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Only 1-in-20 tenants knows much about Renters Reform Bill - survey

Despite a plethora of press releases and statements from pro-tenant groups, it appears only one-in-20 renters knows details of the Renters Reform Bill.

And almost half of all tenants have never even heard of the legislation.

A survey of tenants has been conducted by the Leaders Romans Group, which includes lettings agency brands Acorn, Gibbs Gillespie, Hose Rhodes Dickson, John Payne, Langford Russell, Leaders, Northfields, Portico, Romans and Scott Fraser. 


Surveyed on their understanding of the Bill, 46% of tenants had never even heard of it; 36% say they knew a little about it; only 4% say they knew a lot about it.

LRG - which has consistently emphasised that landlords are not as threatened by the Bill as some industry figures suggest - says a recent survey of landlords shows that their main concerns are not the Bill but are instead high mortgage rates, the cost of bureaucracy and regulations, increased taxes, the cost of overheads such as service charges and maintenance costs, and VAT on contractors’ fees. 

LRG says its survey shows that landlords are calling for measures to enforce tenant financial responsibility. 

“Notably, 70% of landlords support the initiative to link tenant arrears to credit ratings, emphasising its potential to deter late payments … 45% of landlords agree that a tenant register should be introduced, whereby those who have previously been in arrears or have caused damage to a property are identified.”

LRG says responses to its survey of landlords over Section 21 reveals a divided sentiment, with 42% emphasising its importance for maintaining management flexibility. The agency says landlords were keen to stress that the minority of 'rogue landlords' had resulted in a ‘bad press’ and that ‘good’ landlords had nothing to fear from the proposed changes.  

Alison Thompson, national lettings managing director at LRG, says: "With 70% of landlords calling for tenant arrears to impact credit ratings and 61% pushing for streamlined legal proceedings, there's a clear mandate for reform that addresses landlords' concerns while fostering a fair housing market. As discussions around the Renters Reform Bill continue, LRG remains steadfast in its commitment to championing legislative changes that recognise the challenges landlords face, advocating for a rental market that is equitable, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of all stakeholders involved.”

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    LRG live on a different planet to the rest of us. I have had two experiences with them, both leaving a nasty taste in my mouth. I’d rather tear down my properties by hand than let LRG anywhere near them.😠

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    This article has some truth to it. Renters don't really care - they just have to keep paying rent. Landlords care about their bottom line - so anything that threatens it means rents have to go up. Its pretty simple! So the more they legislate, and the more services and schemes we have to pay for - the more we have to pass it on to the renters, and the more reforms they'll want to bring in. Hence, just over the horizon will be extremely uncomfortable rent controls. Landlord reactions will be swift: Every tenant will be expected to pay the maximum possible rent in the area before the bill comes through. What will they do then? Will they ever admit to making things worse in an effort to improve things?
    If this is a capitalist society, then we need capitalist thinking: we need competition to drive down rents! That would mean a lot more properties are needed. Wow! Its like a revelation! We've only been saying this as a country for, woo - how many decades now? But who's going to do anything about it?

    • A S
    • 23 May 2024 09:09 AM

    Simon - what makes you think this is a capitalist society?

    Peak capitalism was probably the 80's/90's. We're a long way away from that now.

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    The English Housing Survey consistently puts tenant satisfaction with their LL at >80%, it is a vocal minority, I suspect in the big cities, that are so anti-LL. Most tenants have little knowledge of their rights or responsibilities under the law.

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    I'd agree most tenants are not well informed on any of these things. Conversely you do see idiots on facebook insisting that tenants can definitely have pets, or that S21 has already been banned. I have explained the S24 tax changes and mortgage interest rises when advising on rent increases in the last 3 years or so, tenants not really aware of these issues.

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    Most Scottish students still think they have to renew their tenancy annually.

    The only lasting effects of over 6 years of rental "reform " are a chronic shortage of suitable properties and rents over 60% more than in 2017.


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