief for landlords under section 24; and 22% would be more inclined to vote for a party that retained Section 21, due to be abolished under the Renters Reform Bill.

However, despite the private rental sector policy being a key area of concern for both agents and landlords, a range of other areas are considered more important by property professionals when it comes to how they will vote. 

The policy area that letting agents care most about is the cost of living crisis, with over half (51%) saying it was their top priority. In contrast, only 17% of landlords cited cost of living as their number one concern. 

Instead, amongst landlords, the leading policy area likely to influence their vote is general economic competence of the government - 43% of landlord respondents cited this as their top priority. Only 21% of agents put this at the top of their list of political priorities. 

However, a majority of both landlords and letting agents stated that policies relating to the NHS and taxation are their second and third most valued priorities respectively.

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, says: “With British politics in a state of flux in the run-up to the General Election, these findings reveal how both parties, with the right approach, can win landlord support for policies which will help build a stronger private rented sector.

“This data shows how landlords and agents are eager to support a party which promises to put in place the foundations of a successful rental market. We urge the Government to continue to engage with key stakeholders across the sector to ensure the legitimate concerns of both groups are taken into account.” 

And William Reeve, chief executive at Goodlord, comments: “With an election just around the corner, it’s interesting to see how many property professionals are still ‘up for grabs’ politically. And while neither landlords nor estate agents have the most favourable media image, there are around 3 million of them in the UK. It’s a constituency no politician should ignore. This report shows that, in addition to the critical issues of the day around the economy, cost of living and NHS, property professionals are paying keen attention to the party positions on the Private Rental Sector.”

You can read the full copy of the report by clicking here

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  • icon

    My main concerns are Section 24, CGT and tax threshold cliff edges. I want there to be a party that rewards effort. The over taxation of landlords makes rents far higher than they would otherwise need to be, so is generally bad for the local economy. Just imagine how much better every High Street would be if every tenant had an extra £10 a week to spend on discretionary spending instead of higher rent.
    I haven't seen manifestos yet for any of the parties but at the last General Election the Labour policy on CGT was very attractive (compared to the Tory version which basically amounts to blatant theft).

    I live in an area that will have a new MP whichever party wins, so there is no personal track record to influence the vote.
    I'm not sure I could bring myself to vote Conservative after the way they have completely shafted landlords but I'm equally unsure I could vote Labour if the way the local Labour controlled Council is run is anything to go by. Reform have some very attractive policies but will they get enough media coverage to be a serious contender?


    Reform parties manifesto is what I would describe as the only true conservative one reflecting what I would consider traditional conservtive values for all aspects. not just as related to the PRS


    As the saying goes: If you want change, change your vote. 👍


    Definitely don't vote Labour, as you only have to look at what the WAG has done here in Wales to realise what is likely to happen.
    I am reasonably certain that most commenters on here are very fearful of what a Labour Government in Westminster may do to private landlords.
    We are one of the most hated members of society by the socialist left.
    They won't be doing us any favour, believe me.

  • icon

    What I want is Section 21 fully restored & Charity Organisations banned from interfering with PRS, which don’t provide any housing.
    Over taxation of PRS is a vicious circle including S,24 it’s going back in to fund the very people that you are housing and many have no input only milking the system dry.
    That’s how the Mayor of London got elected & re-elected 3 times telling them they can have everything all funding and housing is free, don’t worry about the tax payers they are mugs, I understand that he came from Council housing himself so PRS don’t expect anything from him and other Towns & City’s are copying him.
    So if millions of people are Housed and living off the system and their Landlord is the supplier he is also a Benefit landlord living off the system who is putting the money in as it gets depleted only working people its a right merry go round.
    So many people on Benefits of various kinds, too many on subsidised living and subsidised work often to fund the multi nationals just remember that when you order your home delivery take away’s.
    Since Mr Gove started the attack on the Private Rented Sector he has driven up Rents 30% meaning the tax take from Rental income is much higher, its not helping any Tenants finances but the smoke screen to divide & conquer is you can sit there indefinitely, a cuckoo in the landlords nest.

    Robert Black

    I agree with what you say. I plan on selling my rental property and putting the proceeds towards a property for my son and his family. If I am lucky I will live with him also. That should stop the further appreciation of capital gains tax which I am sure that most, if not all, landlords despise.

  • icon

    Sadly I think we all realise the current shambolic group calling themselves conservatives will lose. Labour will get in regardless (note I do not say win) so those believing a vote for someone else is a vote for Labour now have a chance to send a message. Reform is anti RRB and their manifesto commits to this and rolling back anti LL tax changes. A vote for Reform also sends a message to woke conservatives that they do not have the backing of their traditional supporters anymore.


    Yes. I think the Tories need to get kicked out so they sort themselves out and be Tory again.


    I think the best thing for landlords would be if the Conservatives adopted a number of Reform policies including the scrapping of Rental reform, lowering taxation and generally aiming for a smaller state so that the power of Local Authorities is curtailed.

    The Conservatives might stand a chance of winning then.


    Bt is it worth making a protest vote and a,lowing Labour in for the next 4 years to all our detriment, just to get back at the conservatives?


    Reform for me 👍🏻🙏🏻


    @Rebecca Rahman - normally I would agree with you Rebecca but Labour will get in anyway as few of the people who normally vote conservative will do so this time around. Current cons mps or the party will not change unless they are forced to knowing we will no longer vote them and their current policies and woke culture back in


    Ex conserative member, I won't be voting for them ever again unless they make big changes


    I am going to vote Reform out of principle, as I know that it will be a Labour landslide here in Wales as it always is.
    We have what could be described as a socialist dictatorship, unfortunately.

    Robert Black

    Reform probably will not get in this time but if you don't vote for them they will never get in. And who knows, bigger surprises have happened. The whole system needs a massive shake up!


    Well said, Robert.

    Remember how everyone, especially Cameron, was convinced that we were goiing to vote to stay in the EU? How did that work out for them? LOL.

  • icon
    • K B
    • 23 May 2024 07:19 AM

    My main concern is trying to find the plethora of legislation to make sure I’m compliant

    Robert Black

    Don't worry about it, just let them take your property(s) away and make yourself homeless. If you are lucky you might get to live in one with the rent paid for, just don't hold your breath on that one.

  • George Dawes

    Monster raving looneys , only honest people in politics

  • icon

    The problem with politicians is they don't make good decisions - they simply bow to pressure no matter which way the wind blows. On economic decisions, it gets worse! They listen to economists who still think Keynesian's economics works! It might have 50 years ago. But then we've the corruption that really is the elephant in the living room. Too many revolving doors in office. Too many ways to buy a politician, buy a vote, or buy a law that benefits your industry. Dare I say Covid?
    So, which party actually has some grit, and wants to start putting things right?

  • icon

    It's probably a question of who will do the least damage. Its obvious to all of us, what is needed to improve supply and therefore standards in the PRS. The current direction of travel is not good for landlords or tenants.

    • A S
    • 23 May 2024 09:29 AM

    Unfortunately it's this kind of thinking that has made us yo-yo between red and blue for decades. Least worst option is not an option.

    If you genuinely want change, you have to think differently.

    Option 1 should be your local, independent candidate. Someone with a vested interest in the local area and who doesn't have a greasy pole to climb.

    Option 2 should be "None of the Above".

    A vote for anyone else is a vote for no change (but in a different colour)

  • icon

    I can't vote for Labour or CINO

  • Kevin

    I want the Tories to get a good kicking for no longer being conservative, so am leafletting for reform.

  • John  Adams

    Anyone actually believe that any of them are going to improve things? Nigel Farage has announced he's not standing and instead is supporting Donald Trump.

  • icon

    In my area (Haringey), it's a Labour stronghold, second in line are the libdems, both dreadful options. Tje libdems are redder than Labour and "greener " than the greens.
    My values are Conservative but I may vote for Reform.. the tories need 5 years in opposition purgatory to rethink what they stand for and put it I a manifesto.


    I think the Tories need to rethink right now and put it in a manifesto so that they stand a chance of winning on July 4th.

    Robert Black

    Yes, vote for someone other than one of the two main parties. It will not be your fault if one of them gets in.

  • icon

    Our constituency is libdem and is likely to be elected again. She communicates well and does a good job. No mire tory for a while. S24 was announced long before it was introduced, so I sold properties and new ones bought under Ltd company. So s24, does not affect me. It has been there for a long time. I know people who are affected by it, but have a lot smaller mortgages over the value of properties and a mix of commercial and residential. This does mean paying a lot higher taxes. We have only 2 residential properties in our name, both of them will be gone in about 3 years. It is s21 ban is the biggest issue for me. I believe labour with Rayner's stupid brain and a vendatta against the landlords will bring s21 ban very swiftly. Noone is going to change s24 for a very long time. They need more taxes from the landlords, so s.24 is here to stay. Yes, mortgages are generally more expensive for Ltd companies. However, I have managed to fix mine for under 3% forvthe bulk of them. One small mortgage, less than 100k at 3.1%, which I chose it as no arrangement fees. My intention is to start reducing 10% each year, not so far, but from this year, so at the end of the year it will be less than 80k. By selling properties within the next 3 years, the mortgages will be reduced and invest money elsewhere or place it in various savings accounts.

  • icon

    It'll be reform for me. 👍

  • icon

    Is 4 th of July Independence Day or are we all State Controlled looks like it.

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    New North East mayor Kim McGuinness has vowed to seize properties from irresponsible landlords as part of her plan to stand up for renters.
    The former Northumbria police and crime commissioner also wants to introduce a landlord and letting agent fines and prosecutions database.
    She says: “We’ll set the standards for rental properties, and I’ll work with local councils to seize properties from the landlords who refuse to take responsibility, so we can hand those properties over to social landlords.”



    Seize properties - WTF

    Robert Black

    Beware of anything with the words Social and Landlord in it !!

  • icon

    We all know the extremist gangs will encourage deliberate damage to properties and their fellow conspirators will call in the council once they have committed enough criminal damage to render the property unsafe a kangaroo court will then decide the owner is not responsible of course the landlord will not be allowed to put in a defence the hearing will be in secret with no appeal process
    And the gangsters will simply be allowed to steal the property

  • icon

    I knew as landlords we were missing something a Gestapo Policewoman to Confiscate our property, anymore for the bandwagon, beats buying your own.

  • icon

    A poll in today's Mail:
    Who would you vote for today?

    Labour 14% 796 votes
    Conservative 28% 1652 votes
    Liberal Democrats 3% 158 votes
    Reform UK 49% 2850 votes
    Green 2% 88 votes

  • Fery  Lavassani

    God bless late George Carlin who once said " if you vote you have no right to complain. You vote and elect dishonest and incompetent people, they get into office and F everything up. Then you are responsible for everything they have done. I do not vote because I do not want to be an accomplice to this criminal self centred bunch. Labour, Tori, Labral ...are all the same. Democracy is a joke. You vote for them and you are stuck with them for four or five years and there is F all you can do about it. So stay at home and watch the shaw that repeats every five years.

  • icon

    Sell up and F off abroad. I reckon. 😁

    Robert Black

    That's what the illegals have done and it seems to work for them.

  • icon

    Kim McGuinness, could she not stay in her own profession and sort out criminal gangs and drug dealers it would suit her better than getting involved in a business she knows nothing about like many other that’s making decisions for us.
    Anyway go ahead Kim confiscate the lot just add it to the social housing mess, what do you propose to do when there’s no PRS and the buck stops with you, no mugs left to attract, finance provide & maintain the housing stock that accommodates 11’000’000 off their own backs.
    It was a waste of time you going to University if this is the brain wash you received did you try drying behind the ears.

  • Jaeger  Von Toogood

    Reform, thanks.

  • icon

    Like probably in that film- None of the Above!


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